Friends from Sarawak, please don't allow your caretaker government to abuse immigration law like that.
I arrived at Sibu Airport on 22 April 2016 around 10:55am for a christian event to be held tonight in a local church. At the immigration counter, I was told that my name is listed amongst those who have been banned from entering Sarawak. I travelled with 2 of my assistants, Sharon and Joyce, both were not allowed to be with me.
I was escorted into a room and the officer refused to read my invitation letter from the hosting church or my Speaker namecard. When asked why I was banned, the officer could only reply "I'm sorry Puan, ini atas arahan pihak berkuasa negeri Sarawak". 2 officers from MAS then entered the room and demanded for cash of RM1013.35 for my return flight to KLIA (no credit card allowed).
In less than 45 minutes after arrival, I was escorted by 3 uniformed officers back to the plane. I felt humiliated by such treatment, giving the false impression that I'm a dangerous person, harmful to the state of Sarawak.

I have 2 questions for Adenan Satem:-
(1) Federal Constitution guarantees my right to practise my religion freely - why was I not allowed to attend a church event with my fellow believers in Sibu? Pastors were waiting to pick me up from the airport.
(2) On what grounds did Adenan Satem use to ban me from entering Sarawak? Why wasn't anyone able to explain this at the immigration office?
I was not given any paper/slips explaining the deportation. Immigration laws were enacted to protect the people of Sarawak. I organised fundraising dinners in Selangor to build basic infrastructures for the poor in Sarawak. How can that be a threat?
Am I a threat to the people of Sarawak or am I a threat to the unrighteous authorities in Sarawak? I would like an explanation from the Barisan Nasional caretaker government for the above, failing which an apology would be appropriate.
Hannah Yeoh
Speaker of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly
Speaker DUN S’gor Hannah Yeoh pula dilarang ke S'wak
Pie Arab lawan American Pie...
1. Bulan Ramadhan tahun lepas, kita dengar cerita derma itu kononnya dari orang Arab. Mula seorang Arab. Kemudian lebih daripada seorang Arab. Lepas itu balik jadi seorang Arab. Akhir sekali jadi Raja Arab Saudi yang mangkat.
2. Pada 25 Januari lalu, Peguam Negara, (Tan Sri) Mohamed Apandi Ali, bersihkan Mohd Najib. Dia kata duit AS$681 juta itu derma Arab dan sebahagiannya dibagi balik.
3. Tapi pada 6 Februari, Menteri Luar Arab Saudi, Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir, kata duit itu bukan derma tapi pelaburan.
4. Pada 15 April, Al-Jubeir tukar cerita kata dia ambil maklum kenyataan Apandi dan tambah derma itu ikhlas, tanpa syarat dan penderma tak harap apa-apa balasan.

5. Kemudian pada 19 April, Wall Street Journal (yang Mohd Najib ancam nak samam tapi tak saman) kata, 681 itu adalah “American pies” – sejenis hidangan berinti seakan-akan karipap tapi bulat.
6. WSJ kata, pengirim pie Amerika itu adalah tak lain dan tak bukan kawan akrab keluarga Mohd Najib, Jho Low.
7. WSJ dakwa, dalam bulan Mac 2013, Jho Low hantar pesanan kepada orang suruhannya di Kuala Lumpur mengatakan 681 pie Amerika akan tiba tidak lama lagi dari seberang laut. Menurut transkrip pesanan segara BlackBerry yang dilihat of WSJ, Jho Low menekankan perlunya kerahsiaan dalam penghantaran pie Amerika.
8. Jho Low arah orang suruhannya supaya bagi tahu ketua pegawai eksekutif bank (AmBank) yang “PM” tidak mahu nama, alamat atau nombor kad pengenalannya muncul dalam urusan pemindahan 681 pie Amerika itu.

American Pie dah sampai...
9. Jadi adakah 681 biji pie Amerika itu berlainan daripada AS$681 juta derma Arab yang Apandi sebut pada 25 Januari itu atau 681 biji pie Amerika itu apabila masuk ke dalam akaun Mohd Najib jadi AS$681 juta?
10. Adakah 681 biji pie Amerika itu dari Jho Low hasil putar-belit perniagaan atas angin 1MDB atau duit derma Arab yang dibagi kod atas alasan rahsia?
11. Jawapan kepada misteri pie Amerika dan derma Arab ini akan terjawab kalau Jho Low boleh dibawa balik dan dipaksa duduk atas blok ais dalam bilik hawa dingin selama beberapa jam. Pasti dia akan menyanyi macam burung kenari.
12. Atau Mohd Najib betul-betul kemukakan saman terhadap WSJ kerana memfitnah dan mengaibkan beliau. Wallahuaklam. - Kadir Jasin
Kit Siang - What is Jho Low's relationship with 1MDB and Good Star Limited? When PAC chairperson Hasan Arifin unilaterally and arbitrarily deleted a key section in the PAC report on 1MDB, he focused attention on the genesis of the 1MDB global scandal.
The key section states that Bank Negara Malaysia had been informed by the relevant overseas authorities on a voluntary basis that the ultimate beneficiary of Good Star Ltd is an individual unrelated to the PetroSaudi group.
1MDB has made payments of US$700 million and US$330 million to Good Star in 2009 and 2011 respectively, even though the funds were meant for its investments with PetroSaudi.
Does Jho Low deny that he was the beneficial owner of Good Star?
Does he deny that he was the mastermind of the original 1MDB-PetroSaudi joint venture deal in September 2009, which launched 1MDB and Malaysia into the first global financial scandal?

Balun ratusan ribu juta.RM200 juta untuk hospital rakyat di Sri Aman terketaq2 nak kasi.Sakan punya janji...

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