Lim Lip Eng, yang juga calon Parlimen Kepong dalam kenyataannya mempersoalkan peraturan aneh melarang gambar selain presiden atau timbalan presiden parti digunakan dalam bahan kempen.
“Tiga hari lagi penamaan calon, dua minggu sebelum hari mengundi, bahan kempen sudah dalam proses cetak dan hampir siap untuk digantung,” keluhnya terhadap arahan yang begitu aneh.

SPR dalam kenyataannya mengehadkan penggunaan gambar pemimpin utama parti politik dalam bahan kempen dengan hanya membenarkan dua orang pemimpin utama parti dipaparkan pada bahan kempen.
Jawatan selain daripada Presiden (atau setaraf dengannya) dan Timbalan Presiden (atau setaraf dengannya) parti adalah tidak dibenarkan.
“Saya melihat ini sebagai cubaan SPR melarang penggunaan gambar mantan perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam bahan-bahan kempen.
“Tak perlulah SPR berbasa-basi dengan pelbagai larangan dan sekatan,” kata beliau sambil mencadangkan supaya SPR mengharamkan sahaja penggunaan gambar negarawan terbabit.
“SPR takut apa?” soalnya.

Tun Mahathir telah dinobatkan sebagai calon perdana menteri Pakatan Harapan, menggantikan Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Pun begitu, ada usaha daripada pihak-pihak tertentu untuk menggelapkan perkara tersebut daripada pengetahuan umum.
Ini di samping keputusan Jabatan Pendaftar Pertubuhan, menggantung sementara pendaftaran Parti Pribumi Bersatu yang diterajui Mahathir, hanya beberapa hari sebelum Parlimen dibubarkan. –
Will EC now remove Ku Nan’s posters in KL?
Malaysia Election Commission bid to block Mahathir posters from display...

Nik Abduh, dari Pasir Mas ke
Rantau Panjang, tercampak ke Bachok
Selepas ditendang dari Pasir Mas dan disekat masuk ke Pengkalan Chepa, AJK Pas Pusat, Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Aziz dikatakan akan bertanding di parlimen Bachok pula, kata penulis terkenal Mohamad Sayuti Omar.
Menurut penganalisis politik Kelantan itu, jika bertanding di Bachok, Nik Abduh yang terkenal dengan ‘Audio Ana Tahu’ itu perlu ingat bahawa ayah beliau yang terkenal, Tuan Guru Nik Aziz pernah kalah di Bachok.
“Satu nota penting bagi Nik Abduh, ayahnya (Nik Aziz) pernah tewas di Bachok dan kekalahan ayahnya itu pertama kali dalam sejarahnya bertanding dalam pilihan raya,” kata Sayuti dalam ulasan di facebook beliau.
Menurut Sayuti, nasib Nik Abduh terumbang ambing dan gagal untuk memasuki Pengkalan Chepa kerana disekat akhirnya bergerak ke Bachok.
“Mulanya beliau dikatakan akan disandarkan untuk mempertahankan kerusi parlimen Rantau Panjang, apabila Zailah Yusuff dikatakan akan diturunkan ke DUN,” kata Sayuti.
Kata beliau, menurut perkembangan terbaharu, Zailah akan dikekalkan di parlimen Rantau Panjang, manakala kerusi Gual Periok yang dikatakan akan ditadinginya kekal kepada Muhamad Awang, atau Mat cikgu Awang Tok Mokpek.
Menurut Sayuti, Nik Abduh tidak lagi boleh bertanding di parlimen Pasir Mas yang dimenanginya dalam PRU 13 lalu kerana kegagalan beliau menjalankan tugas sebagai wakil rakyat di situ.

