Rakyat Malaysia dikejutkan dengan berita bahawa kerajaan Malaysia dan Bangladesh telah meluluskan untuk membawa masuk pekerja dari Bangladesh sejumlah 1.5 juta dalam tempoh tiga tahun.
Sebelum ini ia berita spekulasi dan kini ia bena mengikut laporan media. Ada rakyat yang menyatakan ini keputusan gila?
Sudah pasti rasionalnya adalah Malaysia kekurangan pekerja dan dari aspek pembangunan serta ekonomi. Wajar atau tidak, isu membawa masuk 1.5 juta Bangladesh boleh didebat tujuh hari tujuh malam.

Pendatang asing yg ada di Malaysia - 5 juta.Tambah lagi 1.5 juta. Rakyat Malaysia yang dibuang kerja MAS - 7000, Petronas (bakal) - 50,000, 1,000,000 graduan takda kerja, 50,000 rakyat dibuang kerja setiap tahun.. Tahniah Najib dan Zahid! Akhirnya kaum ke-4 paling ramai di Malaysia nanti adalah kaum Bangladesh...
Tuduhan pertama ada pihak hendak buat duit secara kilat dan tidak sedikit kerana komisyennya yang lumayan. Ada yang mengatakan "perniagaan hamba abdi". Kuotanya diagih-agih kepada penyokong politik yang terdekat dengan pembuat keputusan.
Apa pun isunya apakah kewajaran membawa masuk 1.5 juta Bangladesh? Apakah sejumlah ini diperlukan yang bagi tujuan "forward selling" kuota seperti jual kawasan balak yang belum ditanam.
"This is a joke in the town". Kesan keselamatan dan berbagai implikasi pasti timbul dan cuba bayangkan dengan jumlah yang sudah sedia ada dalam negara sama ada yang datang cara halal atau haram.

Inilah realiti akhirnya nanti...
Kes jenayah tidak sedikit sudah berlaku sebelum ini. Industri memang cenderung ambil pekerja asing kerana gaji murah. Malah dari hotel sehingga warung ambil pekerja asing.
Yang menyedihkan langsung tidak pandai bahasa kebangsaan. Sepatutnya mesti ada sijil boleh bertutur bahasa kebangsaan baru boleh masuk bekerja di Malaysia. Belajar dulu di negara asalnya.
Rakyat tempatan bagaimana? Pengangguran terus meningkat. Kerajaan kena ada dasar yang jelas dan tegas. Baca seterusnya...

Do we really need 1.5m Bangladeshi workers?...
Commenting on the Bangladesh cabinet’s approval of a draft deal between Bangladesh and Malaysia that will allow 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers into Malaysia, Tenaganita programme director Aegile Fernandez believes that taking these workers was nothing more than corruption taking place.
Instead of taking these workers, Fernandez is of the opinion that the Malaysian government should instead document existing undocumented workers in the country.
“There’s already a large number of undocumented workers. They already have skills, (so) document them,” Fernandez told Malaysiakini.
These workers, she said, had become undocumented due to the 6P and 3P programmes for migrant workers.
“Many undocumented migrants had given money to middlemen,” she added.
The government should therefore rectify these mistakes first before agreeing to bring in more Bangladeshi workers into the country.

“Document them first and then do an analysis on whether there is a need to have more workers,” she said.
The country, said Fernandez, has approximately 5.2 million migrants but only around 2.4 million are documented while the rest continue to remain undocumented.
Bangladeshi cabinet secretary Mohammad Shafiul Alam was yesterday quoted by news portal bdnews24.com as saying that the memorandum of understanding on the agreement between the countries will be signed within a month.
The workers will enter Malaysia under the G2G (government-to-government) Plus scheme which allows them employment in construction, service, manufacturing and agriculture sectors.
Currently, Bangladeshi workers are only hired in the plantation sector.
Lead to negative implications
Meanwhile, Migrant Care Malaysia country director Alex Ong pointed out that having too many workers might not be as productive to the country’s economy.
This, he said, is apart from creating undesired social ills that will lead to negative implications.
“Malaysia's policy needs a pragmatic approach to engage our economy and not just political rent-seeking justifications,” he said.
Like Fernandez, Ong pointed out how the country still has a high number of undocumented workers.

Ong believes that the best way to get undocumented workers to register and formalise their immigration status is by abolishing the monopoly by cronies.
Pos Malaysia Berhad, Ong pointed out, has the capacity and credibility to conduct the registration, rehiring and repatriation (3P) of these workers.
Pos Malaysia has 742 branches and more than 2,500 counters to serve the public interest, he added.
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi last year was reported to have said that 1.5 million foreign workers from Bangladesh would be brought to Malaysia in stages in the next three years to meet the needs of employers from numerous sectors.
He, however, denied that the government was trying to profit by bringing in the Bangladeshi workers.- mk

First of all I would like to apologize for this particular post yesterday, as I did not mean to sound very racist in regards to the report of a 'Gang Rape" by Bangladeshi men towards a 13 year old minor in the UK.
I was not and did NOT mean to target a Group of people or ethnicity directly, as a father with a small daughter, I felt so ANGRY that such an incident could happen and the leader manage to run away. It only made me MORE mad that despite our economic down turn with Petronas losing Billions in revenues and so many Oil & Gas companies have already laid-off workers worldwide, our Deputy Prime Minister STILL adamantly plans to bring-in so many of these Foreign Workers despite predictions of a much smaller GDP this year.
Furthermore I am frustrated by the fact that we had such a HIGH number of Tuberculosis recorded last year, the vast majority of them which had been brought-in by the influx of Foreign Workers whereby either their agency or due to corruption, they had managed to FAKE their own medical documents.
Furthermore, most are brought in for 'Cheap/Hard Labour Jobs' which do not require Higher Education when statistics have shown time and over again that more Crimes in every country often are related with lower educational attainment as often with better qualification comes better job openings and opportunities.
Even with local NGO's that have dealt with refugees such and assylum seekers such as "Tenaganita" in the past have had many reports of CORRUPTION from our Immigration involving abuse and mistreatment of Foreign Workers which till today no real action has been taken.
If such problems as these persist within our our CORRUPTED Government, I DOUBT that OUR Local Home Ministry of Royal Malaysian Police Force ( PDRM ) actually will do a 'background' check on any CRIMINAL RECORDS of 1.5MILLION people coming-in now would they?
A matter of fact, I believe this is a question which SHOULD be raised to DPM cum Home Minister: Zahid Hamidi in Parliament.
We DON'T want to bring in any runaway Criminals, Sex Offenders or even Pedophiles into our country.
I think it is time to KNOW whether OUR local Royal Malaysian Police and Immigration is working closely with Foreign Law Enforcement in viewing any Criminal Records to keep such individuals or people from entering our country...
But in addition to that, I am additionally frustrated because of our Government of the day's renown ATTITUDE should anything go wrong, even if it under THEIR responsibility as the Government of the Day, they never truly TAKE any responsibility, nor is anybody or any MINISTER in-charge of a Ministry held accountable, furthermore our Government of the Day led by UMNO/BN has NEVER been known to 'apologise'.- f/bk

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