Air mani 'Saifool' lebih dititikberatkan oleh gomen UMNO/BN
berbanding hutang 1MDB sebanyak RM50 bilion...
Pada hari ini, saya telah membuat satu laporan polis di IPD Dang Wangi terhadap Jho Low berdasarkan bukti-bukti di dalam Laporan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam (PAC).
Laporan saya pada hari ini adalah seperti berikut:
Pada 14 April 2016 di pejabat saya di Ibupejabat KEADILAN, Merchant Square, Petaling Jaya saya telah membaca Laporan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam (PAC) Mengenai 1MDB yang diperolehi dari laman web Parlimen Malaysia di http://www.parlimen.gov.my/pac/review/docs-110-116.pdf
Saya merujuk kepada mukasurat 8 hingga 14 laporan tersebut yang menghuraikan latar belakang penubuhan 1MDB dan penerbitan Islamic Medium Term Notes (IMTN) iaitu bon hutang berjumlah RM5 bilion. Bon hutang RM5 bilion ini adalah hutang pertama yang diambil oleh 1MDB dan dari pengetahuan saya melalui pembacaan di media mengenai 1MDB, bon hutang RM5 bilion ini dijamin oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan.
Dari Laporan PAC mukasurat 8 hingga 14 itu, saya memahami bahawa intipati siasatan PAC merumuskan perkara-perkara tersebut:
i. Pengurusan 1MDB pada ketika itu telah menandatangani perjanjian program dan pengeluaran jaminan kerajaan bagi bon hutang RM5 bilion ini tanpa mengikut terma dan perancangan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Menteri Besar Diperbadankan (MBI Terengganu) iaitu pemegang saham pada ketika itu
ii. Akibat pelanggaran seperti di dalam (i) di atas, Lembaga Pengarah pada ketika itu pada 22 Mei 2009 telah meluluskan tiga resolusi yang mengarahkan penggantungan penerbitan bon hutang RM5 bilion ini sehingga beberapa langkah untuk menguatkan tatakelola dan urustadbir (“good governance”) dilaksanakan terlebih dahulu
iii. Walau bagaimana pun, pada 25 Mei 2009 iaitu tiga hari selepas resolusi mengarahkan penggantungan penerbitan bon hutang RM5 bilion dibuat, pengurusan 1MDB melanggar arahan itu dengan menandatangani Perjanjian Langganan dengan Ambank.
iv. PAC telah mendapati Dato’ Shahrol Azral sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif pada ketika itu telah melakukan kesalahan kerana menandatangani Perjanjian Langganan Bon Hutang RM5 Bilion tanpa apa-apa kuasa yang diberikan oleh Lembaga Pengarah
v. Siasatan PAC mendapati bahawa penerbitan bon hutang RM5 bilion itu disegerakan (walaupun bertentangan dengan arahan Lembaga Pengarah) atas permintaan Penasihat Khas
vi. Salah seorang dari Penasihat Khas yang dinamakan di dalam laporan ialah seorang yang bernama Low Taek Jho (atau lebih dikenali Jho Low)

Kalu 1MDB tak boleh bayaq,gomen akan tanggung, gomen guna duit rakyat,
bererti anda,saya,mak,bapa,anak,cucu cicit akan bayaq sampai mampuih...
Penemuan PAC yang dimuatkan di dalam laporannya dari mukasurat 8 hingga 14 itu menunjukkan beberapa tindakan atau keputusan yang melanggar undang-undang dan boleh disiasat di bawah Kanun Keseksaan, Akta Syarikat, Akta SPRM, akta-akta berkaitan penerbitan sekuriti dan akta-akta lain.
Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, saya berpendapat tindakan Jho Low sebagai Penasihat Khas TIA (kemudiannya 1MDB) memberikan arahan kepada pengurusan 1MDB untuk melanggar arahan Lembaga Pengarah dengan terus menerbitkan bon hutang RM5 bilion itu telah melanggar pelbagai undang-undang seperti di atas dan wajar disiasat segera.
Saya juga memohon supaya siasatan dibuat untuk menentukan bagaimana Jho Low boleh menjadi begitu berkuasa di dalam urusan TIA (kemudiannya 1MDB) kerana pengaruhnya itu sering dikaitkan dengan hubungan rapat dengan keluarga Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Saya membuat laporan ini untuk membantu siasatan polis yang kini sedang berjalan ke atas 1MDB. Baca seterusnya...
Rafizi lodges report against Jho Low, urges public to do the same.
