Ingat rakyat Malaysia ni bodoh macam lembu kondo...
Siapa penderma murah hati RM2.6 bilion...
Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng hari ini meminta perdana menteri mendedahkan nama individu "baik hati" yang memasukkan derma RM2.6 bilion ke dalam akaun Datuk Seri Najib Razak menjelang perhimpunan agung Umno esok.
Lim juga bertanya bagaimana Najib berjaya menarik individu pemurah menderma tanpa mengenakan sebarang syarat.
"Siapa yang sukakan beliau sehingga tahap itu?" soal beliau, sambil menambah Najib juga tidak cukup terkenal di peringkat antarabangsa berbanding bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
"Malah sehingga hari ini, orang ramai masih lebih mengenali Dr Mahathir. Namun, besar kemungkinan mereka akan tahu tentang PM yang mendapat sumbangan besar, tetapi mungkin bukan namanya," kata Lim sinis.
Dalam temu bual di TV3 malam tadi dengan bos media arus perdana, Najib mengakui menerima RM 2.6 bilion, yang katanya adalah sumbangan.
Beliau berkata, wang itu dipindahkan ke dalam akaun peribadinya "semata-mata kerana ia adalah hasrat penderma dan juga kerana derma itu dibuat atas kapasiti peribadi".
Dilaporkan semalam, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) sudah menemu bual penderma dari Timur Tengah itu.
Bagaimanapun, identitinya masih menjadi misteri.
Lim berkata perkara itu tidak beretika dan identiti penderma harus didedahkan, sambil menambah para pelabur juga bertanya siapakah individu itu.
"Malah presiden Amerika Syarikat juga tidak begitu bernasib baik. Mengapa Najib bernasib baik manakala rakyat Malaysia tidak?"
Lim juga "mengucapkan tahniah" kepada Umno dan semua parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN) lain kerana semakin berjaya mendapatkan PAS sebagai sekutu baharu mereka.
Beliau menyatakan perkara itu selepas Najib memaklumkan pada temu bual itu PAS menunjukkan "tanda-tanda yang menggalakkan bagi kemungkinan bekerjasama dengan Umno", berdasarkan tindakannya yang menyokong parti Melayu itu.
Najib, yang juga presiden Umno berkata salah satu daripada tanda-tanda positif adalah apabila PAS tidak menolak Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan 2016 apabila ia diundi di Dewan Rakyat pada bulan lepas. Parti pembangkang lain menolak Bajet 2016. – tmi
Who’s the kind donor of RM2.6 billion...

Najib perlu berhenti perbodohkan rakyat...
Kit Siang mendesak Perdana Menteri memberi penjelasan isu 1MDB dan RM2.6 bilion pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2015.
Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang menasihatkan kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak supaya tidak menganggap 30 juta rakyat Malaysia seperti orang bodoh.
Beliau berkata demikian berikutan dakwaan Najib yang pembangkang tidak bercakap menggunakan fakta mengenai 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
Katanya, sekiranya pembangkang dianggap seperti itu (tidak bercakap menggunakan fakta), mengapa Najib tidak hadir di Parlimen untuk menerangkan kontroversi mengenai isu RM2.6 bilion dan 1MDB yang dikaitkan dengannya pada minggu lalu.
“Kita juga perlu menanyakan sama ada Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (Timbalan Presiden UMNO), Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal (Naib Presiden UMNO) dan Tan Sri Gani Patail (bekas Peguam Negara) juga terpesona dengan pembohongan yang dibuat oleh pembangkang?
“Beliau (Najib) harus diingatkan petikan Abraham Lincoln ‘Anda boleh menipu semua orang dalam beberapa waktu tetapi anda tidak boleh menipu semua orang dalam sepanjang masa,” kata Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah.
Kit Siang juga menggesa Najib menjelaskan beberapa isu yang dikaitkan dengannya dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2015 seperti isu 1MDB, dana RM2.6 bilion dan adakah benar Najib merupakan Perdana Menteri pertama yang disiasat Biro Siasatan Persekutuan (FBI) dan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DOJ).- fmt
Stop taking Malaysians for fools,Najib...
Were the likes of Muhyiddin, Shafie and Gani Patail also duped by the "lies" spun by the opposition, asks DAP supremo.
DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang today told Prime Minister Najib Razak to not take 30 million Malaysians for fools.
This was in regards to the premier’s recent remarks that said the opposition had spun lies, and not facts on 1MDB.
“If they (the opposition) attack us using logic, rational thinking and facts, they will lose. It’s now a battle of the minds,” Najib had said.
If that was the case, Lim asked why was Najib absent in Parliament to explain the twin controversies (RM2.6 billion donation and 1MDB), last week.
Had Najib had been present to set the record straight, Pakatan Harapan MPs who had been harping on both issues would have been “exposed” as opportunists, charlatans and even ignoramuses, said Lim.
“We must also ask whether Muhyiddin Yassin, Shafie Apdal and Gani Patail were also fascinated by the “lies” spun by the opposition, that they jeopardized their careers as Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet Minister and the Attorney-General respectively?
“He (Najib) should remember Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote :”You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time,” Lim said in a statement.
Lim added that battle on-going in the country was between the 300 Umno chieftains “in Najib’s pockets” and the 3 million Umno members in the 21,000 Umno branches.
He called on Najib to explain the twin controversies in the Umno general assembly, as well as to clarify if he is the first Malaysian PM to be probed by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).- fmt

