06 March 2012

Kedah's 'mini storm' tapers off...

Following the decision to form a steering committee to oversee the Kedah state administration, Kedah PAS deputy commissioner Phahrolrazi Zawawi and Dr Ismail Salleh said they would abide by the Central PAS decision requiring them to accept their positions in the state cabinet.

 "I have achieved my goal, and I will return to the Exco," Phahrolrazi told Harakahdaily, explaining that he had wanted the state administration to be monitored and subscribe to collective decision-making.

"With the setting up of the steering committee, there will be check and balance on the state administration," he added.

Ismail meanwhile said he would also abide by the party's decision, following the weekend meeting bringing them and Kedah Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak together. Their discussion, which commenced at 10 pm Saturday ended in the wee hours of the morning.

"We took a suicidal step urging the leadership to give attention to what had been taking place in Kedah. Now that attention has been given and an administrative mechanism in the form of a steering committee has been formed, we will rejoin the state exco as instructed," he told

'We are not Hasan Ali'

Ismail also assured that he would work hard to strengthen PAS.

"Our intention is just for the sake of the members. We are not another Hasan Ali," he said, referring to the sacked PAS state exco for Selangor. 

 "Tok Guru [PAS Mushidul Am Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat] and  [PAS president] Haji Hadi [Awang] are our teachers and we hold them in high esteem," said Ismail, who alongside Phahrolrazi refused to take their oaths in office citing dissatisfaction with state leadership.

The PAS leadership earlier announced the outcome of the meeting, which among others saw Azizan keeping his MB post.-harakahdaily

Rebel duo now accept exco posts

Phahrolrazi Mohd Zawawi and Ismail Salleh will accept their nominations as exco members, which will likely cool down the leadership crisis in Kedah PAS.

NONEAt a press conference today, Phahrolrazi (left) said he and his colleague were satisfied because of the PAS central committee had established a steering committee as an oversight mechanism for party’s exco members.

Phahrolrazi said that he and Ismail accepted their nominations as exco members with an open heart and said they have achieved their objectives.

He said that with the steering committee, Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak will be now subject to scrutiny by the party leaders.

''There was once such a committee for Kelantan. I am surprised we in Kedah didn’t have it earlier,” he said.

This morning the PAS central committee announced that its meeting in Alor Setar on Saturday had decided to maintain the status quo, by retaining Azizan as Kedah MB. PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali said the two dissenting exco members must return to their positions.

The meeting had also agreed to set up a steering committee consisting of PAS central leadership members to “observe, monitor and assist” states that are led by PAS and have PAS members in the top administration.

Phahrlolrazi, whose exco term expires on March 7, said that never before in history has the PAS central shown such seriousness in dealing with the problems in the Kedah administration. He added that several individuals and parties had raised such issues with the party’s central committee but “but they never received much attention”.

The state PAS deputy commissioner said the decision to set up the steering committee by the central leadership was most important. He stressed that this would mean that disgruntled exco members would have a channel to voice out their dissatisfaction about how Kedah is administered.

About the members of the committee, Phahrolrazi said he does not know who would be in it.But was confident that it would be handled by the PAS central leadership with the cooperation of state leaders.

‘Duty of the committee is beyond politics’

The duty of the committee was beyond politics and has mostly to do with the Kedah governance. In the eyes of the law, the menteri besar is the chief executive of the state,  but politically, he answers to the party’s leadership.
“The menteri besar used to have too much power and was also very dominant. At times, his decision goes against the central leadership, which will not happen if we have a committee to monitor the situation in Kedah,” he told reporters.

“The committee can also look into the behaviour of state excos and government officials, and take action if there were incidences of wrongdoing,” he added.

When asked if this would embarrass Azizan, Phahrolrazi replied, “It is up to you (media) to interpret the situation”. On whether his conditions were met by the party’s leadership, Phahrolrazi said what was more important was that his goals were met. However, he declined to divulged details about what they were.

“We cannot be too rigid in our conditions. It changes as the situation progresses or else there would be no point in negotiations,” he added.

On whether the Pakatan Rakyat leadership were asked to intervene in the matter, Phahrolrazi said that this had never happened.

“We managed to contain the problem and resolved it within our party.”

Meanwhile, Phahrolrazi said he was awaiting the official appointment from Azizan for the state exco post.

NONEHe added that his earlier meeting with Azizan during the negotiation with PAS top leaders was “amicable”.

“It’s not personal. It is related to Kedah’s administration,” he said, adding, “We discussed harmoniously, and everything was based on facts.”

Ismail (right), who remained quiet during the press conference, finally said he had now “found strength” to face the enemy, Umno, in the coming elections.

