Derma RM2.6 bilion,Zahid jawab dalam masa 3 minit...
Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mewakili Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak membacakan jawapan kepada isu itu tanpa menerima sebarang soalan daripada mana-mana ahli Parlimen.
"Pada 4 Ogos, 2015 Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) memaklumkan jumlah RM2.6 bilion yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi perdana menteri bukan daripada syarikat 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

"SPRM juga sudah mengenal pasti penderma dana itu. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) juga dimaklumkan pembukaan akaun itu," kata Zahid ketika membacakan jawapan itu.
Beliau berkata, kenyataan dikeluarkan dikhuatiri boleh menjadi subjudis dan menjejaskan perjalanan sesuatu siasatan dan menimbulkan prejudis orang awam kepada pihak berkuasa yang menjalankan siasatan.
Pembangkang tidak puas hati kerana Najib tidak tidak menjawab soalan itu kerana wang itu dimasukkan ke dalam akaunnya.

Ahli Parlimen Puchong, Gobind Singh Deo memohon Pandikar Amin sekurang-kurangnya membenarkan perkara itu dibahaskan .
Ahli Parlimen Subang, R. Sivarasa pula mempersoalkan mengapa Ahmad Zahid menjawab bagi pihak Najib.
“Bagaimana Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang menjaga hel ewahl dalam negeri boleh menjawab soalan ini,” soalnya.
Pandikar Amin menjelaskan perkara itu tidak menjadi isu kerana sebagai Speaker beliau membenar Ahmad Zahid menjawab bagi pihak Najib. - fmt/tmi
Ahli parlimen kecewa Najib tidak jawab RM2.6 bilion
Pahalawan Bugis Lari Lagi...
Anti-climax as DPM wraps up RM2.6b explanation in 3 mins...
Anticipation had been building over the weeks that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak would answer the RM2.6 billion issue in Parliament.
However, this turned out to be an anti-climax today.
It was not the prime minister but rather his newly-appointed number two, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who addressed the matter.
And the deputy prime minister wrapped-up his explanation within three minutes.
Zahid stood up about 11.30am to answer the issue and cited Standing Order 14 (1) (I).
DAP's Puchong MP Gobind Singh protested, arguing that Najib should answer the issue himself as it is a personal matter.
"This must be answered by Najib, not by the deputy prime minister. We should be able to ask him questions," Gobind said, and urged speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia to make a ruling.
However, the speaker shot down his demand.
Pandikar said he had given much consideration to the matter, and allowed Zahid to proceed with his statement.
"Other ministers can also answer because that is the House rule. The next in line is the deputy prime minister," he pointed out.
Then, much to the chagrin of the opposition, the speaker also disallowed questions and debates, stating it was because the explanation was being delivered under Standing Order 14 (1) (I).
Coughing repeatedly, Pandikar also signalled Mahfuz Omar (PAS-Pokok Sena) not to interrupt the proceedings.
The speaker then allowed Azeez Abdul Rahim (BN-Baling) to address the House and MP criticised the opposition for making noise.
"If they don't want to listen to the answer, they can get out," Azeez said.
Najib's motorcade was spotted arriving at Parliament's office tower earlier in the morning.
In his explanation, Zahid noted that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) confirmed that the RM2.6 billion was a political donation and had identified the donor.
"Malaysia has no law that says political donations must be declared or to stop them.
"Others should not pretend that they don't need political donations," he said, adding that Najib had vowed to regulate political donations.
Zahid also said that efforts to regulate political donations were, however, rejected by the opposition. - mk
The explanation that did not explain anything
A bloody waste of time, DAP says of Zahid's reply...
The DAP condemned the three-minute response of Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to the RM2.5 billion fiasco as a waste of time and an act of cowardice for not facing up to the controversy.
Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong said given that the RM 2.6 billion issue has tarnished the name of country, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak should be referred to the Privileges and Rights Committee.
“I think it’s bloody waste of time; the prime minister (himself) should have explained (the matter) to Parliament.
“If anyone should be referred to the privileges committee, it should be the prime minister,”Liew, the DAP national political education director, told reporters at the party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.
Citing the hauling up of PKR Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar to the Rights and Privileges Committee, he said Najib should also face a similar fate.
“He (Najib) takes foreign donation, he should be probed by Parliament.”
Instead of the prime minister, Zahid was tasked to explain the RM2.6 billion issue which he did in just three minutes, shedding hardly any new information.
Later, Parliament voted to refer Nurul Izzah to the rights committee, with 105 in favour and 77 against.
Nurul Izzah has been embroiled in a controversy following her meeting with the self-styled Sulu princess Jacel Kiram.
Liew said that Parliament has got its priorities wrong when it dealt with two major issues – the RM2.6 billion donation and referring Nurul Izzah to the rights panel.
He said while the nation waited to hear the explanation on the RM2.6 billion scandal, it took only three minutes for Zahid to answer.
On the other hand, it took Parliament one hour to debate on the motion to refer Nurul Izzah to the rights committee.
“This will result in the public losing confidence in Parliament.”
Also present at the press conference were DAP acting chairman Tan Kok Wai, Rasah MP Teo Kok Seong and Selangor DAP committee member Edry Faisal.
'Embarrassing to Umno'
Joining in the attack, Tan said Najib is “a coward” for not showing up to given an explanation on the RM2.6 billion fiasco.
“The reply by Zahid on behalf of the prime minister shows Najib is a coward for not turning up himself.
“This has caused embarassment to Umno,” said the Cheras MP, adding that he foresees Umno grassroots members rebelling against Najib.
Meanwhile, Liew said Parliament will sit for only 53 days next year, which is insufficient for MPs to debate.
“MPs will have to stay late into the night (to debate on Bills),” he said, adding that this will undermine democracy.
The Dewan Rakyat is expected to adjourn its last day of sitting in the wee hours as the controversial National Security Council Bill will be hotly debated.
Asked why the opposition did not call for bloc voting on the third reading of Budget 2016, Liew said that since a bloc voting was called at the policy stage, it is not necessary to repeat.
“During the policy stage (we have called for bloc voting). I don’t see the need to do the thing twice.”
DAP whip Anthony Loke had called for bloc voting on the budget at the policy stage on Nov 16, but the opposition failed to vote it down, with 128 in favour (of the budget) and 74 against.
The opposition did not call for a bloc voting on the third reading of the Supply Bill two days ago. - mk

Mansuhkan cukai pintu untuk 2016? Awatlah gomen DAP ni kejam sangat...

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