“Nik Abduh dibuang dari Pasir Mas apabila Pas Pasir Mas tidak yakin anak Tokguru Nik Aziz itu dapat mempertahankan kerusinya,” kata Sayuti.
Kata Sayuti, terdapat juga maklumat dari dalam yang Nik Abduh akan mengambil sikap berihat buat sementara dalam pilihan raya kali ini sekiranya beliau tidak diletakkan di Pengkalan Chepa.
“Kelmarin saya menghubungi orang dekat dengan beliau menasihatkan agar Nik Abduh harus berada dalam arus pilihan raya kali ini kerana jika beliau mengambil keputusan enggan bertanding menyebabkan beliau akan tertinggal jauh,” tulis beliau.
Nampaknya nasihat dan peringatn itu didengar, kata Sayuti.
“Pagi ini saya mendapat maklumat Nik Abduh diletak untuk bertanding di Bachok. Ini bermakna calon parlimen Bachok, Marzuk Shaari mungkin berpindah kerusi atau pun digugurkan,” katanya.
Jika ini menjadi realiti, 28 April ini pertarungan sengit antara Nik Abdul dengan Awang Adek Hussein daripada BN yang juga pernah memenangi kerusi Bachok dan juga pernah kalah.
Selain BN dan Pas, PH pula akan meletakkan calon dari Bersatu untuk mencuri kerusi dalam pilihan raya kali ini.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Pengerusi PH juga telah turun ke kawasan ini yang menyaksikan puluhan ribu manusia berhimpun di sini. - f/bk
Hendak Masuk Syurga Mesti Memiliki No.Ahli PAS
"Malu saya doktor' kata Pak cik tua yang juga seorang Doktor kpd Doktor...
Minda siapa yang tertutup.Saya share kerana disana ada banyak ilmu untuk dikongsi...
Penyokong dan ahli yang cerdik tidak marah kpd Pas tetapi marah kpd pemimpin pas yang hipokrit. Ramai sayangkan kpd perjuangan Pas.Ia parti Islam yang menentang pemerintah zalim dan korapsi.
Mereka sanggup bergadai nyawa dan rela meninggalkan anak isteri demi perjuangan. Ada ditahan ISA bertahun2 lamanya.Itulah pemimpin sejati dimiliki sebahagian besar Pas.
Tapi bila 'Penyakit' baru timbul akibat godaan wang dan imbohan kuasa politik maka perangai sifat dan tabiat pimpinan berubah.
Hinggapnya virus berpuak2 dan berjuak dlm parti muncul.Lebel melebel bagi memudahkan menjatuhkan pimpinan yang bukan sehaluan dlm pemahaman PRESIDEN bercambah bugar untuk di ternak.
Mereka memikirkan bagaimana cara pertahankan pemikiran presiden biarpun ia tidak menguntungkan perjuangan parti.
Akhirnya istilah walak tidak lagi berpijak kpd fakta berteraskan siasah Islamiah tetapi berpegang kpd pemahaman dicipta pemimpin kanan parti.
Kita lihat akhlak dan cara berhujah Dr Mahmud Zuhdi dari Pas.Jelas PAS membekalkan pemimpin pelapis yang gagal memenuhi kreteria sebuah gerakan Islam. Malah disana terserlah sikap angkuh sombong bongkak ujub riak dan takbur....Sirru ala barakatillah...Raja Laut - f/bk

Takkan PAS nak gigit tangan yang memberi...