The Price We Pay For The RM50b Will Definitely Goes Beyond Our Lifetime
Will Tun Dr Mahathir Be Arrested After The Sarawak Polls?
Folks 1MDB is in really deep stuff. There was a report in the Malay Mail Online this morning that 1MDB is going to default on a US$50 million bond repayment tomorrow. Then about half an hour later the Malay Mail pulled the story. Malaysiakini has run a similar story. The Singapore Straits Times has come up with more negative news today about 1MDB's debts.
The IGP has said that the Police are investigating four different cases against Dr Mahathir. This morning I heard coffee shop talk that as a result of these four Police investigations, Tun Dr Mahathir may possibly face criminal charges.
Well even if one of the FOUR investigations "sticks" then the Police may use it to charge Dr Mahathir with something. (Otherwise why investigate FOUR different reports?)
Prior to charging him the Police may even arrest Dr Mahathir. That is what they do under criminal charges. If such a thing happens at all, that will be a very, very sad day indeed for Malaysia. The Sarawak Polls are around the corner, May 7th. My guess is nothing will happen until the Sarawak Polls are over with.
I dont know what the Police are investigating. Tun Dr Mahathir is merely exercising his right to speak as a citizen. And he had been speaking within the boundaries of the law.
Dr Mahathir has said that he wants to see Najib be gone. Dr Mahathir has never said that this should be achieved by any means other by following the law of the land. Tun Dr Mahathir has spoken of a vote of no confidence in Parliament. So have other people.
The Speaker of the Parliament has said that he will not allow any such motion in Parliament. I think that is going against the normal process of parliamentary democracy. A vote of no confidence is a simple and straight forward act in Parliament and the State Legislatures.
Parliamentarians know for example that if the annual Budget is not passed in Parliament the Prime Minister and the government must resign immediately. It is a defacto "vote of no confidence" in the government. Even the Speaker has no choice. This is part of the parliamentary process.
So calling for a vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister is not a crime or a wrong process. It is definitely not a threat to parliamentary democracy. In fact it is strengthens parliamentary democracy. There is a mechanism to remove a democratically unpopular government.
However a vote of no confidence is a serious threat to the Prime Minister's personal political future. And considering the deep sh*t he is involved in over this 1MDB matter it is also a serious threat to his personal welfare. The Prime Minister's personal political future and his personal welfare are not subject to any immunity, legal or otherwise.
In Malaysia we have even removed the legal immunity of the Raja-Raja Melayu. The Prime Minister cannot be higher in legal status than the Raja-Raja Melayu.
The other point that Dr Mahathir has spoken about is mirrored in the absolute fact that two government agencies Bank Negara and the MACC have submitted investigation papers reccomending to the Attorney General to begin criminal charges also related to and around the 1MDB matter. Most certainly the Prime Minister will also be tainted in that process.
The fact that the AG has point blank turned down both recommendations and that Bank Negara has voiced its disagreement with the AG (and the MACC too making some sort of public statements) has raised a huge amount of doubt and more questions in the peoples' minds, which includes Dr Mahathir of course. The Bar Council has gone beyond that and has said that action should be taken against the AG for NOT prosecuting these cases.
The removal of Ghani Patail as AG, the firing of the Deputy Prime Minister, the shoddy transfer and even arrest of investigators over this 1MDB issue (with all their cases subsequently thrown out by the Courts), the jailing of people who made police reports against the prime minister, blocking off websites, arresting and then deporting foreign news crews all do not add up to make the prime minister look righteous at all.
Plus it must be understood that the prime minister appears righteous only through the jurisdiction of the police powers of the State over which he holds absolute control. Outside of these, the prime minister does not appear righteous at all. And outside Malaysia, his name raises quite a stink.
The "government friendly" media and the alternative media (to whom the prime minister said he has paid money) also sing his righteousness. But since they are paid (according to the prime minister and according to some of the bloggers themselves) to say the things they say, the righteousness is of course non existent.
In a democracy there is nothing illegal or criminal in anyone voicing their doubts and demanding that the Prime Minister should resign and go or that legal action should be taken against wrongdoings.
That is what Dr Mahathir has clearly outlined about the Citizens Declaration or Deklarasi Rakyat which has now collected 500,000 signatures. The target is 1.0 million signatures by end of the year. I think they are going to far exceed this target.
