Kedua, seorang penggiat Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) yang juga menghantar pesanan WhatsApp, menuduh langkah Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) menolak bintang kehormatan sebagai “protes atas ketuanan raja-raja Melayu.”
Saya amat setuju dengan orang tua bergelar Tun itu. Gunakanlah alasan dan kayu ukur apa pun, tindakan lima menteri itu menerima bintang kehormatan negeri Melaka adalah tidak bijak.
Ia memberi gambaran bahawa tidak ada sebarang perbezaan di antara menteri Pakatan Harapan (PH) dengan para pembesar kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang gilakan pangkat, gelaran dan kekayaan.
Maaf cakaplah kalau saya katakan ramai dalam parti masing-masing belum jelas apakah jasa mereka sehingga melayakkan mereka menerima darjah kehormatan itu.
Namun begitu saya tidak menafikan ada sebahagian kecil mereka yang berjasa dan terbukti kerana lama berjuang dalam pembangkang. Tetapi yang rakyat nilai sekarang adalah jasa dan prestasi mereka sebagai menteri Kabinet PH.

Soalnya, apakah mereka ini diberikan bintang kerana pangkat mereka besar atau jasa mereka yang besar? Adakah bintang kehormatan diberikan kerana pangkat dan kedudukan atau jasa bakti kepada masyarakat, negeri dan negara? Kalau kerana pangkat mereka besar, siapakah yang memberikan mereka pangkat itu?
Adakah mereka mendapat restu orang atau pihak yang memberikan mereka pangkat yang besar itu sebelum bersetuju menerima bintang kehormatan tersebut? Kalau kerana berjasa, apakah jasa mereka yang terserlah sejak menjadi menteri?
Sebaliknya, di warung kopi pasar tani Pendang, Kedah, semalam saya mendengar rungutan rakyat jelata tentang menteri, menteri besar dan timbalan menteri PH yang tidak nampak kelibat sejak menang pilihan raya.
Mereka juga bersungut mengenai banyak masalah harian yang belum diatasi. Seorang daripada mereka bertanya, bolehkah menteri yang lahir dan membesar di bandar raya faham susah payah hidup rakyat jelata di kampung dan desa?
Menteri yang dimaksudkan itu berkata anugerah bintang Melaka yang diterimanya akan memberikannya semangat untuk lebih tekun berkhidmat kepada rakyat jelata. Apakah undi dan mandat rakyat jelata belum memadai untuk memberikan beliau semangat?
Kalau pemimpin PH peka atau dalam lain bahasa, lebih baik daripada pemimpin BN, mereka perlulah sedar bahawa kita kini berada dalam persekitaran baru. Kita sedang menyusun semula keutamaan dan tingkah laku politik kita. Gerak geri kita sedang diperhatikan oleh semua pihak.
Kita kena ingat bahawa ketika pilihan raya umum lalu, ada di kalangan anggota golongan feudal yang “berkempen” untuk mengekalkan BN dengan menghina PH, khususnya Pengerusi PH, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Saya setuju dengan pendirian DAP tidak menggalakkan pemimpinnya mengutamakan bintang kebesaran sebaliknya menumpukan perhatian kepada menunaikan amanah rakyat jelata.
Bagi saya, ini bukan soal “protes atas ketuanan Raja-raja Melayu” atau apa-apa, tetapi isu dasar. Sepatutnya semua parti PH mengutamakan khidmat kepada rakyat jelata dan membentuk persekitaran yang lebih sama rata (egalitarian) bukan memanjangkan amalan feudalisme, kelas dan kasta.

Lagipun bintang kehormatan semakin hari semakin tidak bermakna apabila diberikan seumpama “door gift” majlis kenduri kepada orang yang entah apa-apa latar belakangnya – termasuk ketua kongsi gelap, kaki pukul dan gedebe.
Melaka bukanlah sebuah negeri besar. Tapi dalam majlis penganugerahan kali ini, selain lima orang menteri, 414 yang lain turun terima bintang dan gelaran. Boleh baca DI SINI.
Saya harap, dalam Malaysia baru ini marilah kita muliakan balik institusi-institusi negara agar masing-masing berada di tempat yang diperuntukkan oleh Perlembagaan.
Ingatlah tidak seorang pun yang memijak bumi Malaysia dan menjunjung langitnya berada di atas Perlembagaan. Kita semua tertakluk kepada Perlembagaan.
Dan selagi kerajaan PH berkuasa – atas penentuan rakyat jelata - tolonglah utamakan perkhidmatan. Belum terlambat memperbetulkan kesilapan. Jadikan cerita bintang Melaka ini sebagai teladan dan sempadan. - A.Kadir Jasin
Jangan terkejar2 gelaran 'Datuk' macam BN

