MAS rugi bersih RM2.52 bilion...
Malaysian Airline System Bhd (MAS) mencatat kerugian bersih RM2.52 bilion hasil daripada RM13.9 bilion perolehan bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2011.
Bagi tempoh suku keempat, syarikat penerbangan negara itu merekodkan RM1.28 bilion kerugian bersih, hasil pusing ganti sebanyak RM3.68 bilion, kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya Ahmad Jauhari Yahya. Beliau berkata kerugian kumpulan bagi tahun 2011 menunjukkan pentingnya syarikat penerbangan itu segera melaksanakan usaha untuk mengekang "kerugian" itu.
"Ini termasuk penempatan semula petugas, meningkatkan produktiviti, kecekapan dan kawalan kos dan membuat kajian selanjutnya.
Ahmad Jauhari berkata prestasi setahun penuh kumpulan itu terjejas teruk akibat peningkatan 21 peratus perbelanjaan berjumlah RM16.2 bilion, berbanding RM13.41 bilion pada 2010. Beliau berkata perbelanjaan tinggi itu disebabkan oleh peningkatan 33 peratus kos bahan api sebanyak RM5.85 bilion dan peningkatan 15 peratus perbelanjaan bukan minyak sebanyak RM10.43 bilion.
Sementara itu, bahagian kargo mengalami penurunan, selari dengan penurunan industri berkenaan di dunia. Perolehan susut 14 peratus, kapasiti susut sembilan peratus manakala hasil pulangan dua peratus.
Ahmad Jauhari juga berkata MASkargo mencatat kerugian sebelum cukai sebanyak RM19 juta pada 2011 berbanding keuntungan RM141 juta pada tahun sebelumnya ekoran kos bahan api yang tinggi dan kekurangan barisan pesawat A330.- malaysiakini
MAS losses soar to RM2.5b...
Malaysia Airlines recorded a stunning net loss of RM2.52 billion for 2011 and the company is now in “crisis”, the national flag carrier said today. The carrier also confirmed that the losses for the 2011 financial year were the largest in its history.
The airline reported a massive net loss of RM1.28 billion in the fourth quarter, which was about as much as the first three quarters combined.
“The company is in crisis,” said Malaysia Airlines (MAS) CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya in a statement.
Ahmad said that the losses were due to higher expenses including a 25 per cent increase in fuel expenses and a 50 per cent increase in non-fuel expenses. The company’s cash reserves more than halved to RM1 billion at the end of last year from RM2.1 billion at the end of 2010 and net assets plunged from RM3.5 billion to RM1.1 billion.
The business turnaround plan projects the airline to improve its performance in 2012 to somewhere between breakeven and a net loss of RM165 million.
The current high cost of oil, however, could throw a spanner in the works as the turnaround plan had assumed fuel costs of US$130 per barrel and MAS said that prices for fuel had already hit US$138.The airline said that fuels costs had increased by 25 per cent last year to RM305 million.
Other major expenditure that MAS said contributed to the loss included provisions for the redelivery of aircraft (RM602 million), impairment of freighters (RM314 million) and stock obsolescence (RM179 million).
Revenue, meanwhile, was up marginally from RM13.5 billion in 2010 to RM13.9 billion in 2011.
MAS reported a net profit of RM234 million in 2010.
It noted today that it paid US$95 per barrel of oil (ex-hedging) in 2010 as compared with US$133 per barrel in 2011.
“Obviously, this was a large loss,” said Ahmad referring to the 2011 results.
He said that the outlook for 2012 was challenging with passenger and cargo segments expected to remain weak.- malaysian insider
Inilah parasit2 utama yang menjahanamkan MAS...
AirAsia FY11 net profit almost halves to RM564m...
AirAsia Bhd saw its net profit in the last quarter ended Dec 31, 2011 tumble 56% to RM135.7 million from a year ago, clipped by soaring fuel cost that more than offset increased passenger numbers and higher ticket prices.
The erosion of earnings by fuel cost was widely predicted, although the quantum of decline was worst than what most analysts had expected.
AirAsia said it spent RM475 million on fuel during the fourth quarter, compared with RM292 million a year ago. Analysts said fuel cost accounts for about 50% of the budget airline's operating costs.
MIDF Research, which had expected AirAsia to make RM638 million in net profit for 2011, warned clients last week that the airline may disappoint as it continues to struggle with high fuel cost.
AirAsia told Bursa Malaysia today its FY11 net profit almost halved to RM564.15 million, or 20.3 sen a share, from RM1.06 billion in FY10.
Revenue stood at RM4.47 billion, up from RM3.95 billion the previous year.-theSun daily
Proton rugi RM84j dalam suku ketiga 2011...
Kerugian pracukai syarikat pembuat kereta negara, Proton Holdings Bhd telah meningkat kepada RM84.054 juta untuk suku ketiga berakhir 31 Dis, 2011 berbanding kerugian pracukai RM51.535 juta dalam tempoh yang sama 2010.
Dalam satu kenyataan, syarikat berkata prestasi yang lemah itu adalah disebabkan penurunan dalam jualan akhir tahun yang menyaksikan pelarasan jumlah pengeluaran dalam usaha untuk menguruskan kos dengan lebih baik.
Pendapatan merosot kepada RM1.432 bilion daripada RM1.833 bilion sebelumnya.
Sementara itu, pendapatan untuk sembilan bulan pertama turut susut kepada RM5.92 bilion daripada RM6.36 bilion sementara kerugian sebelum cukai ialah RM36.530 juta berbanding keuntungan pracukai RM134.3 juta yang dicatatkan dalam tempoh kewangan yang sama sebelumnya.
Pengerusi kumpulan Datuk Seri Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh berkata keuntungan yang rendah itu dikaitkan sebahagian besarnya kepada pendapatan yang lemah yang dicatatkan daripada jualan domestik.
"Selain daripada itu, keputusan itu turut terjejas oleh jumlah jualan yang rendah kereta-kereta Lotus di Eropah pada suku yang lepas," tambah beliau.
Mohd Nadzmi juga berkata yang penangguhan pelancaran model terbaru Proton turut menjejaskan unjuran jualan.- malaysiakini
Proton posts 3Q net loss of RM88.2m
Proton Holdings Bhd posted heavier net losses of RM88.20 million in the third quarter ended Dec 31, 2011 compared with the net loss of RM60.10 million a year ago due to a decline in year-end sales. It said on Wednesday that total sales volume was lower when compared to the immediate preceding quarter due to the expected slowdown in buying trend as customers opted to wait until after the new year to purchase a new vehicle in order to capitalise on better future resale value.
“Customer demand over the period also showed an unfavourable volume mix of Proton models, which further affected the profit margin. Consequently, the lower sales volume also resulted in the group having had to adjust production numbers to better manage cost,” it said.
Proton said its 3Q revenue was lower at RM1.432 billion compared with RM1.833 billion a year ago. Loss per share was 16.10 sen compared with loss per share of 10.90 sen a year ago.
For the nine-month period, its registered net loss of RM68.09 million compared with net profit of RM90.50 million a year ago. Its revenue was lower at RM5.928 billion compared with RM6.363 billion a year ago.
Proton group chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh said the lower profit was largely due to lower revenue from domestic sales.- theEdge
Mamu kita ni dok jadi penasihat Proton dari dulu,kini dan selama2nya, dah tak ada orang lain kah...
1 comment:
Ooit...Proton model apa tu?
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