Rafizi remanded for three days under OSA
"Three days," Rafizi said to reporters, as he was led away in handcuffs at the Magistrate's Court in Putrajaya today.
His lawyer R Sivarasa said that it is likely that Rafizi will be kept at the Jinjang lock-up for the duration of the remand, which was granted by Magistrate Nik Isfahanie Tasnim Wan Ab Rahman.

Rafizi was detained by police yesterday evening as he exited the Parliament building gates and the inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar confirmed that he is to be investigated under Section 8 of the Official Secrets Act (OSA).
Sivarasa, who is also Subang MP, called the decision "unfair" and the remand "unnecessary".
"Rafizi is ready to be charged in court and ready to return to any police headquarters to give extra statements if required," he told reporters.
The reason given for the remand that the police need to conduct further investigations is irrelevant, he added, as it can be done without detaining the PKR secretary-general.
"It is an abuse of power and acts like an unfair punishment for Rafizi," Sivarasa (photo) said.
Upon the expiration of the remand on Friday, the police will have to charge him or release him.
Alternatively, he conceded that the police could request for an extension of the remand, although he called it "unfair and wrong".
They had also brought him to the PKR headquarters, the PKR Pandan service centre and his home in Bukit Antarabangsa, and ended up confiscating one handphone, one laptop and one desktop computer.
Exposed classified document
The Pandan lawmaker had last month exposed what he claimed is a classified document showing links between the Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera and 1MDB.
He also gave a statement on the matter to the commercial crime investigations department.
Rafizi had disclosed the alleged classified document at a press conference at the Parliament lobby, however, he did not distribute the document to the media.
Malaysiakini could not report the contents of the press conference due to constraints under the OSA.
Responding to the disclosure, 1MDB denied it was the cause for late gratuity payments by LTAT to retired armed personnel.
It also said the document was part of the auditor-general's report on 1MDB, which was presented to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).
The PAC is expected to conclude its probe on 1MDB this week, after which the report will be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat.
LTAT said it has made gratuity payments to most armed forces personnel in Rafizi's list, and will take the MP to court. - mk

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Arresting Rafizi is obstructing his parliamentary duties...
The arrest of Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli just days before the ongoing Parliament sitting ends is tantamount to obtructing an MP doing his parliamentary duty, said DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang.
"The question whether the police can and should arrest Rafizi for alleged violation of the Official Secrets Act is a separate and secondary question. Why can’t Rafizi be arrested after the adjournment of Parliament tomorrow?" he said in a statement.
He said the arrest violated the unanimous resolution passed at the beginning of the current parliamentary meeting instructing inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar to ensure that MPs are not hindered from making their way to and from Parliament.
"Is Khalid trying to show that he is above Parliament, and not subject to the instructions of Parliament, turning the whole system of parliamentary democracy and principles of government responsibility and accountability upside down?" asked Lim. Continue Reading...

Mutakhir ini, terdapat pelbagai tuduhan yang dilemparkan terhadap Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng sekitar pembelian sebuah rumah banglo oleh beliau. Malah, ada sesetengah pihak yang menggesa agar beliau berundur daripada jawatannya semata-mata kerana pada pendapat mereka, Ketua Menteri dianggap telah menerima “suapan” dalam bentuk harga rumah yang dikatakan lebih rendah daripada harga pasaran.
Walau bagaimanapun, pendapat ini adalah canggung, khususnya apabila tuduhan “suapan” tersebut tidak dapat dikaitkan kepada apa-apa perbuatan rasuah. Daripada apa yang telah dilaporkan, rumah tersebut dibeli atas dasar persetujuan antara pembeli dan penjual pada tahun 2015, berikutan perjanjian lisan pada tahun 2012 dan perjanjian bertulis bertarikh 23 Jun 2014 di mana pemilik rumah, Phang Li Koon, telah bersetuju untuk memberikan opsyen kepada Guan Eng untuk membeli harta tersebut pada nilai RM2.8 juta.
Sebelum membelinya, Ketua Menteri telah menyewa rumah itu selama enam tahun dari 2009 hingga 2015 pada kadar RM5,000 sebulan. Cik Phang telah membeli banglo itu dengan harga RM2.5 juta pada tahun 2008, dan seperti yang diisytiharkan dalam akuan berkanun beliau yang bertarikh 22 Mac 2016, beliau telah membuat keputusan untuk menjualnya akibat tekanan yang dihadapi beliau setelah harta tersebut menjadi sasaran bantahan dan tuduhan liar daripada pelbagai pihak. Beliau juga telah mengisytiharkan bahawa beliau tidak mendapat sebarang manfaat khas daripada penjualan rumah tersebut kepada Ketua Menteri.
Saya rasa apa yang lebih penting dalam kes ini adalah untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat apa-apa yang meragu-ragukan dari segi rasuah atau kepentingan awam yang berkaitan dengan pembelian rumah tersebut. Kontroversi ini timbul kerana penjualan plot 0.4 hektar tanah negeri di Taman Manggis pada nilai RM11 juta kepada sebuah syarikat bernama Kuala Lumpur International Dental Centre Sdn Bhd (KLIDC) pada tahun 2012 melalui tender terbuka. Pemegang saham utama KLIDC adalah Tan Yong Chew, yang kebetulan menjadi rakan kongsi Cik Phang dalam syarikat yang tidak berkaitan, Winbond Management & Consultant Sdn Bhd. Baca seterusnya...

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