Najib Razak menafikan tuduhan beliau memberikan sejumlah RM90 juta kepada PAS menggunakan dana 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) seperti mana yang didakwa dalam laporan Sarawak Report.
Perdana menteri berkata dakwaan Sarawak Report tersebut sengaja dilakukan bertujuan memburukkan dirinya.
“Saya tak bagi duit dekat PAS… sebab itu (kes melibatkan) PAS sama Sarawak Report. Kita tunggu keputusan (mahkamah).
“Mana ada saya buat, sebab Clare pun dah gelabah sekarang,” katanya merujuk kepada Clare Rewcastle Brown, pengasas dan editor Sarawak Report.
“Saya tak boleh komen sebab dah masuk ke mahkamah tapi mana ada saya bagi. Ini semua mengarut dan nak burukkan saya ,”
katanya berucap di Majlis Konvesyen Umno Siber di PWTC Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Ini kali pertama Najib menafikan dakwaan Sarawak Report yang beliau membayar RM90 juta kepada PAS sebagai pertukaran untuk sokongan parti.
Tuduhan itu baru-baru ini timbul selepas Rewcastle-Brown memfailkan pembelaan terhadap saman fitnah Presiden PAS Abdul Hadi Awang.
Pembelaannya yang difailkan pada 11 Oktober juga memperincikan bagaimana wang itu disalurkan kepada beberapa pemimpin PAS dahulu dan sekarang.- themalaysianinsight
Sekurang2nya Ambiga tidak rembat duit tabung rakyt. Tidak curik 2.6b tak gunakan kuasa tekan jerut leher rakyt dgn gst. Ko berkokok pun tak guna Jib sbb ekor ko lagi bersalut najis kaw2 punya. 1Msia dah tahu siapa bapak penyamun penyangak. - Ujang Jang
Najib mmg tak bg pd PAS..betol dh kat situ tp dia bg pd individu perantara PAS..individu tu yg perantara tu mesti ckp sape bg sbb ada bnk statement,,org yg bagi tu plak nnti akan ditanya hasil sumber duit yg bnyak mcm tu dtg dr mana..hbis statement bank kene kluar dn akan nmpak sgala transaksi. - Matt
Akhirnya PM sudah bersuara yang Clare tu sengaja buat cerita palsu. By the way Dato Sri cakap sekarang tak guna sebab ia di luar mahkamah. Dato Sri simpan point tu elok-elok dan tunggu untuk diberitahu semasa prosiding dalam kandang saksi nanti. Cuma jangan le ambil m.c pula bila pihak mahkamah London minta datang untuk jadi saksi. - Usry Norie
"I didn't give money to PAS, that's why PAS has sued Sarawak Report". Similiarly why don't you sue Sarawak Report for the false news regarding the 2.6 billion? That would clear everyone and everything once and for all. - Hopeful123
Then we need the explanation of the allegations of Pas’s leaders’ new found wealth. Where did they get the money? Follow the money; the money had been found (disclosed) in the below instances according to the extract of court’s rebuttal from defendant Rewcastle Brown in UK. Few senior Pas leaders (former and presently) had been cited.Such items not excluding millions of cash include BMW,Toyota Vellfire,Toyota Camry,Toyota Fortuner,property in Bangi (RM3 million),Range Rover,Audi, etc even Porche Cayman. Cars’ number plates had been listed: PAS 9 and TAK 11. True or not it can be easily investigated who own them, and how come they can afford such luxuries considering the named PAS leaders have no such rich inheritance. The only explanation is that they are donations from an ‘Arab prince.’ - Ferdtan
PAS becomes a big liability for UMNO/BN...
The volcanic explosion resulting from Claire Rewcastle Brown's reply (defense) filed at the London High Court against Hadi Awang's libel suit has not finished erupting yet. The volcanic fallout is yet to reach its full impact.
PAS is already choking on all the smoke and ash.Some PAS people are bound to die from all the suffocation.
The ordinary PAS member (the ordinary lembu, kambing and itek) is suffering intense embarrasment. They will be left to shoulder all the dust and debris that will now be impossible to wash away.
PAS has instantly become a huge liability to anyone, including Pakatan Harapan and of course to UMNO / BN, especially as a potential coalition partner.
The danger will be from inside PAS itself. My bet is many PAS members will quietly turn against the party and sabotage PAS from within.
The party has gone absolutely quiet over Claire Rewcastle Brown's Court filing that PAS was paid RM200 million bribe money by MO1 which was distributed among the party's top leadership which they used to buy expensive cars, houses and marry new wives.

I am certain Parti Amanah will go to every village and town with all these revelations. Claire Rewcastle Brown's timing could not be more perfect.
This is becoming like The Nightmare on Elm Street for MO1 and gang. The longer they postpone the general elections, even more nightmares keep popping up. They dont know what other scandalous revelations will explode tomorrow.
The only way for PAS to survive is if Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man takes over the party, kicks out Hadi Awang and the entire leadership of PAS and starts all over. Or they can just die a natural death.
MO1's RM200 million bribe has helped destroy whatever little credibility PAS had among its kaum DNA bahalol supporters.
This revelation should also put an end to any hope of cooperation between PAS and the Pakatan Harapan. This is the end of the line. - ostb
Senarai Pemimpin PAS Yang Dituduh Menerima Sogokan 90 Juta
Felda Global Ventures introduced (VSS) for general managers and above
- initiative has to begin from the top
- signal that we are making tough decisions
- to enhance confidence of shareholders stakeholders
GMs, senior GMs, VPs including myself taking 15% cuts to allowances part of company’s frugal cost management initiative
236 senior management staff received offer...
Banyak cantik. Slick talk. Since FGV is not going anywhere lately, these people may be out of work anyway. So what do they do? They cash out. Thats how it comes across to me.
Err . . I have a question. What if all the 236 senior staff take up the offer? Which they should. Instead of getting rid of non performers, they are throwing cash at them.
And what exactly does it mean "taking 15% cuts to allowances" ? What allowances? Medical claims allowances? What kind of a sacrifice is that? That is no sacrifice.
Why not take a 15% cut to your monthly salaries? That would be more meaningful wouldnt it?
What about the junior staff? No VSS for the coolies and the machais? The top creams off the money? And just how many millions is this going to cost the company and the Felda folks?
Lets see how the share price of FGV reacts. - ostb

Bajet Pulau Pinang...

Bajet Selangor...

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