Ahli-ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kedah daripada blok pembangkang dipanggil menghadap Jemaah Pemangku Sultan Kedah esok, berhubung krisis kedudukan Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir.
Selepas giliran Adun daripada blok pemerintah hari ini, kesemua 15 wakil rakyat pembangkang – lapan Adun PAS, empat Adun PKR, dua DAP dan satu AMANAH – akan hadir ke pertemuan itu yang diadakan di Wisma Darul Aman, pada jam 2.30 petang.
Meskipun tiada pendirian sepakat antara pembangkang dinyatakan, Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena Datuk Mahfuz Omar membayangkan penolakan kepada usaha menyingkirkan Menteri Besar Kedah.
“Langkah Najib sangat tidak wajar, hanya semata-mata nak hapuskan musuh politik mereka, Mukhriz,” tegas Mahfuz ketika ditemui pemberita di perkarangan Stadium Darul Aman bersama ribuan rakyat Kedah yang mahu anak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dikekalkan.
“Tolong bagitahu apa kesalahan Mukhriz sehingga menyusahkan rakyat Kedah, apa masalahnya? Adakah kesalahannya lagi besar dari Najib?”
Perkembangan ini menyusuli pertemuan tertutup selama dua jam antara Jemaah Pemangku Sultan Kedah dengan 20 Adun Barisan Nasional, dimana 19 daripada mereka telah menandatangani akuan berkanun mahu Mukhriz disingkirkan. Hanya Adun Jitra, Aminuddin Omar, dilaporkan tidak menandatangani akuan itu.
Tiada kata putus berhubung krisis Menteri Besar ini diumumkan setakat ini. - fmt
No end in sight to Kedah MB crisis
Singapura Menjawab Persoalan Mahathir Mengenai Akaun Berkaitan 1MDB.

Singapore seizes bank accounts in 1MDB probe...
“We have responded to all foreign requests for information and have requested information from relevant counterparts to aid in our investigations,” the report said, quoting the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
The report said both CAD and MAS issued a joint statement on Monday evening in response to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) related queries.
“Singapore does not tolerate the use of its financial system as a refuge or conduit for illicit funds.
“Since the middle of last year, CAD and MAS have been actively investigating possible money laundering and other offences carried out in Singapore.
“In connection with these investigations, we have sought and are continuing to seek information from several financial institutions, are interviewing various individuals, and have seized a large number of bank accounts,” the statement was quoted as saying.– BERNAMA
Res Ipsa - Things are just getting worse by the day for Najib. From France to Switzerland and now Singapore, the noose is gradually tightening around his neck. He had been given many opportunities to come clean, admit his mistakes and step aside at least temporarily to allow the investigations to be completed.
Instead, he embarked on a mission to get a stranglehold on all the investigating agencies, moving and removing people with the sole intention of hanging on to power. While locally he may have succeeded to a certain extent, he would not have anticipated this global backlash which now renders all his actions back home academic. There is no more place to hide and it is just a matter of time before it is game over.
We are still waiting for news from other jurisdictions such as the USA and Hong Kong where investigations are ongoing. What is certain is that this is just the beginning of the end of the reign of our most infamous PM. May the force be with us to restore our glorious past.

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