Saham FGV tinggal RM1.56, jatuh lebih 70% dari ketika ia diterbitkan iaitu RM4.55 pada tahun 2012 lalu. Gembar gembur kejayaan hampir tiada kedengaran.
Bajet Felda sekitar RM1.5 bilion seperti dahulu tiada lagi kerana sumbangan terbesar melalui Felda Plantation telah dipajak oleh FGV selama 99 tahun. Pendapatan dari Estet Felda ini menyumbang RM1 bilion setahun.
Felda sudah ‘miskin’ sekarang. Berbelas tabung yang bersifat kebajikan hampir tidak berfungsi. Para kontraktor yang buat kerja di Felda mengeluh kerana bayaran terlalu lembab, hingga 5-6 bulan baru dapat. Mereka dakwa sebelum ini tidak pernah seteruk ini.
Pengumuman YAB PM mengenai rumah Gen 2 dalam pembentangan Bajet, dijangka retorik semata-mata. Projek yang seumpamanya diumumkan sejak 10 tahun lalu pun amat perlahan seperti kura-kura. Ia tidak lebih mengambil hati anak muda Felda.
Para peneroka terutamanya yang masih mempunyai tanggungan sama ada anak atau cucu yang masih bersekolah, sedang merasakan peritnya. Dua minggu lagi sesi persekolahan 2016 akan bermula. Kelengkapan sekolah, pendaftaran dan yuran sekolah, mesti disediakan.

FGV yang dijulang sebagai ‘ Santa Claus’, rupa-rupanya pembawa bencana dan menambah derita warga Felda. Memo dan demo, cadangan dan pandangan, naik turun mahkamah, Usul Parlimen dan DUN telah dibawa.
Pak Menteri dan pembesar negara bercuti hujung tahun, berjoli sakan….
Rakyat kebingungan dan bermenung panjang, mengenang nasib esok hari…..
Dulu dulu…,takkan Umno nak tipu kita… Sekarang……kita ni asyik kena ‘kencing’ UMNO je lah… - Mazlan Aliman,fmt
Sah akaun peribadi Najib Razak bukan akaun amanah UMNO
Sultan rebukes ex-MBs Mat Taib,Khalid Ibrahim but praised Azmin...
It’s been a while since Muhammad was in the news, but in an interview with the Sultan on the occasion of his 70th birthday, a group of Utusan Malaysia journalists dug up the past with a question about changes in the tradition of giving royal awards. Muhammad is known to have caused drastic departures from tradition and the Sultan recently decreed a return to the old ways.
“Muhammad changed many customs, such as the granting of royal honours; so the process bypassed the Royal Council and went straight through the State Exco,” the Sultan said.
He also complained about Muhammad’s decision to create the post of Deputy Menteri Besar, calling it the “biggest mistake in Selangor’s history” because it opened the door to political intrigue. “The Deputy MB would make it his mission to scheme and topple the MB” instead of serving the people, he said.
“Frankly, I do not respect Muhammad,” he told his interviewers in a discussion about party hopping.
“He amassed wealth when he was in Umno and then he joined PAS. Then just as things were turning south for PAS, he left it to join PKR. Whichever party he joins, it is hard to have respect for him for his tendency to jump ship.”
Asked about his feelings about former MB Khalid Ibrahim and the current MB Azmin Ali, he described Azmin as a more skillful politician than his predecessor.
“From what I’ve seen, Khalid had its his own way, but he is not a political master, while Azmin understands politics. We shall see who is better at bringing development and progress to this state.”
His response was terse when asked to comment on the current political situation in Selangor. “I refuse to get involved in politics, because I cannot understand current politics.”
But the Sultan did speak at length about the responsibilities of the Menteri Besar and warned that there were temptations to shirk them.
“It’s easy to amass wealth and power while holding the post, due to the people’s admiration for the person who holds it,” he said. “That’s why it’s such a hot seat. However, those who do have principles and hold on to them will be safe in the seat. They will carve a path for the people and for the state’s development.” - fmt

Sebelum GST kita topup RM10 dapat RM10.Sekarang topup RM10.60 dapat RM10.1Januari kita topup RM10 dapat RM9.43...

Pemimpin UMNO Pulau Pinang dakwa Melayu tak dak dah di Pulau Pinang,kene halau dengan DAP... tetapi pemimpin2 UMNO itu sendiri memilikki rumah di Pulau Pinang bernilai jutaan RM. 2 pemimpin UMNO Negeri pernah didedah untung RM5 juta hasil menipu menjual 9.362 ekar tanah milik 31 orang Melayu di Kampung Terang,Balik Pulau Pulau.

Buat apa admin tulis mengata-ngata menteri dsb fasal fgv tu. Kami nak tau apa kesannya kepad para peneroka. Tulis banyak2 sampai mereka faham. sampai tukang karut mereka tu juga faham.
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