Even if 10 million people sign the Citizen's Declaration it cannot legally make the prime minister resign. But Dr Mahathir wants to collect all the signatures and present them to the Raja-Raja Melayu and implore them to intervene in the matter, according to the law and the Constitution.
Perhaps it is hoped that the Raja-Raja Melayu will convene a special Royal Commission to inquire about this whole 1MDB mess again. If the Raja-Raja assent to this, it must be within the law and the Constitution. No one is going to ask the Raja-Raja Melayu to break the Law. Dont be stupid. In fact that is what we have been seeing in this country. It is a credit to Dr Mahathir and our elders that they have molded a law abiding citizenry.
In Thailand they have demonstrated and protested violently in the streets for much lesser wrongs, indiscretions and bungles by the leaders. The same goes for Indonesia, India, Greece and many countries. Brazil has just begun to impeach their president. But NOT in Malaysia.
Here when we are not happy with the prime minister, our citizens (like Dr Mahathir) collect signatures. That is certainly not breaking the law. And we dont even know how effective that will be. But that is our style. We obey the law. The Raja-Raja Melayu can make up their own minds entirely. Let us not presume the Raja-Raja Melayu.
But it will cause serious embarrassment for the government. There are no laws against causing embarrasment for you, me or the prime minister. However there are very embarrassing Laws of Embarrassment. To put it briefly, they can be quite embarrassing. Enough to make life horribly embarrassing for the prime minister.
How will Malaysians react if Tun Dr Mahathir is arrested? I think we will collect more signatures. As I said we are a law abiding country. The Organisation of Islamic Countries will react very negatively. Dr Mahathir is a very highly respected figure among the Islamic countries.
The countries of Africa will also react very negatively. Tun Dr Mahathir enjoys very high regard in Africa. The countries of ASEAN will also be shocked. Singapore has frozen bank accounts relating to the 1MDB fiasco. They know who the bad guys are. If Tun Dr Mahathir is arrested or charged in Court, I think the entire world will be shocked. So the Police are investigating FOUR cases against Dr Mahathir. And then what? - syedsoutsidethebox

Awkward moment...when something amiss...
Is the Donation Issue Really Over?
In a brief three-sentence in Istanbul quoted by Bernama on April 15 Al-Jubeir said:
“We are aware of donation and it is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return. We are also fully aware that the Attorney-General of Malaysia has thoroughly investigated the matter and found no wrongdoing.
“So, as far as we are concerned, the matter is closed.”
The statement was made to Malaysian reporters and, according to reports, no follow-up questions were asked.
There are three elements in his statement namely it was a donation, it was genuine and the donor did not expect anything in return.
Because the statement was brief and the Malaysia reporters might have been instructed not to ask too many questions or believed that have got what they wanted, we still do not know for sure who the donor was, the exact amount of the donation and whether he had received the amount supposedly returned to him by Mohd Najib.
Also it is hard to accept this latest statement unconditionally because just over two months ago the same person said it was not a donation but an investment.
Either he had made a mistake with his first statement or was lying with his second.
On Mohd Najib’s part, if it was a donation and a genuine one with no string attached, why did he return a large chunk of it? Continue reading...
Mahathir: Saudi minister aware, but doesn't mean he agrees...
"In case Najib’s supporters failed to note, the question is whether al-Jubeir is aware of the background and details about the donation.
"Accordingly, the Saudi foreign minister replied, 'We are aware of the donation and it is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return'," Mahathir wrote in his blog today.
Najib's arch-enemy also noted that al-Jubeir had said he was aware that attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali had found no wrongdoing in Najib receiving the donation.
"Being aware of the statements of the A-G does not mean he agreed with the statement," Mahathir said, adding that al-Jubeir also did not retract or negate his previous remarks doubting the RM2.6 billion donation's origins.
"It is the Malaysian media which interpreted his awareness as a negation of his previous statement," he said.
Al-Jubeir previously said that he did not think the RM2.6 billion was a political donation nor did it come from the Saudi government.
Instead, the minister said the money was from an unspecified "investment" in Malaysia.
Najib had repeatedly claimed the billions of ringgit in his personal accounts was a political donation from Saudi Arabia.
The prime minister and his supporters have accused detractors, namely Dr Mahathir Mohamad, of harping on the issue with aim of toppling Najib from power. - mk
The Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia...
1MDB: Amaran Bank Negara sejak 2014 - Zeti

Kalaulah bayaran faedah AS$50 juta pun tak mampu nak bayaq,
apatah lagi nak bayaq hutang pokok RM50 bilion!!!

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