Rafizi cabar IGP tanding P/Raya...
Selepas sahaja dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin, setiausaha agung PKR itu terus mencabar Ketua Polis Negara (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar bertanding dengannya jika mahu bermain politik.
“Kalau IGP nak main politik mari bertanding di Pandan,” tulis anggota parlimen Pandan di Twitter.
Tegas naib presiden PKR itu lagi, tindakan beliau meletakkan tangan di belakang seolah-olah seperti digari adalah sebahagian standard operasi piawai (SOP).
Malah, Rafizi berkata arahan tersebut dibuat pegawai terlibat di hadapan peguamnya Saiful Izham Ramli.
“Arahan untuk letak tangan di belakang adalah budi bicara pegawai (polis) dan ia dibuat di hadapan peguam saya,” tulisnya.
Justeru, Rafizi berkata beliau akan berbincang dengan peguam sama ada mahu mengambil tindakan saman terhadap Khalid atau tidak.
Sebelum ini beberapa keping gambar beredar di media sosial yang menuduh Rafizi berlakon seperti digari ketika diiring polis.
Saiful mendakwa Rafizi diminta meletakkan tangan di belakang sebagai sebahagian SOP bagi membataskan pergerakan.
Bercakap kepada Malaysiakini, Khalid menyifatkan dakwaan itu sebagai “cerita dongeng”.
Rafizi dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin hari ini selepas didakwa bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA) kerana mendedahkan dokumen sulit kerajaan. - mk
Come contest in Pandan, Rafizi challenges IGP
Rafizi charged under OSA, claims trial...
Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli pleaded not guilty and claimed trial to two charges under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) before a packed courtroom at the Sessions Court in Kuala Lumpur today.
After that, he was taken to the Magistrate's Court to face another charge under Section 500 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation.
Rafizi, who is also PKR vice-president and secretary-general, was charged with disclosing a confidential document and possessing a document regarding 1MDB which is classified under OSA.
He is alleged to have disclosed the document at the Parliament lobby on March 24, and possessed the document at the same venue on March 28.
If found guilty, he could serve between one to seven years in prison.
Rafizi was represented by lawyers R Sivarasa, Saiful Izham, William Leong, Eric Paulsen, Faiz Fadzil and Melissa Sasidaran.
DPP Mohd Abazafree Mohd Abbas led the prosecution and asked for RM3,000 bail with one surety.
Sessions judge Zulqarnain Hassan ordered the confidential document be produced in court on April 14 and fixed April 29 for case management.
The judge, who was formerly a DPP, fixed bail at RM3,000 with one surety.
Meanwhile at the Magistrate's Court, magistrate Mohd Rehan Mohd Aris fixed bail at RM1,000 with one surety.
Rafizi claimed trial on the charge of criminal defamation, a case involving Tabung Haji via his blog. The allegation was made at Tabung Haji building on Feb 18.
A check on his blog revealed that the posting touched on him urging Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to appoint a new Tabung Haji chairperson.
For criminal defamation, Rafizi stands to face a maximum two years' jail term or a fine or both.
Pakatan Harapan leaders consisting of federal and state lawmakers gathered as early as 9am in anticipation of Rafizi being charged.
He was only produced at the Sessions Court at 11am after the case was registered.
The first term MP is now out on bail.- mk
Rafizi didakwa tiga pertuduhan

