Rosmah pakai warna oren...

Mr.MO1 and Mrs.MO1 combined 49 charges up till now!

Mr.MO1 and Mrs.MO1 combined 49 charges up till now!

Rosmah didakwa cuba
ganggu saksi Halim Saad...
Bekas pengerusi Renong, Tan Sri Halim Saad ialah saksi yang didakwa cuba didekati Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, kata pasukan pendakwaan hari ini. Pendakwaan menyebut isteri bekas perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak cuba untuk mengganggu saksi pada masa lalu.
Hal tersebut didedahkan dalam prosiding hari ini apabila pendakwa raya khas, Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram menyerahkan suatu laporan polis kepada hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur, Azura Alwi.
Walaupun Sri Ram tidak menyebut nama bekas pengerusi Renong itu tetapi pasukan peguam belas Rosmah yang diketuai K Kumaraendran dan Geethan Ram Vincent bertanya kaitan Halim dalam kes ini.
Pasukan pembelaan mengatakan laporan polis itu tidak dibuat Sri Ram tetapi oleh pegawai SPRM. Sebelumnya, pendakwa raya khas itu meminta mahkamah menolak permohonan ikat jamin Rosmah dalam kes pertuduhan pengubahan wang haram dan mendakwa beliau ada kecenderungan untuk mengganggu saksi.
Perintah larangan cuba dekati saksi.
Susulan itu Sri Ram yang juga bekas hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan telah menyerahkan suatu laporan polis yang dibuat pada Jumaat lalu bagi membuktikan penghujahannya. Beliau berkata jika ikat jamin dibenarkan, mahkamah perlu mengenakan bayaran sebanyak RM10 juta dengan syarat-syarat tertentu.
Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Azura seterusnya membenarkan ikat jamin RM2 juta dengan dua penjamin serta Rosmah perlu menyerahkan passportnya dan perintah larangan beliau mendekati atau cuba mengganggu saksi-saksi berpotensi.
Hari ini, Rosmah meminta dibicarakan terhadap 17 pertuduhan pengubahan wang haram berjumlah RM7.1 juta. Para peguam Rosmah membantah Sri Ram membawakan isu gangguan terhadap saksi itu. - mk

The wife of former Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak was charged with 17 money laundering offences on Thursday, as anti-graft agents investigate billions of dollars missing from state coffers.
Rosmah Mansor, criticized for her extravagant lifestyle as first lady of Malaysia, and Najib, are at the center of a wide-ranging graft probe launched after Prime Minster Mahathir Mohamad’s stunning election victory in May.
Najib faces 32 charges from money laundering to abuse of power and criminal breach of trust over billions of dollars that went missing from state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). He has denied any wrongdoing.
It was not clear if the charges against Rosmah relate to 1MDB, but Rosmah’s arrest came after three rounds of questioning by anti-graft agents over 1MDB, from which U.S. authorities say over $4.5 billion was misappropriated. Last Wednesday, Rosmah was questioned for nearly 13 hours.
After spending a night in detention following her arrest by anti-graft investigators on Wednesday, Rosmah entered a Kuala Lumpur court on Thursday flanked by dozens of armed police officers, and smiling, waving and blowing kisses at the media.
Rosmah was charged with 17 counts under the anti-money laundering law. She was accused of handling funds of about 7.1 million ringgit ($1.71 million) from unlawful activities, and failing to declare the amount for tax purposes. Continue reading...

Musykil patik atas ogehan PAS...
Saya baharu mengikuti rakaman sidang akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung Pas, Tuan Takiyuddin Hassan yang mempersoalkan kelayakan Anwar Ibrahim bertanding di Pirake Port Dickson.
Hujah beliau mengenai kelayakan Anwar, kononnya Anwar tidak mempunyai perlepasan, pengampunan daripada Yang diPertuan Agong. Katanya berdasarkan kenyataan daripada Pegelola DiRaja, Anwar hanya diberikan pembebasan untuk tidak menamatkan tempoh pemejaraan yang dikenakan ke atas selama lima tahun, tetapi tidak pembebasan sepenuhnya (free pardon).
Takiyuddin berhujah Anwar memerlukan atau diberi pengampunan penuh (free pardon) atau dalam bahasa Melayu, pengampunan “bebas” baru melayakkan Anwar untuk bertanding dalam mana-mana pilihan raya. Jika Anwar tidak mendapat pengampunan bebas (penuh), maka timbul implikasi penyertaannya itu tidak sah.

