Kejayaan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) menerajui Pulau Pinang terus dicemburui Barisan Nasional (BN) apabila terus menerus menjadi mangsa tohmahan berbaur perkauman.
Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng berkata, rakyat diingatkan supaya terus berhati-hati dengan pelbagai tuduhan liar BN yang dilihat akan terus menggunakan sentimen agama dan perkauman untuk menakut-nakutkan mereka khususnya pengundi Melayu.
“Tentulah BN takkan benarkan kita menang mudah dalam pilihan raya umum kali ini. Mereka tau mereka bakal kalah dan sebab itu mereka terus gunakan emosi dan sentimen agama untuk menakut-nakutkan rakyat terutama pengundi Melayu,” katanya di Konvensyen HARAPAN petang tadi.
Menurut beliau, selain memfitnah DAP sebagai parti kononnya anti-Islam dan Melayu, dirinya juga tidak terlepas menjadi mangsa apabila dituduh sebagai anti-Cina oleh pemimpin-pemimpin MCA.
“Baru-baru ini pemimpia MCA yang cauvinis melabelkan saya anti-Cina kerana Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang menaikkan peruntukan kepada agama Islam sebanyak 84 peratus.
“(Mereka) label saya anti-Cina kerana kita amalkan sistem tender terbuka di mana kontraktor Melayu menang 90 peratus dari kontrak. Siapa sebenarnya rasis? Siapa sebenarnya mainkan sentimen perkauman? Itulah Barisan Nasional!” kata Setiausaha Agung DAP itu.
Keadaan yang melanda parti pemerintah itu kata Guan Eng jelas menunjukkan BN telah hilang idea dan idealisma dan telah mengkhianati prinsip demi kepentingan kuasa mereka.
“Ia perlu digantikan demi selamatkan rakyat dan negara,” kata beliau. –
Felda land deal - Was Najib involved...
PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli said Felda should clarify whether Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was responsible for granting full power of attorney to Synergy Promenade Sdn Bhd, which was tasked to develop prime land owned by the federal agency.
The company was reportedly granted power of attorney to take ownership of the prime land, located along Jalan Semarak in Kuala Lumpur, from Felda, raising concerns that the government would lose the asset.
In a statement, Rafizi made reference to Section 3 of the Land Development Act 1956, which pertains to Felda.
Specifically, the PKR lawmaker said Section 3(3)(c) and Section 3(3)(ca) required Felda to receive approval from the minister in charge in order to enter into partnerships and joint ventures.

Felda falls under the Prime Minister’s Department.
“The agreement that granted power to the developer that allowed it to change the land ownership would be null and void if the party that signed the agreement on behalf of Felda was not authorised to do so.
“If the agreement is null and void, then there would not be an issue that the ownership of the land had been transferred from Felda to the developer as the transfer is not legal,” he said.
As such, Rafizi said Felda chairperson Sharir Abdul Samad should clarify if Najib was the authority who had approved the agreement.
If it was not, Rafizi, who is also the Pandan MP, said Felda should then publicly declare the agreement which granted the power of attorney to the developer as null and void.
He added that this point should also be looked at by the independent auditor appointed to conduct a forensic audit of the matter. – mk
Whylah so stupid...
Now here is something else really dumb. One Pemuda of the Pakatan Harapan (who I am told is a PKR member) has said that if the Pakatan Harapan comes to power the minimum wage will be set at RM2,500 !!
Here is the news:
"SHAH ALAM: Pemuda Pakatan Harapan (PH) berikrar menetapkan gaji minimum RM2,500 jika gabungan pembangkang itu berjaya menawan Putrajaya...Naib Ketua Pemuda PH, J Arul Kumar berkata.."
I say brader, why not just make the Minimum Wage RM5,000 per month? Then everyone can buy a Honda Accord each. Why pussy foot with just RM2,500?
That RM1000 Minimum Wage has already put thousands of young school leavers out of work. Who wants to pay an 18 year old SPM school leaver who can hardly understand anything a minimum wage of RM1000 per month? It is not easy for any business to generate a gross profit of RM1000 to be used to pay that Minimum Wage.
Many young people do not produce an output that is worth even RM1000 per month.
Do you honestly think that the same SPM leavers can immediately generate economic output that is worth RM2,500 per month? You must be on some kind of hallucinogen brader. You impose RM2,500 minimum wage and you will kill off all the businesses in the country.
These types of dense statements can chase away the thinking people, especially the business people and the Chinese voters. It can sabotage the Pakatan Harapan.
Since the PKR is part of the PH, I hope they will be more circumspect when making public statements. Janganlah malukan kita semua ok.
Finally, talking about sabotage, among some folks, they know that there is an UMNO spy inside PKR. He is a very short fellow. He has been playing a double game for some time.
And here is more double gaming - That online "anti gomen" news portal which bears the same initials from its previous life, is said to be funded by Zahid Hamidi and gang. One give away is that they never (or very rarely) attack Zahid Hamidi.
As the stomach churns. - ostb

Masalahnya kau bukan pelabur,kau penyangak!

Nilai undi anda 2 botoi minyak(RM5.40) sajakah...

Dalam dok melaungkan hidup Melayu,rupa2nya kampung tergadai.
50,000 hilang perkerjaan tahun ini.China menguasai 100%.Melayu mampu tengok jer...

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