Cerita seorang pengguna jalan raya yang tidak memberi laluan kepada kereta rasmi Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menjadi pengkongsian hangat pengguna laman social.
Fadzil Khairi menceritakan bukan dia sahaja malah ramai lagi pengguna jalan raya yang di hadapannya yang tidak mempedulikan arahan polis trafik supaya memberi laluan kepada kereta yang dinaiki Najib.
Katanya, sikap pemandu termasuk dirinya yang enggan memberi laluan itu menyebabkan polis trafik yang bertugas mengelabah.

“Kami tak marah polis yang menjalankan tugas. Kami nak suruh menteri amalkan apa yang menteri cakap hari itu tu je pada rakyat – kalau tak nak bayar tol dan elak jem (kesesakan), sila bangun pagi.”
“So menteri kalau tak nak ngadap jem, hangpa bangun pagi atau balik keja lewat laa bhai… tak pun naik pengangkutan awam.. kata berjiwa rakyat,” tulis Fadzil.
Status dia itu dikongsi lebih hampir 3,000 pengguna Facebook dan menerima lebih 15,000 likes.- f/b link
Perpaduan Melayu bukan sahaja hanya PAS dengan UMNO

Najib, PAS all about ‘I help you, you help me’...
“At that time, Najib even openly complained for a time until he was advised against it, that he was done in by a Chinese political tsunami, despite his 1Malaysia theme.”
“Not so long ago, his politics was based on the ‘You help me, I help you’ theme with the Chinese. In 2008, it was a political tsunami that hit the ruling Umno/Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.”
Then, said the analyst, Najib came up with the idea of forging closer political co-operation with Hindraf Makkal Sakthi but the arrangement ended after GE13 when Hindraf Chief P. Waythamoorthy resigned as Senator and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. “Waytha complained that Najib never kept any of his promises.”
“Hindraf is now further than ever from Najib.”
Najib’s latest political move with PAS, said Shahbudin Husin the analyst, was nothing new. “Najib is always into one form of political cooperation or another with various groups all the time.”
“During the recent Umno General Assembly, after having denied a voice to his critics on the twin mega scandals – the RM2.6 billion political ‘donation’ controversy and the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal – he extended an olive branch to his party deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, whom he sacked in late July as Deputy Prime Minister along with Umno Vice- President Shafie Apdal from the cabinet.”
Najib also offered, during his address at the Umno meet, to co-operate politically with PAS.
This time, the analyst sees the Prime Minister reviving his “You help me, I help you’ theme but with the Islamists who have been left out of Pakatan Harapan, the new informal opposition alliance. “His sudden push for co-operation with PAS wouldn’t happen if former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin, and Shafie had not been against him.”
“Najib needs PAS as much as PAS needs him. Co-operation with PAS will make it easier for Najib to move against his critics in Umno. PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang suddenly finds the twin mega scandals not an issue any longer.”
In short, reiterated Shahbudin, political co-operation with PAS will help Najib finish off Muhyiddin, Shafie, Mahathir and other critics in Umno once and for all. “Added to that is the push for Malay votes in GE14 as the main priority for him.” - fmt
Kerjasama UMNO Dengan PAS Lebih Untuk Survival NAJIB
PAS, pergilah bersatu dengan UMNO

Tangan Anwar Ibrahim yang banyak memenangkan PAS di banyak kawasan sampai masuk penjara tak pernah diziarah pun,tangan 2.6 bilion Najib pula dijulang2 dengan penuh bangga...

Tapi DAP yang disalahkan dan dimaki tiap hari oleh Geng UMNO dan sekutunya...

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