Anggota Parlimen Sepang, Hanipa Maidin, juga berkata sebelum menguasai majoriti besar itu, PAS perlu terlebih dulu meyakinkan pengundi untuk memilih mereka pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.
"Kalau ada dua pertiga sekali pun, tapi tak mahu bersuara apabila ada rasuah, salah guna kuasa dan skandal besar macam isu1MDB, buat apa?" katanya melalui Facebook hari ini.
Hanipa yang pernah menjadi anggota Jawatankuasa Pusat PAS mengulas kenyataan Nasrudin Hassan yang disiarkan Malaysiakini semalam.
Kata Nasrudin, umat Islam perlu bersatu dan memastikan dua pertiga anggota parlimen di Dewan Rakyat beragama Islam bagi mengukuhkan kuasa politik mereka.
Kata ketua penerangan PAS itu walaupun Islam menjadi agama persekutuan dan majoriti penduduk negara ini adalah muslim, masyarakat Islam di negara ini masih lemah, hina dan "bangsat di atas tanah air sendiri."

Nasrudin yang juga anggota parlimen Temerloh itu berkata, umat Islam perlu bangkit dari lena yang panjang dan keluar dari zon selesa mereka.
Ketika ini daripada 222 kerusi Dewan Rakyat, 135 daripadanya - atau 61 peratus - adalah wakil beragama Islam.
Hanipa berkata dalam keadaan Umno yang tidak memiliki dua pertiga kerusi Dewan Rakyat pun pelbagai skandal dikaitkan dengan parti itu, keadaan mungkin menjadi lebih buruk jika keadaan adalah sebaliknya.
"Yang lebih teruk lagi, ada juga anggota parlimen Islam yang mendakwa mereka memperjuangkan Islam tapi tidak bersuara lantang melawan Umno di parlimen walaupun rasuah dan kezaliman berlaku di depan mata," katanya.
Hanipa juga mengecam perubahan sikap PAS yang didakwanya melupakan janji bahawa parti itu berjuang untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.
Sebaliknya, kata beliau, PAS menuduh pihak tidak sehaluan dengannya sebagai pengkhianat.
"Hangpa (kalian) ingat apa yang hangpa buat sekarang ni, pengundi semua kaum dan agama tak nampak ke?
"Apa hangpa ingat pengundi negara ini bebal macam ramai cyber trooper (tentera siber) di alam maya ke?" katanya lagi. - mk
PAS mula mengugut MB Azmin...
Pas Selangor dilaporkan akan menyatakan pendirian berhubung kedudukan 13 Adun mereka hanya jika tiga Exconya dipecat oleh Menteri Besar, Azmin Ali.
Pesuruhjaya Pas Selangor, Salehan Mukhyi berkata, dakwaan kononnya semua Adun Pas di negeri ini bersedia keluar daripada pentadbiran negeri pimpinan Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali adalah satu dakwaan tidak berasas.
"Itu tak benar. Nak tahu apa benar, tunggu selepas dipecat, barulah kita akan beritahu sesuatu yang benar," kata beliau.
Kenapa Pas Selangor seolah-olah masih nak mengugut Azmin Ali?
Tidakkah pendirian Pas Selangor sudah diketahui umum iaitu parti itu tiada lagi apa-apa hubungan dengan PKR? Baca seterusnya...

‘Police played us out’, Nazri says on
Dr M debate cancellation...
Speaking at an Umno Overseas Club alumni dinner function in Kuala Lumpur last night, the Padang Rengas MP said he was perplexed by the excuse of the police that the permits were denied on grounds of potential security concerns.
"I asked to see the reports. They (police) did not show me, but I got them (the reports) anyway.
"All five reports were identical (in format) and have identical statements," added the Umno supreme council member.
From the five reports, Nazri further revealed that he discovered how an Umno branch leader, an Umno Youth leader and a village chief in his constituency were instructed by the police to lodge reports against the debate, which was initially scheduled to be held at Maktab Rendah Sains Mara in Kuala Kangsar on on March 25.
"All three of them, when I asked, why did you this? They said, 'the police instructed'.
"Do you (police) think this is a joke? How can it be that I, as a minister, if I debate with Mahathir, it could lead to a fight?" asked Nazri.
"It was their (police) game. Truly they played (a game). I don't care if the police are listening," he said in response to a participant who asked whether there were legitimate security concerns for the police's decision to reject the notice submitted by debate organiser Kumpulan Karangkraf.
Nazri also claimed that while their debate was not allowed to take place, the local police had approved an application from Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) to hold a political rally featuring Mahathir in Padang Rengas, on the same night.
How did Mahathir fund elections during his time?
The minister said he was angry with the cancellation as it fuelled speculation that he had backed out of the debate.
"Any other minister may have backed out. Minister Nazri Aziz is different," Nazri said, adding he then personally contacted Karangkraf founder Husammudin Yaacub to arrange for the debate to be held at its premises in Shah Alam.
Despite initially obtaining approval for the debate to be held on April 7, Husammudin said the written consent was revoked by Selangor police in less than 24-hours.
Selangor deputy police chief Mohd Fuad Abdul Latiff later said troublemakers were expected to disrupt the event and that 18 police reports had been lodged against it.
"That's why I said if I was that much of a security threat, we should hold the debate in Antarctica because penguins do not understand Malay.
"I am prepared to face Dr Mahathir… Up in the sky, in the middle of the ocean. Just make it happen," said Nazri.
Nazri also stressed he was adamant on debating Mahathir as there were questions that needed to be asked following the former prime minister's attacks on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's RM2.6 billion donation.
Insisting that Najib had done no wrong to open a personal account and receive donations from Saudi royalty for BN's election machinery, Nazri said Mahathir must similarly come clean on the amounts he had sourced to fund five elections for BN during his time as Umno president.
"All we know is that all his children are very rich," Nazri said, after pointing out that it was only a crime to accept laundered funds from questionable sources and through corrupt means. - mk
Debat Dr M batal:Polis mainkan kami, kata Nazri

Takpalah kami tanam harum masam.
Awatlah bangang sangat puak2 ni...

Lidah bercabang si Donald Trump...

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