Suit 1 - Deepak wants Najib, Rosmah
to cough up RM676m for land deal...
Carpet dealer Deepak Jaikishian has filed a RM676 million suit against former premier Najib Abdul Razak, his wife Rosmah Mansor and two companies for conspiracy and exerting undue influence on him over three parcels of land near Bukit Raja.
The 180 ha piece of land is said to have been the venue of the National Defence Study Centre which was supposed to have been built there in 2007. Besides naming Najib and Rosmah, Deepak named listed company Boustead Holdings Bhd and its subsidiary Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd as defendants.
In Deepak's statement of claim filed by the firm of Haniff Khatri and Co, he alleged that a privatisation agreement was entered into on June 8, 2005, involving Awan Megah Sdn Bhd to construct the defence centre. Following privatisation, Awan Megah offered Astacanggih Sdn Bhd, which is majority-owned by Deepak, to purchase the land for RM118.57 million and following this, an acquisition agreement was made in 2007.
Following the acquisition, Astacanggih paid Awan Megah RM13 million and raised a RM72.5 million bank guarantee to be used as a land bond for the privatised project. He further claimed that then Selangor Wanita Umno chief Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah (below), who owns Awan Megah, was a proxy of Najib and Rosmah.
He said Raja Ropiaah entered into another deal in 2010 to sell the land to GuppyUnip Sdn Bhd and this was against the original agreement entered into with Astacanggih. Deepak claimed that Raja Ropiaah was not supposed to sell the land when she was under obligation to the earlier deal with Astacanggih.
As a result, the businessperson filed a suit against Awan Megah and for which a hearing was held. Deepak claimed he was, however, forced to withdraw his suit against Awan Megah when pressured by the authorities.

Suit served
The businessperson claimed that it did not end there and alleged that Najib and Rosmah used Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) to acquire his 80 percent share of Astacanggih via Boustead through its subsidiary Bakti Wira. Deepak said, in the end, he was only paid RM30 million in 2012 for the 80 percent whereas the company was now worth more than that following the land acquisition.
He further claimed that while Boustead allegedly acquired his share when the land owned by the company was priced at RM14 per square feet, he said a week later, Boustead sold a portion of the land to a listed company for RM60 per square feet. According to his affidavit, Deepak, claiming losses, is seeking RM600 million in general damages, RM50 million of exemplary damages and RM26 million in aggravated damages
In addition, he wants the Companies Commission of Malaysian to ensure that his 80 percent holding in Astacanggih is returned to him. It is understood the suit was served on all parties -mk

Suit 2 - Ex-PM, wife owe me RM52.6m
over condo project, says Deepak...
Former premier Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor have appointed lawyer David Matthews to represent them in an RM52.6 million suit filed by carpet businessperson Deepak Jaikishan, his younger brother Rajesh Jaikishan, and their company Radiant Splendour Sdn Bhd.
Last month, when the case was called before Kuala Lumpur High Court judge S Nantha Balan, the couple had yet to appoint lawyers for the case. Deepak's lawyer Mohd Haniff Khatri Abdulla, who attended the case management session today, confirmed Matthews’ appointment when met by reporters from the High Court chambers.
Deepak, his brother, and their company had named Najib, Rosmah, Najib's brother, Ahmad Johari Razak, former Tabung Haji chairperson Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim and Bank Rakyat chairperson Shukry Mohd Salleh as defendants in the suit, which was filed on Sept 12.
The plaintiffs are claiming losses under the torts of conspiracy, fraud, malfeasance and abuse of process, all of which they alleged Najib and Rosmah are responsible for. This comes after Deepak, his brother, and their company were allegedly forced to take out an RM198 million loan from Bank Rakyat on behalf of Najib and Rosmah.
In turn, the plaintiffs’ ownership of a master title for 80 condominium units on a parcel of land in Kuala Lumpur had been used as the deed of assignment for the deal in 2008. In return, Radiant Splendour and the two plaintiffs were appointed as the proxies for Najib and Rosmah for the Menara Angkasaraya and Bukit Raja land deals worth RM2 billion.
However, on April 19, 2013, the plaintiffs entered into a settlement agreement with Bank Rakyat following failure to service the loan. The plaintiffs claimed that due to the loan default, Najib’s brother, Johari, and his firm were appointed to sell the condominium at a loss in 2014.
It was further claimed that Deepak and the other plaintiffs were pressured by Najib and Rosmah as the pair allegedly did not want Deepak to agree to a suit filed by A Santamil Selvi, the widow of private investigator P Balasubramaniam, and her children. Senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah had been appointed by the former premier and his wife to represent Deepak in the first suit.
Deepak and the other plaintiffs are seeking RM10 million each from the five defendants, and another RM2.6 million in exemplary damages and aggravated damages as deemed fit by the court. This follows the losses the Jaikishans suffered after the sale of the condominium, which they claimed was made at the behest of the defendants below market price.
Consolidating two suits
Plaintiffs’ lawyer Haniff told reporters today he had informed Justice Nantha Balan that his clients wanted to consolidate this suit with a suit filed by Bank Rakyat against the Jaikishans. He added that the judge had fixed Nov 30 for the hearing on whether to consolidate the suit.
Haniff also said Justice Nantha Balan had asked whether the suit should be heard before the High Court’s commercial division or civil division, to which he argued it should be at the commercial division as the case stemmed from Bank Rakyat filing it there.
Bank Rakyat named Deepak, his brother and company as defendants following the purported default of the loan they had received. The other lawyers who are appearing for the defendants are Dhinesh Bhaskaran for Johari, Prem Ramachandran for Azeez, and Jagjit Kaur for Sukry. - mk
Deepak saman Najib, Rosmah RM52.6 juta

Ingat tak apa Kak Limah Ampang cakap...

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