Dengan merujuk kepada kenyataan dikeluarkan oleh pejabat Pengeloila Diraja itu, bukankah sudah jelas dinyatakan bahawa Anwar diberi pengampunan bebas (free pardon) seperti dikehendaki oleh Takiyuddin itu? Memang tidak ada perkataan “free pardon” disitu tetapi dibubuh perkataan Melayu “bebas”. Sila rujuk kenyataan berkenaan.
Saya tidak faham macam mana Takiyuddin sebagai seorang peguam kalau tidak dapat memahami dan mentafsir perkataan itu seperti mana yang umum tafsirkan. Pada saya, kenyataan dikeluarkan itu sudah menjelaskan dan juga dipercayai digunakan oleh SPR untuk tidak menerima bantahan terhadap penyertaan Anwar semasa proses penamaan calon tempoh hari.
Seelokknya kalau Pas merasakan calonnya lebih layak, lawan sahaja di gelanggang rasmi, usah peduli kepada soal-soal remeh temeh yang sengaja ditimbulkan itu. Yang mustahak Pas cukup kekuatan untuk berlawan, dan tidak perlu takut dan menggunakan soal-soal teknik untuk memenangi pilihan raya itu. Janganlah gunakan ayat-ayat Tuhan atau hadith Nabi yang diputarkan.- MSO
Anwar's eligibility for PD polls...

Anwar's many rivals in PD...
PKR incoming president Anwar Ibrahim is facing a legion of rivals beyond our imagination in Port Dickson, making life a little difficult for him.
Little wonder he admitted he had a lot of enemies in addition to countless of supporters, and that these enemies were doing everything they could to stop him from returning to the Parliament, or hope he would win with a razor-thin majority that would see his credibility eroded.
These unexpected competitors have since sparked a plethora of speculations. For example, former Negeri Sembilan MB Mohd Isa Abdul Samad was close to Mahathir during BN's time. He was made Negeri Sembilan MB in 1982, a year after Mahathir took over as prime minister. He abandoned his state seat for parliament in 2004, a year after Mahathir stepped down.
Rumors had it that Mohd Isa was a candidate planted by Tun M, and would join PPBM if he made it in the election. Isa has since refuted the allegation. Then for whom is Isa joining the PD race? If he does it for himself, his scandals are not going to be overwritten even if he gets elected. If he does not make it, he will only offend the PM-in-waiting and PKR.
Weirdly, PPBM president Muhyiddin Yassin announced two days shy of the nomination to dissolve the Negeri Sembilan PPBM for restructuring by supreme council member Rais Yatim. If the state PPBM is dissolved, how is the party going to campaign for Anwar? Why can't Muhyiddin wait until after the by-election?
As for Mohd Saiful, the guy in Anwar's sodomy case, what puts him in the race? Keeping a very low profile ever since Anwar was put in jail, Saiful has slowly drifted out of public focus. Falling into the limelight again in PD is poised to enrage Anwar's supporters.
Again, he vanished from public vision soon after the nomination. No traces of his whereabouts, no campaign activities, as if his only motive of entering the fray is to reawaken memories of Anwar's sodomy case, as some have argued.
According to the sodomy case affidavit, Saiful met Najib and former PKR youth chairman Mohamad Ezam Mohd Noor after the case came into picture, showing that he indeed was well connected politically.

Why does Anwar have so many enemies? Given his position in politics, Anwar understandably invites the displeasure of many, including PAS president Hadi Awang. He was the coordinator to bring DAP and PAS together to form Pakatan Rakyat, but Hadi simply was not going to accept Anwar as PR's candidate for premiership. The subsequent internal conflicts that built up eventually brought down the alliance.
Between Mahathir and Anwar, it appears that Hadi is more receptive to the former despite the harsh criticisms the new PM has lashed out at his party. Hadi feels that Mahathir should continue to run this country until the end of his 5-year term, adding that he does not want to see someone with lust to rule.
This explains why Ahmad Zahid boycotts the by-election and has urged PAS to do the same. Hadi Awang nevertheless will not give heed, questioning Anwar instead why he has not chosen to contest in a Muslim-majority seat. Staying away from the three earlier by-elections in Selangor, Hadi's decision to make a personal appearance in PD marks his intensified confrontation with Anwar.
Given the many rival contestants in Port Dickson, Anwar is not going to take things too lightly, and has shown up at more than ten campaign events within the first 36 hours. Among his six rivals, only two are of any significant threat to him, namely Mohd Isa and PAS' Mohd Nazari Mokhtar, but they're focusing only on Malay areas.
Malay voters make up 43% of all voters in PD. Assuming Malay votes are equally distributed among PH, Umno and PAS, Anwar should be able to emerge victorious thanks to 33% of Chinese and 22% of Indian votes there. But to win it big, the turnout has to be at least 80%.
Besides picking a future PM for the country, the PD race also produces another important outcome: the complete severance between Anwar and Hadi and hence, an end to Umno's hope of a unity government with PH and PAS, as Ahmad Zahid has asserted. - mysinchew
Jom hibur sikit...

Untuk sapa2 yang suka balik lambat...

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