“God willing, we can beat Umno,” he said.- malaysiakini

Exco: Phahrolrazi, Ismail akur keputusan PAS Pusat

Isu pergolakan kerajaan negeri Kedah selesai apabila Timbalan Pesuruhajaya PAS Kedah, Ir Phahrolrazi Zawawi dan Dr Ismail Salleh  akan menyertai semula barisan Exco kerajaan negeri.

"Matlamat saya sudah tercapai, saya akan sertai semula Exco," kata Phahrolrazi kepada Harakahdaily.

Ketika ditanya, apa matlamat itu, Phahrolrazi berkata, beliau mahu pentadbiran negeri Kedah dijalankan secara berjamaah.

"Dengan penubuhan Jawatankuasa Pemandu, ini bermakna  akan ada pihak yang memantau pentadbiran negeri," kata beliau lagi.

Dr Ismail Salleh pula ketika dihubungi berkata, beliau juga menerima baik keputusan PAS Pusat dan akan menyertai semula exco sebagaimana yang diarahkan.

"Kami buat baru-baru ini macam kamikaze untuk meminta pimpinan memberikan perhatian kepada apa yang berlaku di Kedah ini. Sekarang semua dah beri perhatian dan mekanisma pentadbiran juga dibentuk melalui Jawatankuasa Pemandu, kami akan sertai semula exco selepas diarahkan," katanya kepada Harakahdaily.

Beliau memberi jaminan akan bekerja bersungguh-sungguh untuk memperkuatkan PAS dan menjatuhkan Umno di negara ini.

"Kami tidak ada niat lain melainkan untuk kepentingan jamaah. Kami bukan nak jadi Hasan Ali. Tok Guru Haji Hadi  tok guru kami, ustaz kami. Kami hormati mereka," kata Dr Ismail yang bersama Phahrolrazi tidak mengangkat sumpah exco baru-baru ini.

Kedua-dua mereka mengulas keputusan PAS Pusat yang menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Pemandu untuk memantau semua kerajaan negeri yang ditadbir dan disertai PAS. Keputusan itu dicapai dalam mesyuarat Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat di Alor Setar awal pagi semalam.

Meyuarat itu diadakan selepas pertemuan muhibbah PAS Pusat dan PAS Kedah yang diadakan sebelum itu iaitu mulai jam 10 malam Sabtu hingga jam 3.00 pagi semalam. Pagi ini, di Kuala Lumpur, Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali mengumumkan keputusan mesyuarat JK Pusat di Alor Setar semalam.

"Dalam mesyuarat tersebut kita telah memutuskan bahawa Datuk Seri Diraja Azizan Razak akan meneruskan tugasnya seperti biasa sebagai Menteri Besar.

"Selain itu juga kedua-dua exco perlu kembali dalam Exco Pentadbiran Negeri Kedah.

"PAS akan menubuhkan satu JK Pemandu untuk membantu negeri-negeri yang PAS tadbir dan negeri yang PAS sertai," jelasnya ketika bercakap pada satu sidang media di Pejabat Agung PAS pagi ini.- harakahdaily

Penyelesaian isu Kedah selari mandat rakyat 

PKR menyifatkan kemelut yang melanda Kerajaan Negeri Kedah diselesaikan mengikut mandat yang telah diberikan oleh rakyat.

Setiausaha Agung PKR, Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail (gambar) percaya pimpinan tertinggi PAS Pusat dan negeri menyelesaikan permasalahan yang timbul membabitkan dua exco itu adalah berdasarkan kepercayaan rakyat Kedah.

"PKR meletakkan kepercayaan penyelesaian ini berdasarkan kepada kewajipan menepati kehendak Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Kedah.

"Ia juga selari dengan mandat dan kepercayaan yang telah rakyat berikan pada pilihan raya umum 2008 yang lalu," jelasnya kepada Harakahdaily.

Dalam pada itu, Saifuddin menyatakan PKR meletakkan kepercayaan yang tinggi setiap apa jua masalah yang timbul tidak kira di Kedah atau mana-mana negeri yang mana jalan terbaik diselesaikan di meja perundingan.

Sebelum itu, Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali memberitahu Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat telah menemui jalan penyelesaian dan membuat keputusan bahawa Datuk Seri Diraja Azizan Razak akan meneruskan tugasnya seperti biasa sebagai Menteri Besar.

Manakala, Datuk Ir Phahrolrazi Zawawi dan Dr Ismail Salleh perlu kembali dalam Exco Pentadbiran Negeri Kedah yang mana mereka telag akur dengan keputusan PAS Pusat itu.-harakahdaily


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