Ini terbukti pada tahun apabila Perikatan yang kemudiannya Barisan Nasional (BN) mengukuhkan kedudukannya pada Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) 1959, 1974, 1986, 1995 dan 2003 setelah persempadanan semula dilaksanakan setahun sebelum PRU dilangsungkan.
Menurut Prof Datuk Dr Mohammad Redzuan Othman dalam pembentangannya di Institut Darul Ehsan baru-baru ini, persempadanan semula adalah ‘rahsia di sebalik kemenangan besar BN’.
Namun, dinamik baru politik negara seperti dialami saat ini memberi kesan terhadap langkah great design BN ini.
“Apa yang berlaku, design 2004 ternyata menjadi, tapi tidak bagi pilihan raya 2008,” kata Prof Redzuan.
Keputusan PRU tahun 2008 menjadi bukti kukuh bahawa persempadanan semula kawasan pilihan raya bukan lagi azimat kepada UMNO-BN untuk kekal di tampuk kuasa. Pemerintahan UMNO-BN boleh tumbang mudah dalam pilihan raya akan datang melalui kesedaran politik yang sedang rancak berlaku dari kota hingga ke desa.
Bagi bekas Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman beranggapan persempadanan semula yang sedang dilakukan saat ini merupakan satu ‘tindakan bodoh’.
“Dia longgok Melayu 75%, 80% dia ingat Melayu bodoh sekarang. Melayu sudah dewasa, Melayu sudah cerdik, Melayu sudah tahu apa yang telah dilakukan,” tegasnya.
Pengundi hantu
Namun, apa yang menjadi kegusaran saat ini ialah mengenai lambakan ‘pengundi hantu’ yang muncul tiba-tiba dengan nama dan alamat yang meragukan sebagaimana yang dilaporkan media di seluruh negara.
Cerita pengundi hantu yang mendiami tanah-tanah lot kosong atau rumah tidak berpenghuni bukan dongeng. Ia benar-benar terjadi dan telah dibuktikan.
Terbaru, seramai 782 ‘pengundi hantu’ yang berdaftar di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Nilai berjaya dihalau’ dari kawasan itu setelah sesi pendengaran semula SPR dijalankan.
Tangan-tangan ghaib BN juga jelas wujud apabila sebahagian mereka juga didaftarkan di beberapa premis milik pemimpin MCA tempatan terdiri daripada pengundi berketurunan India dan Melayu.
Meskipun kes ini mencatatkan kejayaan kepada HARAPAN, bagaimana pula dengan kawasan lain yang turut dilanda gelombang pengundi meragukan ini?
Jika pada PRU13 kita dikejutkan dengan pengundi hantu dari kalangan warga asing, pada kali ini – hantu itu mungkin jiran sebelah rumah anda.
Jika ia tidak ditangani dengan baik, hantu-hantu ini akan terus beranak-pinak dan merampas segala kebahagian masa hadapan yang bakal kita kecapi – sebuah harapan dan kerajaan baru!
Maka, sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kita sebagai rakyat yang cintakan tanah air untuk membanteras segala ‘hantu’ dan ‘bapak hantu’ yang cuba merampas kedaulatan negara ini. –

Wajarkah dengan hutang hanya sejumlah RM176.72, seseorang itu diugut dengan tindakan mahkamah dan sekatan perjalanan? Diulang....jumlahnya hanya RM176.72 dan bukannya RM1176 atau RM11,760.
Lebih menyedihkan, barangkali mengalahkan Zimbabwe, surat pemberitahuan mahkamah itu diberikan tanpa sebarang surat tuntutan biasa atau surat amaran terlebih dahulu. Apakah negara kita ini sudah begitu miskin dan kekeringan wang? Baca story sepenuhnya...

- to be utilised to relocate Finance University, International Shariah Academy
- land be used for future development of education and training facilities
- land is contiguous to bank’s Sasana Kijang complex
- transaction is culmination of several months of discussions
This is the biggest bullshit for the month of January. (Because we do not know what bigger bullshit February will bring).
Yo media folks, please find out if the present Bank Negara building itself is "owned" by BNM? I dont think so.
The gomen owns all the gomen buildings, usually through JKR, the various Ministries (especially MOF) and through gomen bodies and gomen corporations (like Putrajaya Developoment Corporation etc).
I dont think Bank Negara even owns their own building which they occupy now. The gomen owns their buildings.
So why or how does BNM now "own" land? Will the title to the 22.58 ha of land be registered under the name 'Bank Negara Malaysia'? I dont think so.
Bank Negara's charter may not allow for them to own title to land. This is weird. Dubious.
I think they spent those months trying to figure out how to "legally" camouflage this obviously dubious but not so mysterious transaction.
Not so mysterious because the gomen is short of money. They have to make up for that multi billion ringgit IPIC payment.
They have to buy Milo tins (for the Indian voters) in the upcoming general elections. More worrisome they have to pay the monthly salaries of 1.6 million Civil Servants and pensions for hundreds of thousands of pensioners.
They are running out of cash. So they will be tapping on any gomen body that does have money.
Err . . . BNM are you all interested in buying any more buildings. I have one for sale right now. (Err I know the owner lah).
About 60,000 sf of space for rent. Class A building, just completed last year. 18 storeys tall.
Location : near Bangsar. If you are interested you know how to contact me.
En bloc rental is also possible. Rental can be 'negotiated' for block booking. - ostb
I will start at the beginning...
1. Madey won all on dirty election. Why bring him back.
As I have said, elections in Malaysia are rarely fought on a level playing field....whether by the incumbent or the opposition. Ahmad asks "Why bring Tun Mahathir back?". Why indeed! That a 92 year old, 22 year term prime minister and former president of Umno is now leader of the opposition speaks volume as to the state of Umno, BN and that of our nation today. That people are talking about him becoming prime minister again simply tells us that there has to be something wrong with those who are now in government - specifically the present prime minister. If you cannot work out what corruption, dedak and arrogance has got to do with the state of our nation today...then I suggest you go f**k yourself.
2. If the election is rig why opposition still won a lot of seat and some state. If anybody are willing to cheat for sure they won't let the big names to win or taking a few states with them.
If the election was not rigged, the Umno led BN would be out of office. The seats and states won by the opposition happened because the support for the opposition in these seats and states, were so overwhelming that nothing could be done by BN to change the vote tally by redrawing electoral boundaries, gerry mandering or outright fraud. There is nothing BN can do to stop the "big names" of the opposition from winning the seats they were contesting because there was nobody in BN that could hold a candle to these "big names" in the opposition.
3. If the government can cheat and determine who wins....why the opposition bother to contest.
No...this Umno led BN government CANNOT determine who wins...they can try but they cannot determine...for in the final analysis, it is the voters who determine who wins. That is why the opposition "bother" to contest. In PRU 13 the opposition did win the popular votes and enough seats and states to put the fear of God into BN.
4. If moving voters around to win not only the government but the opposition is also doing it.
Yes the opposition do try...but they cannot do it as well as the government can.
5. If the government cheats why do the opposition accepts their winning and losing during last PRU13. They should ask for re-election.

PAS dah report polis ke...
Bayaran Sekolah 1978

Bayaran Sekolah 2018
Bayaran Sekolah Asrama 2018

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