Mukhriz harap Bashah tak lena masa angkat sumpah...
Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir meletakkan jawatan sebagai menteri besar hari ini tetapi sempat meninggalkan pesanan sinis untuk penggantinya Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md Hanapiah.
"Jangan lena masa angkat sumpah,” katanya.
Terdapat serangan di Internet kepada kumpulan anti-Bashah sebelum ini yang cuba menggambarkan timbalan pengerusi Umno Kedah itu sebagai 'kaki tidur'.
Sementara itu, Bashah ketika ditanya wartawan dalam acara berasingan enggan mengulas perkara itu.
"Saya tak mahu komen perkara itu," katanya ringkas.
Selepas dua minggu pergolakan politik melanda Kedah, Mukhriz hari ini bersetuju melepaskan jawatannya.
Mukhriz membuat pengumuman itu dalam sidang media di pejabat pentadbiran negeri di Wisma Darul Aman di Alor Setar.
Mukhriz mengumumkan keputusan untuk berundur selepas dimaklumkan oleh Jemaah Pemangku Sultan Kedah bahawa beliau telah hilang keyakinan majoriti ADUN di negeri ini.
Dua puluh satu ADUN BN dan 15 ADUN pembangkang di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kedah telah menyuarakan pandangan mereka kepada Jemaah Pemangku Sultan Kedah pada hari Isnin dan Selasa lalu.
Pelantikan Ahmad Bashah sebagai menteri besar Kedah yang baru diumumkan dalam satu sidang media khas oleh Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Kedah, Datuk Bakar Din pagi ini.- mk
More trouble ahead for UMNO...
Mukhriz Mahathir’s resignation may have ended two weeks of crisis, but Umno’s worries are far from over.
For one, the party is more fragmented now, particularly in Kedah, and there is much bad blood between the outgoing Menteri Besar and his critics. This was evident in Mukhriz’s parting shot to Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah, the leader of the mutiny against him.
Mukhriz, at the press conference announcing his resignation this morning, took a jibe at Ahmad Bashah, who will succeed him, by saying he hoped the latter would not doze off during tomorrow’s swearing-in ceremony. This was in reference to a viral video depicting Ahmad Bashah asleep during a recent palace function.
The jibe indicates that Mukhriz is not going away in peace, in full knowledge that he still has a lot of support out there.
A few days ago, his supporters had begun taking to the streets and to social media to voice out their anger over the move to oust him. They circulated photos of banners pledging their allegiance to Mukhriz and vowing to avenge him.
Since this morning, the protests on social media have taken an even shriller note. One of his many Facebook fan pages shows pictures of Kedah Umno members cutting their party membership cards and bidding goodbye to Umno and BN. Some remarked that BN will “pay the price”. Some included the ‘hancurkannajib’ hashtag in their comments.
Is this an indication that the plot against the son of Prime Minister Najib Razak’s strongest critic will backfire at the polls? Time will tell, but Umno certainly cannot breathe a sigh of relief yet.
If Umno had planned to strengthen its Kedah base with this move, it could be in for a great disappointment. The party, already plagued by so many scandals, has been fragmented further and the hatred against Najib and his administration has only increased.
One wonders what move Mukhriz’s father, Mahathir Mohamad, will make next. Some observers are already saying that he will not take this insult lying down. After all, with Mukhriz gone, there is no longer any mitigating factor in his enmity with Najib.
So, it’s time for the rest of us to get more popcorn. There may be more thrills and spills ahead. - fmt
Talk now arises that Mukhriz will be expelled from UMNO