Berehatlah Najib, kata Din...

What’s changed, Ku Li?
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah says that barring UMNO Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin from speaking at the UMNO General Assembly is merely a break from tradition, but is not undemocratic.
This is only correct in a limited sense. UMNO has not been democratic in its ways for a long time now, even when the Deputy President was allowed to address the party’s women and youth wings. So the issue of whether or not the Deputy President is able to speak is not indicative of the party’s character.
But everyone, including Ku Li, knows that this so-called break from tradition is happening because Muhyiddin has been critical of the party’s President and the Prime Minister, Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak, on the 1MDB issue.
For the party president to break from tradition because he does not want his deputy to say anything that might embarrass him is selfish, arrogant and unbecoming — it’s also undemocratic.
I would have thought that Ku Li, as a senior UMNO man who was himself once hard done by former UMNO President Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, would empathise with Muhyiddin. He could at least stand up for Muhyiddin on this issue; not so much to defend the party’s democratic ways, but at least to tell Najib not to try and bully everyone in the party and country.
But the prince Ku Li sees little need to defend Muhyiddin. When you have been in UMNO long enough, you forget what pain and humiliation means to others, even if you had once experienced them yourself.
I presume that as a loyal UMNO man, Ku Li also voted for the National Security Council Bill — he says the people will accept it as long as it is not abused. Of course, we wouldn’t need the police force either if everyone were honest, and we wouldn’t need judges if everyone were to follow the law. In fact, we would not need laws at all if every Malaysian behaved and lived peacefully and honourably.
But the reason why we have laws and a system of checks and balances is because experience has taught us that power corrupts and leaders can abuse their position. That’s why we want democratic principles in governance, and checks and balances in the system. That’s why we must oppose dictatorship and oppose any law that accentuates power.
To hear Ku Li make this statement when he has been speaking from the right side of the fence for so many years is frankly shocking and disappointing. Is he saying that Najib will not abuse the new law? Is this a newfound confidence in the Prime Minister? If so, what has changed?
A Prime Minister who genuinely wants to do good for the country does not need a new National Security Council law. He will not define “national security” so loosely that it includes everything under the sky. The laws that existed before the NSC were enough to keep the country safe.
A Prime Minister only needs such a security law if he is uncertain of where the Cabinet’s or his party’s loyalty lies. He needs the new law if he is uncertain if the Malay Rulers will support him. He needs the new law if he wants to rule by fiat, and to remain in power regardless of what anyone else says. I would have thought someone like Ku Li could see this. - Zaid Ibrahim

Ini musim naik, semua naik. Tol, LRT, ERL, bas ekspres, komuter dan macam-macam lagi naik. Apa lagi yang akan naik lepas ini? Yang pasti selain harga semua naik, rakyat juga naik darah dengan Najib Razak...

Berapa ramai orang guna kad kredit semata-mata nak naik ERL...

Habis duit kita,Ustaz Abdullah Khairi...

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