Like most frustrated Malaysians, these netizens vents their anger too...
Bozo. Its really a joke country. Polis tendang kes ke AG, AG pass balik ke polis. Polis lagi tendang ke AG dan AG pass balik kes ke polis lagi. Apa, ini football game kah? Polis lawan AG di Corruption Cup.
Seeker99 Both AG and Police do not have the balls to tackle the problem by the 'horn' (pun intended) as they know very well who are involved and they dare not risk their rice bowl for that very reason of this ding dong.
Swkdayaks They are all stuck and do not know what to do now because Shahrizat also very well knew all the skeletons in the cupboards of the other UMNO leaders. They may be even worst!! Come on Shahrizat expose them after they also exposed and humiliated you and your family!! Sama dosa bah!
Dont Just Talk: PM Najib Razak has announced that any decision to charge NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) directors for the RM250 million cow-condos scandal will have to come from the AG (attorney-general), who in turn must get the green light from Najib.What a wonderful country to live in; and after all the ding-dong of investigation papers between the AG and PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), NFC directors will be charged by AG as part of a ‘sandiwara'.
Novice prosecutors will be put in charge of the case and ultimately, the case will be thrown out of court. Case closed and another RM250 million of taxpayers' money go down the drain. In the worst-case scenario, we will get an out-of-court between the borrower and lender, just like the former MAS chief Tajudin Ramli's settlement with Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd. It is no wonder that billions in illicit outflows have left our shores in the last decade.
Kgen: They are stalling for time as usual. Just from publicly available information alone, there is already more than enough material to slap a dozen charges on NFC directors. What more investigations do you need?
Hello: It looks like the buck is being passed around, just like the ‘passing the pillow' game. The police passed the report to the AG, the AG passed it back to the police. By the time this passing game is done, it will be ‘no further action' (NFA) for NFC's CBT (criminal breach of trust).
Sarajun Hoda: The jigsaw puzzle is falling into place. The investigations will continue and be delayed due to the upcoming election, I suspect. The BN government is in a Catch-22 situation.
If they charge the NFC directors, they may lose the elections due to public distrust. If they do not charge them, they may also lose the elections as this is one of the most popular issues for the opposition.
Kakarook: In the case of former DAP aide Teoh Beng Hock, there was not even a culprit but he was interrogated until the wee hours of the morning, and was later found dead.
HangTuah: The AG has been put in a spot by the police, DAP MP Tony Pua and PKR communications director Rafizi Ramli, and he does not know what to do. If he prefers to charge, all the sordid details will emerge to show a lack of accountability on the part of the government, including gross incompetency, blatant corruption and cronyism.
There's also the wrath of a woman scorned to face and possibly beans will be spilled. If no charges are preferred, this will embarrass the government, which will be hard pressed to explain to the rakyat, and this is a big no-no with elections just around the corner. What can the AG do but send the papers back to the police to buy time until perhaps after the GE.
Lim Chong Leong: What is there to investigate? Just go to Tony Pua and he will show you how everything has gone into the hands of the thieves.
Kangaroo: How can the AG decide when he himself is the subject of so many allegations? He himself needs to be investigated first. The police have already concluded a case of CBT, what else is there for AG to look for?
JM: Buying for time....Public will never see the light at the end of the tunnel unless the government is changed. Vote for Change.
AngryBird: If Malaysians want to see light and the end of the tunnel, throw out BARUAH BN/UMNO in GE13 - malaysiakini
AG tidak berminat dakwa suami,& keluarga Shahrizat...
Pengarah Strategi KEADILAN, Rafizi Ramli mempersoalkan tindakan Abdul Gani memulangkan semula kertas siasatan tersebut, meskipun pun pihak polis sendiri sebelum ini mencadangkan Pengerusi NFC, Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh Ismail didakwa.
“Sememangnya ia terpulang kepada Peguam Negara untuk mendakwa atau tidak.
“Namun, Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial (CCID) Syed
Ismail Syed Azizan sendiri secara terbuka mengatakan ada bukti kukuh dan
mencadangkan pengarah NFCorp, Datuk Mohamed Salleh didakwa di
mahkamah,” ujarnya ketika dihubungi keadilan daily.
Menurut Rafizi, tindakan terbaru peguam negara itu hanya menunjukkan
wujudnya usaha kerajaan pimpinan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak
untuk menghalang atau melengahkan pendakwaan terhadap keluarga
“Ini kerana Peguam Negara hanya tertakluk di bawah kuasa Perdana Menteri,” tambah beliau.
Memetik laporan portal berita Malaysiakini, Abdul Gani hari ini memulangkan kembali kertas siasatan kepada pihak polis dan mengarahkan siasatan diteruskan, tanpa menyatakan sebab.
Ini adalah kali kedua Abdul Gani bertindak sedemikian, selepas memulangkannya buat kali pertama pada 17 Januari lalu.
Mengulas lanjut, Rafizi berkata, ia tidak akan melemahkan usaha Pakatan Rakyat untuk terus mendedahkan penyelewengan RM250 juta yang dilakukan oleh NFCorp.
“Pakatan akan terus membongkar dan membentangkan bukti penyelewengan yang dilakukan NFCorp kepada rakyat, kerana terbukti rakyat dapat menjadi pendakwa yang lebih baik.
“Rakyat sememangnya tidak menaruh harapan tinggi untuk melihat tindakan diambil dalam kes ini. Justeru, saya berharap rakyat akan menghakimi Umno-BN melalui peti undi nanti,” jelas Rafizi.- keadilandaily.
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