Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah secara terus terang mengatakan pembabitannya lebih 50 tahun dalam politik tanah air bukan mahu menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Namun beliau tidak menolak bersedia menawarkan diri untuk sebarang jawatan sekiranya kudrat beliau mengizinkan.
“Saya masuk politik bukan nakkan jawatan dan nak jadi Perdana Menteri, takda. Tetapi saya sebagai rakyat biasa, menawar diri saya untuk apa saja jawatan, tugasan, tanggung jawab yang sedia diberi orang dan rakyat dengan apa yang boleh saya lakukan.
“Jika sesuatu yang diberikan kepada saya iaitu perkara yang tidak dapat saya lakukan secara sempurna saya tak sangguplah.
“Saya walaupun sudah cecah 78 tahun, saya masih lagi ‘mobile’ (sihat) tetapi saya tidak sanggup macam dulu berceramah satu malam enam hingga tujuh kali, bekejar ke sana bekejar ke sini.
“Ya, dulu saya sanggup kerana saya muda dan semangat belum pudar sebaliknya masih berkobar-kobar cuma tidak mempunyai kemampuan seperti masa saya muda dulu.
“Saya akan lakukan apa yang difikir patut dilakukan itu saja yang saya boleh berjanji setakat ini, dengan izin Tuhan,” ujarnya dalam Majlis Suaikenal Ikatan Cendekiawan Kelantan (icek) di Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Isnin lalu.
Tengku Razaleigh berkata, demikian ketika menjawab soalan diajukan Profesor Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid dari Jabatan Sains Politik, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) bertanyakan sama ada Tengku Razaleigh bersedia menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Ahmad Fauzi merujuk usaha yang pernah dilakukan beliau bersama universiti untuk mengumpulkan maklumat sekiranya Tengku Razaleigh calon sesuai menggantikan Najib.
Malah satu laporan media luar negara mendedahkan pada 11 Jun 2015 satu pertemuan sulit diadakan di kediaman Tengku Razaleigh yang turut dihadiri bekas Menteri Kewangan Tun Daim Zainuddin, Tun Mahathir Mohamad dan beberapa pemimpin lain.
Justeru rakyat memaklumi Tengku Razaleigh atau mesra dipanggil Ku Li bakal menjadi Perdana Menteri menggantikan Najib.
Laporan itu juga menyebut bahawa bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin akan mengetuai Umno sebagai Presiden ketika itu.
Biasanya, Presiden Umno akan menjawat jawatan Perdana Menteri, namun melalui rangka rancangan baru itu, kedua-dua jawatan berkenaan akan dipisahkan menerusi pembentukan ‘kerajaan perpaduan’.
Bagaimanapun Tengku Razaleigh dilaporkan menolak tawaran itu. Baca seterusnya...

Mamat yang amok di ofis JPJ, ditembak mati...
Bulan lalu video lelaki yang mengamuk di Pejabat Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) gara-gara nombor plat kenderaannya diklon jadi viral, manakala awal pagi ini lelaki berkenaan mati akibat enam das tembakan, lapor Otai Bersih di Facebook.
'Amin Beyond Carwash' yang juga seorang tauke restoran nasi kandar maut ditembak dari jarak dekat di Jalan Datuk Keramat, di sini, awal pagi tadi.
Dalam kejadian pada jam 3.30 pagi itu, Syed Amin Zainul Abidin, 46, yang memandu kereta Mercedes Benz dipercayai berhenti di depan sebuah kedai motosikal sebelum dihampiri dua lelaki menaiki sebuah motosikal.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Pulau Pinang, Datuk Zakaria Ahmad, berkata seorang daripada suspek melepaskan tujuh das tembakan ke arah mangsa yang berada di tempat duduk pemandu.
Beliau berkata, empat das tembakan mengenai badan peniaga berkenaan dan satu das lagi mengenai bahagian kepala, menyebabkan mangsa meninggal dunia di lokasi.
Suspek juga, katanya, turut melepaskan satu das tembakan ke arah dua anggota Jabatan Sukarelawan Malaysia (RELA), yang sedang bertugas mengawal premis perniagaan berdekatan, namun tersasar.
"Siasatan lanjut mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan masih dilakukan bagi mengenal pasti motif serangan," katanya ketika ditemui di lokasi kejadian sebentar tadi.- faqar blogspot
Putrajaya Apes in the Year of the Monkey...
I was visiting my old village near Sri Menanti, Negri Sembilan, recently and was struck by an unexpected but common sight. That is, the absence of any fruit trees or vegetable plots around what few remaining houses there that were still being occupied.
Such a scene would have been unthinkable during my youth. Then there were always nearly-ripe papayas or bananas ready to be picked for breakfast, and enough long beans in the garden or chickens scurrying around to fill a cooking pot should unexpected guests arrive for lunch.
On querying my few elderly relatives who were still there and loving the serene kampong lifestyle, they replied that the monyets and keras (monkeys) have descended from the jungle to destroy everything, including the chickens. Those monkeys have become so brazen and aggressive that my relatives now fear for their safety.
That is one of the many consequences of our having destroyed the primates’ natural habitat through illegal logging and replacing it with the hostile monoculture plantations of rubber and palm oil. Like displaced people, those monkeys are forced into the kampongs to survive and unleash their frustrations. Meanwhile those loggers and planters luxuriate in their new wealth oblivious of the burden they had inflicted on those monkeys and poor villagers.

