Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad percaya terdapat hasrat untuk menyumbat beliau ke penjara.
"Ketua penerangan (Umno) yang baru kata saya lakukan ini kerana saya mahu ditangkap. Ini jelas boleh jadi satu amaran dengan hasrat untuk menangkap saya," tulis Mahathir di blog beliau hari ini.
Berikutan kenyataan Annuar, beberapa laporan polis dibuat terhadap blog Mahathir.
Manakala Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata siasatan sedang dijalankan terhadap laporan tersebut. - mk

Annuar Musa & Ahmad Maslan, 2x5, 5x2...
Najib Razak ingat dia tukar Ketua Penerangan dari Dato' Ahmad Maslan kepada Tan Sri Annuar Musa, boleh mengurangkan Umno jadi bahan lawak. Rupanya dua kali lima juga.
Nampak Ketua Penerangan Umno yang baru ini pun suka buat lawak juga: katanya RM2.6 bilion itu tidak banyak untuk membiayai kempen pilihanraya umum.
Yang peliknya, pada masa yang sama Umno juga mengaku Dato' Seri Najib telah memulangkan RM2 bilion wang tersebut.

Maknanya yang dibelanjakan untuk PRU13 lalu hanya RM600 juta.
Tapi Tan Sri Annuar Musa kata RM2.6 bilion pun tak banyak, kalau RM600 juta sahaja matilah Umno nak hidup.
Begitulah jadinya bila gali lubang untuk tutup lubang. Cerita yang awal tidak masuk akal, terpaksa buat cerita baru. Lama-lama semua tidak masuk akal! - rafizi ramli
Rasuah 1MDB : Cina Singapura Dapat RM81 Juta, Melayu 'Loyal Tapi Bodoh' Dapat RM1 - 2 Juta Sahaja...
When he was investigated by the Singapore authorities, he broke ranks, squealed against his superiors who were trying to scapegoat him by filing an affidavit in the criminal court in Singapore exposing the financial shenanigans of 1MDB, Brazen Sky Ltd, Jho Taek Low, Tarek Obaid, Patrick Mahoney, the Petro-Saudi group of companies, Aabar Invesments PJSC and their affiliates.
He also revealed that he was managing the accounts of the former subsidiary of 1MDB, but now under Najib’s Ministry of Finance, SRC International, which is headed up by Nik Faisal Arif Kamil, another critical member of the criminal oligarchy.
It is absolutely clear that what made Yak Chew Yee spill the beans and sing like a bird, was the daily nightmares since his suspension from work over a period of five months, that he would be the scapegoat, the patsy for all the illegal money transactions involving the above stated companies and individuals.

1.With S$27 million in the kitty, banker Yak still squealed on his bosses. So, the minions in the UMNO criminal political class should wake up as they could not have been paid more than what Yak received.
2.After all, Shahrir Samad admitted receiving only RM1 million and Ahmad Maslan confessed to receiving a slightly bigger sum, RM2 million.
3.Is it any wonder that they have been contemptuously referred to as “Loyal But Not Smart” followers.
4.In fact, a more appropriate name would be “idiots”, willing to be sacrificed as patsies for crumbs, not even amounting to RM millions!
Therefore, so long as each and every member of the UMNO criminal class in Putrajaya believes that they are immune from criminal prosecution, they would be arrogant and spit at our faces.
The present attitude of the leading cadres of this criminal class is a confirmation that assurances have been given that they would enjoy immunity.
How can these minions believe Nazri’s words that, “nothing will happen… ignore them”?
Being “Loyal But Not Smart” followers they have swallowed this fiction hook-line-and sinker, enjoying the fruits of their criminality unashamedly. Little do they know that the long reach of the arm would catch up with them.
And, being minions they would be the first to be sacrificed and scapegoated. Read full article - syedsoutsidethebox
Beranikah AG bersumpah junjung Quran dan
tak menyembunyikan kebenaran...
Corruption in Malaysia

Apakah semua tenaga mahir dan separuh mahir di Malaysia dah mampuih sampai perlu import warga asing? Eloklah ditutup sahaja GIATMARA, IKM, ILP, POLITEKNIK dan ADTEC.Lepas ni kalau pergi temuduga tak mustahil akan ada dialog "Anda lepasan mana?" "Politeknik Ungku Omar" "Minta maaf kami sudah ada calon dari Politeknik Dhaka Bangladesh"

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