“Jangan fikir untunglah, fikir rakyat Malaysia. Kita nak hidup,” ujarnya.
“Kalu anak bini pak Menteri pula kena raba,Pak Menteri nak diam jugakah???
Raba isteri pemuzik jalanan, warga Nepal pengsan dibelasah...
Tertiarap di perkarangan gedung beli-belah Sogo di Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman malam tadi dalam keadaan berdarah, itu habuan diterima oleh seorang warga asing dipercayai dari Nepal apabila bertindak memeluk dan meraba seorang isteri pemuzik jalanan terkenal di ibu kota.
Anggota Genji Buskers, Mustam Mustapa, 34, ketika dihubungi Malaysia Dateline malam ini berkata, tindakan spontan tersebut terpaksa dilakukan bagi mempertahankan maruah isterinya, Farah Farliana Khairol Khashimi, 25.
“Masa itu kami macam biasa sedang buat persiapan untuk buat persembahan. Tiba-tiba dia (warga asing) raba dan peluk isteri saya depan orang ramai.
“Biadap sungguh punya pendatang spontan saya rembat terus (dia) tersembam. Pengsan. Mujur, polis bantuan Sogo sampai cepat tadi,” ujarnya yang juga dikenali sebagai Mus.
Ditanya tentang laporan polis berhubung insiden gangguan seksual tersebut, beliau setakat tengah malam tadi belum lagi berbuat demikian.
Gambar yang turut beliau kongsikan kepada Malaysia Dateline menunjukkan warga asing terbabit dalam keadaan tertiarap dengan berpakaian tshirt berwarna putih dan berseluar jeans hitam.
Terdahulu, Mus yang berkongsikan kejadian tersebut di akaun Twitter menasihatkan orang ramai supaya berhati-hati dengan warga asing terutama dari Nepal.
“Saya hanya jalankan kewajipan sebagai suami sahaja. Tak sedar tahu-tahu keras (pengsan) lepas tu darah meleleh,” ujarnya dipetik dari status yang dimuat naik di media sosial itu.

Apa pula selepas ini?
Ditanya tentang keputusan membenarkan sejumlah 1.5 juta warga Bangladesh masuk ke negara ini kononnya bagi memenuhi permintaan industri, beliau berharap kerajaan mengkaji semula keputusan tersebut.
“Saya sama sekali tak setuju. Apa pula terjadi selepas ini? Apa yang berlaku kepada kami tadi sudah begitu mengejutkan. Kalau ramai lagi pendatang asing yang masuk ke negara ini, tidak dapat dibayangkan apa nasib masyarakat, anak cucu kita nanti.

Nonok pompuan ni kena bakaq oleh si Bangla bangsat tu, Ini nak
masok lagi 1.5 juta , apakah jadah pak Menteri ooi...
“Kadar jenayah secara tidak langsung meningkat ketika pada masa sama anak tempatan hilang pekerjaan. Paling kita bimbang, mereka tak mustahil dikambinghitamkan bagi tujuan pengekalan kuasa kerajaan sedia ada,” ujarnya lagi.
Kumpulan Genji Buskers memulakan persembahan muzik jalanan sejak tahun 2010 di sekitar Sogo dan Bukit Bintang setiap hari kecuali Ahad malam.
Lazimnya, persembahan mereka di kedua-dua lokasi tumpuan orang ramai itu bermula pukul 8 malam sehingga 3 pagi. - malaysiadateline

Influx of foreign workers will lead to more rape cases...
A non-governmental organisation has warned that the government’s plan to bring in 1.5 million Bangladeshis over the next three years will see more rape cases.
“It has become the norm for them to rape local women. They rape the wives and daughters of people here,” Malay Mail Online reported Pertubuhan Rapat Malaysia president A. Rajaretinam as saying.
“They act like they have a licence to rape. What kind of action will be taken? This will become worse.”
Rajaretinam, however, did not provide any evidence to support his claim at the press conference held earlier.
Apart from rape, Rajaretinam also said any increase in the number of migrant workers was a threat to national security, alleging foreigners could promote Islamic State (IS) activities.
It would also mean a loss of business opportunities for locals.
He alleged that foreign workers operated businesses in the country illegally.
“They are starting their own empires here.”
Rajaretinam claimed that a lot of new diseases were discovered in Malaysia, following the influx of foreign workers here.
He said his NGO had noticed a lot of “new sickness and viruses” being spread since foreigners arrived.
Rajaretinam then threatened to hold a mass protest – which he claimed would be multiracial – if the government decided to go ahead and bring in the foreign workers.
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had recently announced that 1.5 million Bangladeshis would be brought to Malaysia over the next three years for employment in the construction, services, manufacturing and agriculture sectors to meet the shortage of workers. - fmt
Youths okay with manual labour if salary RM1,500

NGO to take to streets over Bangla issue...
Wages should be able to cover the cost of living, or the government may face a public uprising, contended NGO coalition Pertubuhan Rapat Malaysia (Rapat).
It said this when commenting on the agreement to allow Bangladeshi workers to enter Malaysia.
There are 1.5 million workers on the Bangladeshi government recruitment database now able to apply for jobs in Malaysia.
"We want the government to review wages paid. Youths are not too lazy to work but the wages do not commensurate, especially now when they are also burdened by student loans.
"If the government still wants to bring in these foreign workers, we will have to hold a demonstration," Rapat's spokesperson S Bharathidasan said when contacted today.
The government has been forced to defend the decision to open up Malaysian borders to more Bangladeshi workers.
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had challenged Malaysian youths to do the jobs foreign workers do, if they do not want more foreigners in the job market.
Bharathidasan said Malaysians are willing to do the jobs Zahid referred to, and this is evident in the number of Malaysians crossing the border to do blue collar jobs in Singapore.
Kenapa tiap2 pagi beribu2 rakyat Malaysia masuk ke Singapore bekerja? Rakyat Malaysia malas kerja atau MENTERI MALAS fikir soal rakyat tapi rajin fikir nak kaut untung niaga Bangla?
Others at the Rapat press conference included the Progressive Indian Association (Mipas) and Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC).
Earlier, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Razali Ahmad said raising the minimum wage will put inflationary pressures on the economy.
Razali said the government's research found Malaysians require wages that employers are unwilling to pay.
Employers also prefer to hire foreign workers because they will not be mandated to contribute to the Employee Provident Fund (EPF).- mk

Tabung Haji dah rugi atas kertas RM933 juta sbb main saham FGV? HEBAT betoi bila 'lembaga hitam' urustadbir Tabung Haji.. Baru 3 tahun setengah dah rugi RM933 juta...

Bhaiya...PRU-14 sudah dekat tau...

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