Di tengah-tengah kehangatan isu kerjasama Umno-PAS, Utusan Malaysia tampil memberi layanan istimewa kepada Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Akhbar milik Umno itu hari ini menyiarkan kenyataan penuh Hadi, yang antara lain mempertahankan peranan parti itu sebagai pembangkang yang menasihati kerajaan.
Malah, kenyataan anggota Parlimen Marang itu turut diketengah di muka depan akhbar itu.
Manakala kenyataan penuh Hadi dimuatkan di halaman ke-12 dengan tajuk "Fahami konsep Nasihat PAS"
Jarang Utusan memberi ruang sebegitu kepada pemimpin pembangkang selama ini.
Akhbar web PAS Haakahdaily turut memuatkan kenyataan penuh Hadi semalam.
Masih tidak jelas sama ada layanan istimewa Utusan itu akan menjadi isyarat bahawa Umno terus berusaha untuk 'melamar' PAS, yang kini bersendirian selepas perpecahan gabungan pembangkang Pakatan Rakyat.
Dalam artikel itu, Hadi antaranya berkata kesediaan PAS itu untuk menjadi penasihat kerajaan bukan kerana pangkat tetapi untuk menjadi penyelamat.
Malah, katanya, konsep nasihat sangat penting untuk umat Islam dan termaktub dalam al-Quran dan sunah yang menjadi dasar tertinggi PAS.
Beliau pada masa yang sama menyelar pihak yang “lemah iman” dan tidak istiqamah dengan “mahu menjadi pembangkang semata-mata atau terpengaruh dengan musuh Islam yang mencipta provokasi”.
Isu kerjasama kedua-dua parti terbesar di Malaysia itu kembali disemarakkan selepas perkongsian pentas Hadi dan Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam sebuah acara alumni Universiti al-Azhar, Mesir baru-baru ini.
Kemesraan mereka, selain pakaian sedondon merah jambu, mereka juga menjadi perhatian lensa jurugambar, yang terus mencetuskan perbahasan awam. - mk
Utusan gives PAS chief Hadi rare privilege
December 26, 2004 in Penang, Malaysia, show rows of boats and debris littering the streets following a tsunami that hit the region after a 9.0 magnitude earthquake that hit the neighboring Indonesian island of Sumatra.
2004 Tsunami, a forgotten tragedy...
People around Kota Kuala Muda are continuing their lives as usual like nothing had ever happened to this laid back coastal village.
Bernama checks found that the area was not well maintained and the Tsunami Gallery and Tsunami Monument which were built two years later to remember the tragedy did not bring much change to the area.
The tsunami that struck on Dec 26, 2004, is still fresh in the memory of the victims, especially those who lost family members and belongings, but for others it is just a forgotten tragedy.
In commemoration of the 11th anniversary of the tragedy, Bernama journalists spoke to several young people from the villages, who were in their primary school at the time of the incident, to share their sentiments about the tragedy.
Noorsabrina Mohd Saleh, 20, from Kampung Hujung Matang, who was in standard three when the incident occurred, said when the big wave hit, she was watching television her grandmother's house located not far from her home.
December 26,2004 - The havoc on Gurney Road, Penang...
"From my recollection, my grandmother, mother and siblings were also in the house, about eight of us, and we were shocked by the screams of our neighbours who told us about the big wave.
"I am grateful that we are all safe because the house was not flooded with too much water. We had to run barefoot because the shoes were swept away by the waves," she said.
She said the beach could not be seen directly from her home now since trees that have grown after the tsunami were obstructing the view.
Nabila Amni Hamid, 22, from Kampung Masjid who was 11 at that time said she and her family were just returning home from a wedding, held near their house when the tsunami struck.
Nabila said the tsunami had damaged part of her house but she was grateful that no one was injured or killed.
"During the chaos, we stayed in our house and saw our neighbours including the newlyweds run for their lives," she said.
For Farah Farhana Abdul Mutalib, 20, the tragedy thought her that people could just not predict accidents and it was possible that the tragedy would recur.
"What we can do is to pray that such incidents will not happen again," she said.- Bernama

bukan mula hilang keyakinan
kah kah kah
dah lama tak caya
lupa ke korek korek korek
kah kah kah
lupa kes jubur saifol
kah kah kah
lupa kes 2.6 bilion ringgit?
lupa kes pewaja?
lupa kes pkfz?
kah kah kah
dah lamaaa daaaaa
dah lamaaaaaa daaaaaa
kah kah kah
DAH LAMAAA DAH... tukar tiub

Kalau tak MENIPU bukan UMNO namanya,
Kalau tak RACIST bukan UMNO namanya,
Kalau tak BODOH bukan UMNO namanya,
Kalau tak KENCING bukan UMNO namanya,
Kalau tak JILAT bukan UMNO namanya,
Kalau tak MENCURI bukan UMNO namanya,
Kalau tak SPIN bukan UMNO namanya,
Kalau tak BANGSAT bukan UMNO namanya,

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