Kata orang, untuk menang dan mencapai kejayaan, rintangan dan halangan memang selalu mendatang dan tidak dapat dielakkan.
Ia adalah lumrah, tetapi sebenarnya itulah kunci kejayaan dan menguatkan lagi semangat untuk terus berjuang.
Dalam hal ini, Pakatan Harapan juga tidak terkecuali. Satu demi cabaran yang datang, namun sehingga ini ia tidak menghalang usaha gabungan itu untuk menuju kejayaan menumbangkan UMNO, BN dan seterusnya menyelamatkan negara ini daripada kerosakan yang berpanjangan yang diakibatkan oleh Najib Razak.
Meskipun jika melalui pertandingan satu lawan satu, Najib sudah lama lari malam, namun dengan pelbagai sumber, termasuk kuasa wang tanpa had yang dimilikinya, beliau akhirnya berjaya melunakkan hati Hadi Awang dan Pas untuk menjauhi Pakatan Harapan.
Berdasarkan pelbagai petunjuk dan kecenderungan Hadi dan Pas sekarang, pertandingan tiga penjuru memang tidak dapat dielakkan.
Tetapi, berdasarkan perkembangan terkini, perlawanan tiga penjuru pun tidak banyak menjejaskan peluang Pakatan Harapan. Kuncinya ialah rakyat secara majoritinya sudah terlalu bosan dan meluat dengan Najib, UMNO dan BN.
Pelbagai tindak-tanduk dan skandal yang melingkari Najib membuatkan rakyat semakin sukar untuk terus memilihnya mentadbir negara ini.
Jika sehingga pilihanraya akan datang pun sudah ramai yang tidak sanggup berketuakannya, apatah lagi untuk tempoh lima tahun seterusnya.
Rakyat mahu mengakhiri eranya bersama UMNO dan BN daripada terus berkuasa kerana tidak sanggup lagi menanggung derita disamping lakonannya yang menyakitkan hati rakyat seolah-olah beliaulah yang terbaik mentadbir negara ini.
Untuk itu, tiga penjuru tidak akan mampu menyelamatkan Najib, malah Pas yang mahu jadi penyelamat itu pun akan dihanyutkan sekali oleh kuasa perubahan yang sentiasa membuak-buak di dada rakyat.
Selepas Najib berjaya melunakkan Pas untuk menjadikan pertandingan tiga penjuru dan langkah itu pula dilihat tidak lagi berkesan, kini urusan pendaftaran Pakatan Harapan adalah sasaran seterusnya.
Najib tahu jika Pakatan Harapan berjaya bertanding menggunakan satu logo untuk menyaingi BN dalam PRU 14 nanti, peluangnya untuk kekal berkuasa adalah semakin tipis. Baca seterusnya...
'Cikgu pembangkang' digesa berhenti kerja
Pak menteri nak keluarkan statement tu agak2lah...guru atau kakitangan pendidik itu berkhidmat kpd rakyat dan bukannya berkhidmat utk B-end bgaimana pula dgn selangor dan pulau pinang....betul2 tersepit lah mamat ni....buat malu je..baik tak payah cakap...nanti kata bodoh bebal marah pula tapi rakyat baca statement yg dia keluarkan pun dah nampak sangat bodoh... - Yeremia Justine Wess ·
Otak dah mengecil dan layak diletakkan dikepala lutut menteri ni. Kalau cikgu tak boleh pegang jawatan dalam parti pembangkang, ini bermakna mereka juga tidak boleh pegang jawatan dalam kerajaan pemerintah. - Abu Bakar Sulaiman
Hari tu guru2 siap bergambar ramai2 menyatakan sokongan padu pada BN..tak bising pun puak lahabau ni...tak ada pulak yg nak di ugut....bila sokong pembangkang je mulalah macam2 bunyi ugutan...apa kau ingat kementerian bapak kau ke suka2 ugut.... - Wak Din
Takut dibuang kerja sebab sertai parti pembangkang?

