Najib trumps Donald in
world unpopularity contest...
world unpopularity contest...
Prime Minister Najib Razak is one of five world leaders to have beaten US President Donald Trump in the unpopularity stakes, says TIME magazine.
Trump, who has been accused of the full gamut of misdeeds from tax evasion to racism and who is now facing allegations of collusion with US’ old foe, Russia in his presidential campaign, is undeniably unpopular. Yet, with an approval rating of just under 40%, Trump is "sitting pretty" compared with Najib and four others.
In terms of unpopularity, Time says Najib ranks up – or rather, down – there with President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela, President Michel Temer of Brazil, President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece.
President Nicolas Maduro(Venezuela)
Maduro is currently the world’s most embattled political leader, says the report. Venezuelans taking to the streets daily to violently protest his government amid crippling food and medicine shortages.
More than 70% of Venezuelans have lost an average of 19 pounds over the past year, and roughly 80% of basic medicines are unavailable.
President Michel Temer(Brazil)
Temer, whose approval rating is in the single digits, is reported to be clinging to his job after recordings emerged of him allegedly negotiating the payment of a bribe. The slowdown of the global economy and the accompanying crash in commodity prices have led to the country’s worst recession ever.
GDP has fallen more than 7% in the last two years, unemployment has roughly tripled, and at least 3.5 million people who had been lifted out of poverty in the boom years between 2004 and 2014 have slid back.
President Jacob Zuma(South Africa)
Zuma’s approval rating is at an all-time low of 20% across the country; more than 70% of South Africans want him to resign. Since Zuma assumed the presidency in 2009, the country’s currency has lost a third of its value, and unemployment currently stands at 27%. Zuma has had nearly 800 charges of corruption levelled against him, and he relies on patronage networks to keep him afloat politically. He’s gotten rid of ministers and political rivals who crusaded against government corruption.
Zuma is grooming his ex-wife to be his political successor to protect himself from prosecution once he leaves office.

Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras continues to fall in polls as he is forced to accept more and more austerity measures to keep his country afloat. Tsipras and his Syriza government are said to have compounded financial woes that began well before Tsipras assumed the reins.
Syriza triggered elections in 2014 at a time when it seemed the Greek economy was finding its footing, which was followed by a snap referendum on whether to accept a new bailout deal from foreign creditors. Greeks said no, but Tsipras went ahead and signed it anyway.
PM Malaysia
In the case of Najib, Time says, "Who needs to be popular when you can be rich?" Najib established the economic-development investment fund called 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) the same year he assumed office.
It was alleged that more than US$1 billion (RM4.4 billion) ended up in Najib’s personal account, which the prime minister has since clarified was a gift from the Saudi royal family. He was backed up by Malaysia's attorney-general, who reported that the money constituted a legal donation, and that 'most' of it was returned.
Although the report did not quote any approval rating with regard to Najib to substantiate its claim, a recent study by a Selangor government think-tank claimed that the findings of its poll indicated that Najib is the most unpopular prime minister in the nation's history.

Politically-speaking, the report says Najib doesn’t have much to worry about he retains firm control of Umno, the political party that has dominated Malaysian politics for nearly six decades. "Who needs popularity when you have political power and money in the bank?" it added.
He has systematically sidelined opponents within the party, and his main adversaries outside the party have been jailed on what critics say are politicised charges. Who needs popularity when you have political power and money in the bank?
The prime minister has denied abusing public funds for personal gain, and blamed such allegations on those conspiring to topple him from power. - themalaysianinsight/mk

PKR endorses Azmin's move
to 'maintain stability' in S'gor
PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said the party's political bureau has taken note of Azmin's explanation that while PAS had severed ties with Pakatan Harapan, its 13 state-assemblypersons and three executive councillors have agreed to continue supporting common policies based on the Buku Jingga agenda.
"The PKR political bureau also agrees with the menteri besar's approach to ensure stability of the state government ahead of the 14th general election and continue with efforts to develop Selangor, in line with the mandate given by the people," she said in a statement after chairing its weekly meeting at the party headquarters.
Wan Azizah further said that PKR remains confident in Azmin's leadership as menteri besar, amid questions over implications following the party's break-up with PAS.
PAS currently has three state excos in Selangor - Chempaka assemblyperson Iskandar Samad, Taman Templer assemblyperson Zaidy Abdul Talib and Sijangkang assemblyperson Ahmad Yunus Hairi.
Azmin had yesterday met with all three of them in Sekinchan, together with PAS Selangor chief Sallehen Mukhyi, in conjunction with Selangor ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah's visit to the town which is famed for its paddy plantations.
Sallehen later denied that there was a discussion concerning the state exco positions during the meeting.
The position of the PAS excos became a focal point after the Islamist party severed political ties with PKR, with its syura council accusing its former ally of betrayal. - mk
Biro Politik KEADILAN malam ini telah mendengar taklimat dari YAB Dato' Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor merangkap Timbalan Presiden KEADILAN, berhubung situasi di Negeri Selangor ekoran keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama PAS yang membatalkan tahaluf siyasi di antara PAS dengan KEADILAN.
Biro Politik KEADILAN mengambil maklum penjelasan yang diberikan YAB Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor bahawa, walaupun mereka bukan sebahagian dari Pakatan Harapan, kesemua 13 Ahli Dewan Negeri dan Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dari PAS telah bersetuju untuk terus menyokong dasar bersama Kerajaan Negeri Selangor berasaskan Buku Jingga, dan meneruskan keyakinan terhadap kepimpinan Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor YAB Dato' Seri Azmin Ali.
Biro Politik KEADILAN turut bersetuju dengan pendekatan YAB Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor untuk menjamin kestabilan Kerajaan Negeri menjelang PRU 14 dan meneruskan usaha membangunkan Negeri Selangor selaras dengan mandat besar rakyat pada PRU 13.
Biro Politik KEADILAN yakin terhadap kepimpinan YAB Dato' Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali untuk terus menerajui Kerajaan Negeri sebagai Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor dan melaksanakan pembangunan negeri demi kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat Selangor.
YB Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail
23 Mei 2017
Ini baru politik matang bukan politik natang...

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