Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng menyindir Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang menurutnya menyerang DAP dengan skrip yang bertentangan.
Beliau berkata, bergantung pada keadaan tertentu, Najib "lupa untuk mengikut skrip" berhubung sama ada DAP akan menang besar ataupun kalah pada pilihan raya umum (PRU) ke-14.
"Sebagai contoh di mesyuarat agung MCA, perdana menteri kata mustahil DAP boleh menubuhkan kerajaan persekutuan walaupun menang besar, untuk meyakinkan pengundi Cina agar menyokong MCA agar mereka ada wakil dalam kerajaan.
"Sedangkan awal tahun ini, perdana menteri memberitahu orang Melayu bahawa jika Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) menang, DAP yang menguasai kerajaan baru.
"Beliau mendakwa walaupun jika BERSATU, PKR dan AMANAH menguasai majoriti kerusi, DAP tetap mengawal kerajaan baru HARAPAN," katanya dalam ucapan pada kongres khas DAP bagi pemilihan semula CEC, di Shah Alam, hari ini.
Lim berkata lagi, pembohongan yang dicipta itu menyebabkan BN sendiri lupa skrip mereka lalu menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan.
"Ketika bersama orang Cina dan bukan Melayu, beliau kata DAP tidak boleh tubuhkan kerajaan. Tetapi dengan orang Melayu, beliau berkata lain.
"Jadi mana satu yang betul?" soalnya yang juga Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang.
Beliau berkata DAP perlu mendedahkan maklumat yang salah itu agar dapat memberi keyakinan kepada orang Melayu dan juga bukan Melayu bahawa parti itu bukan ancaman.
Sejak penubuhannya lebih 50 tahun lalu, katanya, DAP telah mengalami banyak perubahan seiring dengan peredaran masa tetapi prinsip terasnya tetap berjuang untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. - mk

Najib's 'confused script' in doublespeak...
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is feeding the public a confused script about DAP in his doublespeak attacks on the party, said secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.
“For example, in the MCA general meeting on Nov 5, the prime minister said it is impossible for DAP to form the federal government even if we win big, that is why he said it is better for the Chinese to support MCA so they can ensure that BN will rule, and that they will have representatives in the government.
“But earlier this year, the prime minister told the Malays that if Pakatan Harapan wins, DAP will control everything.
“He claimed that even if Bersatu, PKR and Amanah had a majority of the seats, DAP would still control the new Pakatan Harapan government," Lim said in his speech at the party's special congress to re-elect their central executive committee (CEC) in Shah Alam today.
Lim, who is also Penang chief minister, said it appeared that the ruling coalition had become confused over their own script about DAP.
“How can this be right. In one place with the Chinese and non-Malays, he said DAP cannot form the government, but with Malays, he said something else - he said if Harapan wins, DAP will control everything.
“So which is the truth?” Lim said.
As such, he stated that DAP has to expose misinformation so that the rakyat can see the truth for themselves.
He added the party must convince both Malays and non-Malays that it is not a threat.
According to Lim, DAP has had to change to adapt to the times since its establishment 50 years ago, but has nevertheless never strayed from its basic principle of fighting for all Malaysians.
Now, he added, their political enemies are trying to break up the unity of the rakyat for an easier win in the next general election.
“Harapan’s important role to play is to build a Malaysia which is based on empathy, mutual respect and trust for each other to fight against the hate, disunity and suspicions planted by Umno and BN,” he said.
Harapan and DAP, Lim noted, also want to offer Sabah and Sarawak a new deal to renegotiate Malaysian federalism, a move which would grant East Malaysia more power.
“This is not just to win the next general election.
“GE14 will determine whether our country has a manifest destiny for our glory. We know that if BN wins, the rakyat will continue to suffer.
“Our mission in GE14 is to build a better country for the next generation,” he said. - mk

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