Civil servants are also the Rakyat of Malaysia. They're working for the government, not for BN/UMNO. BN is just a party (elected unscrupulously) to form the government for the day. Another coalition party may be elected to be the government of Malaysia and those civil servants would still be there. - frankie
Dear Minister, please show the rule/regulation/order that prohibits teachers from supporting the opposition. They are citizens, taxpayers and voters. Do you mean to say they have no right to vote according to their conscience? That they have no right to choose, but to "menurut perintah" and vote for the BN? For those who may not be aware, there are about 500,000 teachers, not including their spouses and other family members. It is a big vote bank - the biggest group of civil servants, even more than the combined armed forces. By threats or blackmail, as many of them as possible must be intimidated not to bite the hand that feeds them. - Ravinder
What happens when Opposition wins GE14? Should all those supporting Najib resign? Such a stupid statement. - Awang Top
Judiciary thinks ‘govt can do no wrong’...
“The present crop of judges […] find it a terrible nuisance to bother the government with all these suits.
“And therefore they (see these suits as being) vexatious and frivolous and should not have been brought to court in the first place.
“The old maxim now lives but in different words, ‘the king can do no wrong’ has now become ‘the government can do no wrong’. It’s sad,” said Sri Ram.
He said this in his keynote address entitled 'Challenging the constitutionality of pre-Merdeka law' at the opening of the Selangor Bar’s new auditorium in Shah Alam.
He said he based his criticism on how statements of claims which named Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak or his wife Rosmah Mansor as defendants were often thrown out of court.
“Even if the statement of claim says RM42 million went into (the PM’s personal bank) account from SRC International,” he said.
Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim's suit against Najib and troubled state investment firm 1MDB in the Kuala Lumpur High Court was previously struck out after judicial commissioner Rohani Ismail considered the suit 'frivolous and vexatious'.
Suits by Pakatan Harapan chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad and DAP lawmaker Tony Pua against 1MDB and Najib were also similarly struck out.
Based on publicly available documents, money from SRC International - a former 1MDB subsidiary - was allegedly deposited into Najib's personal account in two transactions - on Dec 26, 2014, and on Feb 10, 2015.
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is presently conducting an investigation into SRC International.
Sri Ram added that while he had his disagreements with court judgements in the past, him and former judges then were defending a government that was honest and cared for the people.
“They were not defending kleptocrats,” he said.
Najib has repeatedly claimed he was unaware of the money from SRC International and Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali has cleared him of any wrongdoing.
'Kleptocrat' has been the label used by Pakatan Harapan supporters to describe Najib. - mk
Sir, the judiciary is being crucified systematically and yet we continue to hear sermons that seem to prop up the fast falling judiciary of 'examplary independence' from some quartets including the powers that be. Something must be done. It calls for leaders and professionals with a clear conscience to come together to rescue the spine of a nation's future. I pray, being an ordinary senior citizen, that salvation will appear soon. - J. D. Lovrenciear
Most of our Malaysian judges have become the worst boot-lickers of UMNO 's political leaders, leave alone the EC, police, MACC and civil servants. They are all living in fear and treated like slaves under Najib's rule. If only they can can realize that they are true Muslims and that God has created them to live freely without fear and be slaves, they can easily change the ruling Govt in GE14. - Anonymous Hotplate
The judges think they duties are to protect the Government of the day irregardless if they have committed crimes. - goldee
Sedition Act unconstitutional ‘as it’s not made by Parliament

This is the boundary that SPR is proposing for N25 Kajang in Selangor. They have not solved the issue of gerrymandering and breaking of local ties. The Kajang town is being split into several different DUNs. Not sure if it looks more like a bird or a roti canai. We need 100,000 voters in Selangor to object to the unconstitutional redelineation. If not, SPR will bulldoze it through in parliament in March.

Lawak orang Kelante...

Macam inikah bahasa seekoq ostad...
Ulamak akhir zaman yg nabi pernah sebut...

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