Semua Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) pembangkang tidak bersetuju dengan cara Umno cuba menggulingkan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir sejurus selesai pertemuan dengan Jemaah Pemangku Sultan Kedah di Wisma Darul Aman hari ini.
Adun pembangkang daripada PAS, PKR, DAP dan Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) juga membidas tindakan sekumpulan pemimpin Umno yang mengambil langkah menyingkirkan Mukhriz secara tidak beradab dan dilakukan pada ketika sambutan Hari Keputeraan Sultan Kedah.
"Bagi kami, pada ketika ini, tindakan menukar menteri besar Kedah tidak menjadi keutamaan berbanding dengan keperluan menukar perdana menteri Malaysia yang banyak menyusahkan rakyat," kata Adun Alor Mengkudu Ahmad Yahaya semasa membaca kenyataan bersama yang dikeluarkan blok pembangkang sejurus berakhir pertemuan tadi merujuk kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Semua 13 Adun pembangkang hadir menghadap Jemaah Pemangku Sultan Kedah selepas dipanggil semalam, sementara 2 Adun, Dr Krishnamoorthy (Bukit Selambau) dan Datuk Amiruddin Hamzah (Anak Bukit) tidak dapat hadir kerana mempunyai urusan di luar Kedah.
Menurut Ahmad, walaupun tidak hadir, kedua-dua Adun itu menyatakan sokongan mereka terhadap tindakan Adun pembangkang di Kedah apabila dihubungi.
"Semua Adun pembangkang mengambil sikap bersama membantah sekeras-kerasnya tindakan sebahagian pemimpin BN (Barisan Nasional) negeri ini yang cuba menurunkan Datuk Seri Mukhriz daripada kedudukan selaku menteri besar secara tidak bertatasusila.
"Lebih mendukacitakan tindakan tidak beradab itu dibuat sewaktu negeri ini sedang dalam tempoh meraikan Hari Keputeraan Tuanku Sultan Kedah," katanya.
Ahmad berkata, jika kumpulan penentang Mukhriz masih mendesak untuk menurunkan menteri besar penggal pertama itu, ia perlu dilakukan mengikut proses demokrasi dan tidak secara tergopoh-gapah.
"Jika Datuk Seri Mukhriz dinaikkan melalui laluan demokrasi maka proses menurunkannya juga mestilah dibuat mengikut amalan demokrasi, tidak gopoh, berperaturan serta menghormati kehendak rakyat.
"Tidak wajar hanya kerana mahu memenuhi kehendak politik individu tertentu maka semua pihak disusahkan, termasuk rakyat dan pihak Istana," katanya.
Pembangkang Kedah juga menggesa supaya kemelut politik itu diselesaikan segera supaya urusan pentadbiran negeri tidak terganggu dan dapat diteruskan seperti sediakala.
"Kami menggesa agar masalah kepimpinan utama kerajaan Kedah ini diselesaikan dengan segera kerana krisis yang berlarutan akan membantukan urusan pentadbiran negeri yang membawa kesan buruk terhadap rakyat," katanya.
Katanya, jalan terbaik untuk menyelesaikan kemelut politik di Kedah adalah dengan mengemukakan satu usul di dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) menerusi undi tidak percaya terhadap pentadbiran Mukhriz.
"Jika kemelut menghadapi jalan buntu, maka pilihan terbaik ialah penyelesaian berasaskan peruntukan Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Kedah iaitu menentukan kehilangan sokongan majoriti Adun kepada Menteri Besar melalui satu usul di Persidangan DUN," katanya.
Semua Adun pembangkang hari ini dipanggil menghadap Jemaah Pemangku Sultan Kedah selepas pertemuan dengan Adun BN semalam gagal mendapat sokongan majoriti untuk menyingkirkan Mukhriz sebagai menteri besar. – tmi
Support for Mukhriz...
The 15 Kedah opposition assemblymen are giving their support for Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir (pix) to remain as mentri besar.
It is believed that their support for the embattled MB was conveyed to the Kedah Regency Council in a meeting at Wisma Darul Aman this afternoon.
However, the opposition representatives, comprising eight from PAS, four from PKR, two from DAP and one from Amanah, were tight-lipped about what transpired in the meeting.
The Council had summoned all opposition assemblymen to the meeting to assess the situation on the leadership crisis in Kedah following a revolt against Mukhriz by 14 Umno divisions who want him removed and replaced as MB.
The Council had on Monday summoned the 21 BN assemblymen and the State Assembly speaker for a similar meeting.
Alor Mengkudu assemblyman Ahmad Yahaya of PAS, who acted as a spokesman for the opposition assemblymen, said they are strongly against the way certain Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders are trying to remove Mukhriz from the post.
He said as the first term MB had gained the position through democratic means, any move to unseat him should also be done democratically.
"If am impasse has been reached, then the best way forward is to determine the MB's position through a motion of no-confidence against him in the State Legislative Assembly," he said, when reading a joint statement from the opposition reps.
With the opposition assemblymen's support, Mukhriz will have a strong chance of surviving a no-confidence vote in the state assembly, as it would mean he would have 15 votes to add to four from the BN (including his own) giving him a total of 19 votes out of 36.
He called for the leadership crisis to be resolved soon as a prolonged situation will blunt the administration of the government and negatively impact the people.
The assemblymen felt that the whole state, including the palace and the people, should not be put into difficulty just to fulfil the political wants of certain individuals.

"For us, at this juncture, changing the Kedah MB is not a priority," Ahmad Yahaya said.
Present were his party colleagues, assemblymen Mohd Nasir Mustafa (Kubang Ratan), Datuk Mohamed Taulan Mat Rasul (Tokai ), Mohd Azam Abd Samat (Sungai Limau) and also PKR rep Ooi Tze Min (Bakar Arang).
But in a slight twist later, state DAP chief Tan Kok Yew said while they are not actually in consensus with having Mukhriz remain as MB, they agreed that the crisis should be resolved through a proper channel.
The leader was chosen democratically, so it should be settled in the spirit of democratic principle," he told a press conference at his service centre this afternoon.
Tan said if the BN state representatives feel Mukhriz should be removed as MB, they should table a no-confidence motion against him in the next state assembly sitting.
"For us, this is an Umno internal issue. They should have not dragged others in it like this," he said.
Meanwhile, Mukhriz dismissed reports that he was asked to sign a resignation letter during an audience with the Regency Council on Monday as "pembohongan semata2" (outright lies).
"The allegations in the mainstream media that I was asked to resign and sign a letter, but that I refused to do so twice are outright lies," he said in a Facebook post which has been widely circulated.
The FB posting was confirmed as authentic by Mukhriz's press secretary Mohd Fisol Jaafar, when the media contacted him. - theSundaily
What Took You So Long, Singapore? Trying To Cover Najib’s 1MDB Scandal...
Still, F.B.I. investigation was on Riza Aziz and not on PM Najib Razak personally because it wasn’t “directly” about 1MDB’s RM42 billion scandal. Only after Switzerland dropped the bombshell last Friday that a criminal investigation into 1MDB had revealed that about US$4 billion appeared to have been misappropriated from Malaysian state companies, Singapore is forced to react.
Swiss Attorney-General Michael Lauber’s has publicly accounced that their findings of US$4 billion misappropriation was a result of criminal proceedings that Switzerland opened last August (2015) against two former 1MDB officials and “persons unknown”. Naturally, every Tom, Dick and hamster have already linked poor Najib Razak as the culprit.
Out of professionalism, Mr Andre Marty, spokesman for the Office of the Attorney-General in Switzerland (OAG), took the trouble yesterday and told business publication Nikkei Asian Review that Mr Najib Razak is not one of the public officials under accusation. But that doesn’t mean the Malaysian prime minister is as innocent as a lamb.Continue reading...

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