BN's defamation is as thick as
the Encyclopedia Britannica...
In a tit-for-tat, Lim Kit Siang said if he were to list down the slander from Umno and BN, it would be as thick as the entire 32-volume of Encyclopedia Britannica and would put the Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka to shame.
Earlier, caretaker prime minister Najib Abdul Razak said that if he were to compile the slander from the opposition, it would be as thick as the Kamus Dewan.
An online check by Malaysiakini revealed that the fourth edition of the Kamus Dewan has 1,817 pages, whereas the 15th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica's 32 volumes have 32,640 pages.
Meanwhile, Lim expressed his greatest sympathy to Najib, who said he and his family were often victims of opposition slander.
“But how could he be certain that opposition leaders were responsible for them? I myself have fallen victim to slander, but can I hold him (Najib) personally responsible?” he added.
The DAP veteran then challenged Najib to a public encounter with him regarding slander, for which political leaders can be held directly responsible.
“An encounter where each of us can cite five to 10 lies, fake news and false information in the past five years which the other must be held responsible.
“If Najib’s conscience is clean and he is prepared for such a one-to-one public encounter, let him say so, and we can move to the next stage of appointing representatives who will finalise the details with regard to the place, date and time as well as the conditions of such a public encounter – live telecast, audience participation, etc,” he added.
On Najib's accusation that opposition leaders who spread such slander do not know the meaning of respect or their responsibilities as an elected leader of the people, Lim said he agreed.
“Let Najib respond to my challenge to a one-to-one public encounter to let the Malaysian public know whether we have a prime minister who does not know the meaning of respect or responsibility as prime minister of Malaysia,” he added.
Over the past few days, Najib has repeatedly highlighted fake images and messages, which have been circulating on social media.
Blaming the opposition for this, he cautioned Malaysians against becoming agents of destruction by spreading such falsehoods. - mk

Link between Equanimity,
1MDB not raised in Jakarta court...
Instead, the court merely examined technical matters pertaining the Indonesian police’s seizure of the vessel on Feb 28, in Teluk Benoa off the coast of Bali.
This is despite reports by Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian, and other publications last week claiming that the court had ruled that the Equanimity is owned by the company Equanimity (Cayman) Ltd, and had nothing to do with 1MDB.
“Pre-trial examination of the application of the illegality of the suspect’s determination shall only assess the formal aspect, i.e., whether there are at least two legal (preliminary) evidence, and does not enter the matter of the case.
“A pre-trial ruling granting the request for the unauthorised determination of the suspect shall not invalidate the authority of the investigator to determine the person concerned as a suspect again after fulfilling the minimum of two valid legal instruments, unlike the previous evidence relating to the matter per se,” judge Ratmoho ruled on April 17, citing a 2014 Constitutional Court precedent that spelled out the jurisdiction of district courts in pre-trial matters.
A pre-trial hearing in Indonesia is analogous to a writ of habeas corpus in common law jurisdictions, such as Malaysia. Among others, it examines whether authorities had “sufficient preliminary evidence” to detain a person under investigation, or whether procedures relating arrest, investigation, and detention had been followed.
A certified translation of his written judgement was lodged at the California Central District Court by Equanimity Ltd’s lawyers yesterday, as part of an ongoing civil forfeiture suit initiated by the US Department of Justice.
Malaysiakini has sighted a copy of the document. - mk
Kaitan Equanimity, 1MDB tak disentuh di mahkamah Indonesia

If The Economy Is So Good
Why Are There 7 Million On BR1M?...
MO1 himself said if they did not collect GST the gomen cannot pay salaries of Civil Servants. Technically without GST the gomen is bankrupt.
They have collected GST for three years. Now the purchasing power has dropped. The economy is going bust. The people are poorer.
Otherwise why are there 7 million people on BR1M?
If the economy is good then why does Moron talk about increasing BR1M payments?
If the economy is doing good you should be reducing BR1M payments. Maybe Moron failed comprehension in school?
If the economy is doing so good why did the KR1M shut down?
If the economy is doing so good why did the Ringgit crash? Yesterday the Ringgit was at 3.90 to the US Dollar. Good for exports but not good for the economy, overall.
The Ringgit has fallen about 20%. Weaker Ringgit means less demand for Ringgit. Less demand and worse, less value for our goods and services.
Before US$100,000 can buy FIVE containers of barang. Now they only need US$80,000 to buy the same FIVE containers. Or for the same US$100,000 they can buy SIX containers of the same barang. We work harder to become poorer.
If the economy is doing so well why not the gomen abolish the GST? Gotcha.
Or reduce the GST to 2%? Gotcha again.
If the economy is doing so well, why not abolish more tolls? Or reduce the tolls?
TNB is making billions in profits. Why not reduce the electricity tariffs? MO1 says economy is doing so well. Reduce the electricity tariffs doh...
No? Cannot? So what do you want to do? Increase the BR1M? - ostb

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