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Menteri Luar Arab Saudi Adel al-Jubeir tidak fikir wang AS$681 juta yang dimasukkan ke akaun bank Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak adalah dari kerajaan negara itu atau ia satu sumbangan politik, lapor New York Times (NYT).
Beliau juga dilaporkan berkata, wang itu disalurkan kepada sebuah "pelaburan di Malaysia".
"It is a private Saudi citizen, I believe, and the funds went to an investment in Malaysia",says Saudi Arabia, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir.(Ia adalah warga Saudi, saya percaya, dan dana itu diberi untuk satu pelaburan di Malaysia)," katanya dalam satu temu bual dengan NYT disiarkan semalam .(T/S - Takkan King Abdullah tu dianggapnya sebagai private Saudi citizen?)
Akhbar itu turut memetik kenyataan seorang kerabat rapat dengan keluarga diraja, yang bercakap tanpa mahu dikenali, sebagai berkata wang itu datang daripada seorang putera Saudi, tetapi ia bukan derma.
Kerabat itu turut mempersoalkan jumlah wang tersebut tetapi berkata dana itu merupakan sebahagian daripada perjanjian perniagaan.
Bulan lepas, Peguam Negara Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali berkata, AS$681 juta dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi Najib sebagai derma dari keluarga diraja Saudi serta diberikan “tanpa mengharapkan balasan” dan menutup kes itu.
Tetapi, pihak berkuasa di Switzerland yang menyiasat cabang pelaburan negara 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) menemui sejumlah AS$4 bilion (RM16.8 bilion) hilang daripada syarikat negara milik negara.
Peguam Negara Switzerland Michael Lauber juga menyuarakan kebimbangan atas keputusan rakan sejawatnya di Malaysia yang menghentikan siasatan ke atas kes perpindahan dana ke dalam akaun Najib itu, mengatakan tindakan itu akan mengganggu siasatan yang dijalankan Switzerland ke atas 1MDB.
Apandi kemudiannya membalas kenyataan tersebut, mengatakan siasatan yang sedang dilakukan negara itu ke atas 1MDB adalah siasatan yang berasingan daripada kes derma RM2.6 bilion itu. –tmi
Jho Low (left), Prince Turki (2nd left) and Tarek Obaid (2nd right)
on the yacht they hired and pretended belonged to the Saudi Prince...
RM2.6 billion itu adalah wang dari 1MDB. Putera Turki bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz AlSaud telah diupah USD77 million untuk mengaku sebagai penderma. Dokumen-dokumen bank JP Morgan mengenai pembayaran upah tersebut telah tersebar meluas di internet. Putera Turki ini hanya anak ketujuh seorang gundek Raja Abdullah. Dia bukan kaya raya hingga mampu menderma sebanyak RM2.6 billion. - Tan Hashim
Berwibawahkah keputusan Peguam Negara bila Arab Saudi kata RM2.6b itu 'pelaburan' BUKAN 'donation'
Saudi Arabia, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, "I believe, and the funds went to an investment in Malaysia"...
After Malaysia’s attorney general cleared Prime Minister Najib Razak of corruption charges involving hundreds of millions of dollars that ended up in his bank accounts, Mr. Najib issued a statement of his own.
“The matter has been comprehensively put to rest,” he said last week. “It is time for us to unite and move on.”
That has not happened.
Instead of answering the questions about the money and its possible links to a heavily indebted Malaysian sovereign wealth fund, the attorney general’s announcement has only sharpened them.
The attorney general, Mohamed Apandi Ali, said the largest sum in question, $681 million, was “a personal donation” from the Saudi royal family, most of which — $620 million — was later returned because it was not used.
“It’s not logical at all,” said Azral Shah, 28, a computer network analyst taking a cigarette break outside a Kuala Lumpur high-rise this week. “I’m not sure what is the true story, but most of the nation doesn’t think that what they are telling us is true.”
Indeed, the attorney general’s statement has been overshadowed by fresh doubts, whether in Malaysia or Saudi Arabia.
“There is no clear explanation as to how this huge sum of money was moved into Najib’s accounts, the banks used by these Arabs, the sources of the fund, the business of the donor,” Mahathir Mohamad, a former Malaysian prime minister who has become one of Mr. Najib’s harshest critics, wrote on his blog.
In Saudi Arabia, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said that he accepted the attorney general’s opinion that there had been no wrongdoing, but he also said that he did not think that the money had come from the Saudi government or that it was a political donation.
“It is a private Saudi citizen, I believe, and the funds went to an investment in Malaysia,” he said in an interview on Thursday.
One member of the royal family and one associate of the family, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that the money had come from a Saudi prince and confirmed that it was not a donation. The associate questioned the reported sum but said the funds were part of a business deal.
The attorney general’s decision shut down an investigation by Malaysia’s anti-corruption commission, leading the panel to seek a review of the ruling, and the country’s former law minister filed suit to reverse it.