Back in the city I read the daily papers, only to discover that marauding monkeys of another kind have also descended on and ravaged Putrajaya. The year of the monkey began early in Malaysia.
The havoc wrecked by the keras in the kampongs are readily visible and the damages they inflict potentially recoverable. The critters too could also easily be scared away by letting those villagers have shotguns.
Not so with the primates of Putrajaya. The damage they inflict, while not readily visible, appearing only on the computer terminals of banks and other financial institutions, is nonetheless no less devastating, if not much more so. Worse, it is being borne not only by citizens of today but also generations to come.
Already scholarships for some of our brightest students are being withdrawn for lack of funds. They are our next generation of talent, their dreams crushed at the last minute through no fault of their own. What a loss to the nation!
At least my relatives in the kampong are smart enough to be aware of the menace posed by those monkeys. By contrast many Malaysians, in particular the Malay elite, hold their chief monkey marauding in the nation’s capital and plundering the country’s wealth as the Prince of Putrajaya, perverse though it might seem to the rest of us.
Such an obscenity and the perversion of our values are possible only because the Malay elite holed up in Putrajaya and elsewhere have abandoned their souls. They have unabashedly sold theirs. Their price is pathetically cheap; the leftover crumbs that fall their way after their chief monkey has satiated his gluttony.
When confronted with their chief monkey’s continually changing and contradictory “explanations” to rationalize his gluttony, those little monkeys around him would insist that they have not sold their souls rather that they have merely “loaned” or “sacrificed” them to their “beloved” chief monkey.
Well, monkey see, monkey do. When they see that their chief monkey being “exonerated” upon returning the money it had earlier stolen, the little monkeys around soon get the message. That is, if you get caught stealing, then return the loot, or make a pretense of it. Then it would not be considered a wrong or a crime.That is the new ethics of those Putrajaya monkeys.
They also have a new religion. That is, if they steal something and not get caught, then the loot is halal. Likewise, if they are caught and then returned the loot, then they have not committed a dosa (sin)
With the loot that they have acquired, if they still harbor a tinge of guilt or remorse, they could “cleanse” themselves by undertaking the Hajj or Umrah, just to be sure.What a mockery of our great faith of Islam! Today our monkey chief has sold, oops, “lent” his soul to the Arabs; tomorrow it would be the Mainland Chinese. Who will be next?
There are eight ways in which we put ourselves in fear of our fellow human being, the Prophet(pbuh) counselled the young man. For brevity as well as relevance, I will mention only the last one.
We put ourselves in the grip of others by being indebted to them. Ah Longs instill fear and dread in their victims. We could spare ourselves such a terrible fate by simply not borrowing or being in debt. That was the lesson the Prophet (pbuh) imparted on the frightened young man.
Debts of money or material things are potentially repayable and you would then be freed from the bondage and carry on with your lives. You may have to work very hard to achieve that, but at least it is doable.
There is one debt however, that can never be repaid, the Prophet (pbuh) advised the young man, and that is the debt of gratitude. An ancient Malay saying reflects this wisdom: Hutang emas boleh dibayar, hutang budi di bawa mati. A debt of gold is repayable, but you carry your debt of gratitude to your death.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir ( and he is no Prophet!) recently expressed his deep regret in having groomed the young Najib. Mahathir grooved the path for Najib because he (Mahathir) felt he owed a huge debt of gratitude to Najib’s father, Tun Razak, who “rehabilitated” Mahathir when he was in the political wilderness after being expelled from UMNO in the early 1970s.
It looks like Mahathir will carry to his grave not only his huge debt of gratitude to Razak but also the burden Mahathir had imposed upon the nation for being instrumental in Najib becoming Prime Minister.
Najib in turn owes a huge debt of gratitude to the Arabs for their generous “donations” before the last elections, and to the Chinese for currently bailing out 1MDB by buying its generating plants and other assets.
I could not care less what burden Najib would carry to his grave, but I am concerned with the huge burden he has imposed and continues to impose on Malaysians of today and on their children and grandchildren.
The keras in my old village could easily be gotten rid of by giving those villagers rifles. Getting rid of the monkeys of Putrajaya is more problematic. - Dr.Bakri Musa,Morgan-Hill,California

Patut dia tak ada dalam gambaq...

Tabung Haji - a case of impious conduct...
Here you are......what can depositors expect from a Chairman who is better known for selling used cars (I was told) than manage a huge fund like LTH. I wonder if the Chairman knows how to formulate a financial reserve policy that was requested by BNM which was ignored, and the request was again repeated by BNM late last year. It is worthless telling the Chairman how to manage LTH fund because I have serious doubt that he has acquired enough financial acumen or 'financial wizardry' to even answer the question raised by BNM regarding the financial status of LTH. I don't expect the Chairman to even understand the questions raised by Rafizi as to "how does LTH handles reserves". This country is never short of personalities that are expert at managing huge fund, but why of all person appoint this Baling MP as LTH Chairman who may not even know how many zeroes are there in a billion. I think he could do better in managing a used car company. - Mohd Arshad Raji Raji f/bk

Hari ini genap setahun pemergian Almarhum TGNA.Al-Fatihah...
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