Suspended Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang said that it was ironic, certainly hypocritical, that an Umno assemblyman in Selangor, Shahrum Mohd Sharif of Dengkil, was demanding that the Menteri Besar reveal the name of the donor who gave nearly RM10 million for the archway marking the entry into Selangor from Kuala Lumpur along the Federal Highway.
“I couldn’t believe the report when I read it in Malaysiakini. I had to read it twice to make sure that I was reading what I was reading. Many readers would have been shocked as well. They would have immediately thought of the RM2.6 billion.”
“Apparently, Shahrum Mohd Sharif can’t demand the same disclosure from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on who had given the RM2.6 billion political ‘donation’ which entered in his personal accounts before the last General Election in 2013.”
Not even one Umno MP or State Assemblyperson – except for sacked Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin — has demanded that Najib reveal the name of the donor, purportedly from the Middle East, who reportedly gave the RM2.6 billion to the Prime Minister “with no strings attached”, added Lim who was also DAP Parliamentary Leader.
The DAP veteran pointed out that it was Umno Vice-President and Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who opened the proverbial “can of worms” by claiming that he had met the donor who gave the RM2.6 billion, and later qualified the earlier statement by elaborating that it was not an individual – not singular, but plural – but the leadership of a government in the Middle East. “Initially, he also said that he did not meet the individual concerned but a family representative and his fund manager.”

“We can’t have foreign governments interfering in the internal affairs of Malaysia especially on the matter of who wins general elections. Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has of course in the meantime described the RM2.6 billion being a political donation as ‘bullshit’. He sees no Arab being crazy enough to part with that kind of money and for no reason.”
Lim also recalled that Zahid turned up in Parliament on December 3, the last day of the parliamentary sitting this year, and read a three minute statement on the RM2.6 billion. “There was nothing in the statement. It has been several months since the Wall Street Journal first broke the news on Friday 3 July this year.”
Apparently, Zahid was instructed by Najib to read the statement on his behalf on the grounds that the Attorney-General had advised him the matter was sub judice. “The matter is not in Court and cannot be sub judice.”
“Also, the RM2.6 billion was in Najib’s personal banking accounts, therefore it was a personal matter – but not private – and one that Zahid shouldn’t be addressing. Najib himself should address the questions that are being raised on the so-called political donation.” - fmt
Projek pintu gerbang Kota Darul Ehsan ditanggung oleh penderma...
Menurut Haniza Talha, Adun Taman Medan, projek tersebut diluluskan oleh bekas Menteri Besar Selangor Abdul Khalid Ibrahim melalui tender terbuka JKP dua tahun yang lalu.
"Kerajaan negeri Selangor hanya mendahulukan pembayaran dan akan dibayar semula oleh penderma supaya kerja-kerja naik tarif boleh dimulakan segera," katanya dalam satu kenyataan media.
Tambahnya, nama-nama penderma akan diukirkan di pintu tersebut.
"Dengan jumlah pembelanjaan RM 9.8 juta adalah untuk menaik taraf bahagian hadapan bangunan dengan menambah baik struktur seperti lampu, sistem elektrik, lanskap, ukiran, reka bentuk, cat baru serta penjagaan gerbang dan kawasan sekitarnya," jelas beliau.
"Projek ini telah dianugerahkan kepada pembida dengan harga kontrak yang terendah. Pintu gerbang tersebut adalah simbolik kepada negeri Selangor yang mencerminkan sejarah istana," ujarnya lagi.
Haniza yang Timbalan Ketua Wanita PKR berkata, kerja-kerja menaik taraf telah bermula pada 15 April tahun ini dan dijangka siap pada 20 Oktober tahun hadapan.
"Pada masa ini, 9 peratus telah selesai walaupun dijadualkan 15 peratus dari tarikh permulaan.
Sudah tiba masanya untuk menaik taraf Kota Darul Ehsan dan kemudahan-kemudahan awam lain yang sudah kelihatan lama untuk diselenggarakan dengan baik."
Beliau turut menegas supaya meminta Umno tutup mulut jika tidak mempunyai fakta yang sahih.
"Pemimpin Sungai Besar Umno sepatutnya tutup mulut sahaja jika tidak mempunyai fakta sahih," katanya.
"Malah ahli-ahli Umno sendiri lebih arif tentang keperluan menaik taraf pintu gerbang. Menjadi tanggungjawab Keadilan untuk melindungi kepentingan awam termasuklah membelanjakan wang rakyat secara berhemah," tambahnya lagi. - berita daily
Sultan Of The Year 2015 – Sultan Ibrahim Of The Kingdom Of Johor...
If there’s a prize for the best sultan of the year, the Sultan of Johor – Sultan Ibrahim – is easily the winner. Just when everybody was wondering if JAKIM, a powerful department of Islamic of Malaysia which takes pride in playing the role of the God, would follow Brunei’s step in banning Christmas festival, the Sultan of Ibrahim came to the rescue.
Recently, Sultan Ibrahim declared that there should be no issue if Muslims join their friends and neighbours of other faiths in celebrating their festivals. “This is what Bangsa Johor is about. It promotes closeness, tolerance and mutual respect for each other regardless of race and religion.” – said the sultan at a Deepavali gathering.
He hoped that more of such gatherings could be organized for other events such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year and Christmas, among others. In the same breath Sultan Ibrahim warned those who spread disunity to stay away from Johor, saying the state did not welcome such people. Interestingly, it was not the first time that the sultan had warned of such troublemakers. - Continue reading...

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