The decision has not stopped international inquiries. Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland and the United States are investigating transactions involving the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund, 1Malaysia Development Berhad, or 1MDB. Mr. Najib set up the fund and is the chairman of its advisory board. Continue reading...
It does not make sense that this Rm 2.6 B is an investment from Saudi. No one in their right frame of mind will put such a huge sum into the personal account of even the PM. It only makes sense that this amount of Rm 2.6 B is a kick back to Najib from 1MDB - from the Rm 42 B where a big part of it went missing. When caught red handed with the Rm 2.6 B in his personal bank account, Najib would have been advised that declaring it as donation may mitigate the issue. - Mushiro
From the onset nobody believed the 2.6b is a donation. No country or party will donate or give out such huge money without a reason or condition. Is too big a donation without nothing. As things became messy and confuse now the PM has a duty and responsibility to come out to clear the air or to come clean on the truth behind the so-called donation. - Voice
The PM says that it was a donation from the Saudis but the Saudis are adamant that it was NOT a donation but part of a business deal. Are we now going to say that the Saudis are also part of a conspiracy to get rid of our (corrupt) PM? There have been lies upon lies and with each revelation it is absolutely clear that not only is the PM the chief fundraiser, he is also the chief liar. This is a case of the PM being caught with his hand in the cookie jar and he then says that the jar was a donation. What a lout this country has for a PM! The shame that this man has brought to the country is immeasurable, only to be made worse by the mindless support of his minions. -GE14NOW
Putera Almarhum Raja Saudi derma RM2.6b kata Apandi...
Putera Almarhum Raja Abdullah, bekas Raja Saudi adalah orang yang menderma RM2.6 bilion kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak,kata Peguam Negara Mohamad Apandi Ali.
Bagaimanapun, beliau enggan memberikan identiti penderma itu. Raja Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Saud, yang meninggal dunia pada Januari tahun lepas, mempunyai sembilan anak lelaki dan 10 orang anak perempuan.
"Kami tahu namanya (penderma). Dia bukan bekas Raja Saudi tetapi anak raja tersebut. Dia masih hidup," kata Peguam Negara dalam satu temu bual eksklusif dengan Sin Chew Daily.
Apandi berkata, pegawai-pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia telah mendapat satu kenyataan daripada penderma seperti yang diperincikan dalam laporan badan anti-rasuah tersebut.
Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa motif di sebalik sumbangan itu tidak penting seperti derma tidak salah di bawah undang-undang Malaysia.
"Mengapa orang hendak tahu sebab2 derma? Anda perlu bertanya kepada si penderma. Beliau mempunyai berbilion-bilion dalam simpanannya. (Jika)dia mahu memberi wang, apa masalahnya?
"Ini adalah wang dan perkara peribadinya. Kita tidak mempunyai undang-undang untuk menyatakan menerima sumbangan politik adalah haram," kata Apandi.
Terdahulu, dalam laporan yang diterbitkan oleh New York Times pada 5 Februari, Menteri Luar Arab dilaporkan berkata bahawa dana diberikan kepada PM Najib adalah pelaburan dan bukan derma. Derma tegas Menteri itu lagi sebenarnya adalah dari 'a private Saudi citizen'.
Late Saudi king's son is RM2.6b donor, says Apandi
Since AG Apandi has claimed that it is one of Saudi King’s son who ‘donated’ the RM2.6 billion to Najib, Apandi is now duty bound to tell the nation a) name of the donor , b) evidence that the money belonged to him, and c) purpose of donation. Contrary to Apandi’s assertion, the purpose of donation is of vital importance in deliberating Najib’s guilt or innocence. In fact, with such massive sum in his possession, the onus now is on Najib to prove that he is not culpable of a whole range of crimes ranging from corruption to treason, for which Najib must now come clean on the basic details outlined above to avert criminal charges against him. - Kim Quek
Don't have to tell. Everyone knows that the seven son of the late sultan, Prince Turki is the prince Apandi is referring to. But does he knows anything about this Prince? He is not rich and wealthy. In fact he was paid $77 million from 1MDB. He does not have that kind of money to donate $2,6 billion to Najib - rick teo
"It is a private Saudi citizen, I believe, and the funds went to an investment in Malaysia",says Saudi Arabia, Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir.(Ia adalah warga Saudi, saya percaya, dan dana itu diberi untuk satu pelaburan di Malaysia)," katanya dalam satu temu bual dengan NYT disiarkan semalam. Tapi sekarang Apandi kata putera Almarhum Raja Abdullah yang derma...mana satu betoi? Hi! Apandi,receive donations is legal. Receive donation in personal account is illegal... - T/S

TV3suku, RTM TAKKAN siarkan berita kenyataan
Menteri Luar Arab Saudi Adel al-Jubeir...

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