Bekas CEO 1MDB Dedah Najib Yang Salah Dalam Perjanjian PetroSaudi...
Bekas ketua pegawai eksekutif 1MDB Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim mendakwa Datuk Seri Najib Razak menolak penilaian semula aset-aset dalam usahasama 1MDB- PetroSaudi International (PSI) walaupun kebimbangan itu diketengahkan oleh lembaga pengarahnya.
Perkara itu dinyatakan dalam laporan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) yang merujuk kepada kedudukan Najib sebagai pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat 1MDB.
“Selanjutnya, Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB telah mengarahkan ketua pegawai eksekutif 1MDB menyediakan kertas ringkasan komprehensif kepada pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat yang mengandungi kronologi peristiwa berkaitan perjanjian usaha sama, status pembiayaan dan ketidakpuasan hati Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB terhadap laporan penilaian aset PetroSaudi Holdings (Cayman) Ltd.
Antara laporannya...
Former 1MDB chief executive officer Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi claimed that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had refused the revaluation of assets in 1MDB's joint-venture with PetroSaudi International (PSI) despite concerns raised by the 1MDB board of directors.
This is according to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report tabled today which referred to Najib in his position as 1MDB board of advisers’ chairperson.
According to the report, the 1MDB board of directors had doubts about the joint-venture in which 1MDB was to commit US$1 billion in cash while PSI would only need to commit at least US$1.5 billion in energy assets to their joint-venture vehicle 1MDB PetroSaudi Ltd.
“Bagaimanapun, semasa mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB pada 7 November 2009, Encik Shahrol Azral memaklumkan penilaian kedua tidak perlu dibuat terhadap aset syarikat usaha sama tersebut kerana pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan ini, tetapi mengarahkan Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB melantik sebuah syarikat perundingan bagi menilai pemilikan syarikat usaha sama.
“Namun demikian, semakan JAN (Jabatan Audit Negara) mendapati tiada dokumen yang dapat membuktikan pelantikan perunding tersebut telah dibuat,” menurut laporan itu. - mk/suarakami
Ex-1MDB CEO claimed Najib refused revaluation of assets

1MDB - PAC dedah sapa dikambing hitamkan...
Kata boleh settle hutang #1MDB dlm tempoh 5 bulan. Ni dah nak masuk 9 bulan hutang makin bertambah apa citer???

Hangpa pikiaq2 mai...
BAGAIMANA.. 1MDB boleh bayar RM4.24 bilion kpd Aabar Investments PJS Ltd (Aabar Ltd) sebagai deposit sekuriti tanpa kelulusan lembaga pengarahnya.
TAHUKAH ANDA,dalam Fasal 17 di bawah Memorandum dan Artikel Persatuan (M&A) 1MDB memperuntukkan Najib perlu meluluskan semua urus niaga dan pelaburan syarikat milik Kementerian Kewangan itu.

Susulan Laporan PAC mengenai 1MDB, Lembaga Pengarah secara kolektif menawarkan untuk meletakkan jawatan.Sementara PENASIHATnya pulak akan mengkaji dan ambil tindakan atas saranan PAC.
Apa nak heran kalu sebelum ini AG Apandi dah tolong 'bersihkan' Najib dlm isu derma RM2.6 bilion...
Waaaah! Finally the gomen have FOUND their new scapegoat! So HOW does this all explain Najib spending money shopping using SRC International Credit Cards which previously WAS a subsidiary of 1MDB and as an entity OWNED by the Government, WHO had the power to recommend and 'appoint' 1MDB's Board of Directors(BOD)?
1MDB deliberately hampered the investigations by PAC and AG...
So we have been vindicated. 1MDB lied and lied and lied.
They have even obstructed the investigations by refusing to provide their foreign bank account statements.
It has been confirmed that payments to Good Star Limited amounting to more than US$1bn are misappropriated.
It has been confirmed that 1MDB made more than US$3.5bn of dubious payments have been made to "Aabar Investment PJS Limited" of British Virgin Islands. No one knows who owns this BVI Aabar.
The battle is certainly not over, but we have taken a giant step forward in establishing certain key facts.
We will keep pushing until the real masterminds behind this multi-billion dollar scam have been indicted and thrown to jail. Continue Reading...
1MDB: Najib tetap perlu bertanggungjawab
PAC arah siasat 1MDB...
Mana laporan Ketua Audit Negara tentang 1MDB?
Najib was right, mocks Dr Mahathir...
Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has admitted that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is right that he was wrong about 1MDB's RM42 billion debt.
"The (Public Accounts Committee) report says it's not just RM42 billion but RM50 billion. More than that.
"So I was wrong on that because I named a smaller figure and I think the RM50 billion is also not correct, there could be more," Mahathir told reporters in Kuala Lumpur today.
He also demanded to see where the money was.
"Show me where it is. It is here and there but we don't see."
Najib earlier today said the PAC report on 1MDB proved Mahathir's allegations that RM42 billion was missing from the fund was wrong.
The report, however, stated that 1MDB's debts had grown from RM42 billion in March 2014 to RM50 billion as of January 2016.
Mahathir has been citing 1MDB's debts as one of the reasons the prime minister should step down from office.
The former premier is currently spearheading a campaign to collect public signatures in a bid to pressure Najib to quit.-mk
Dr M: Najib betul, sebenarnya RM50b bukan RM42b
Major flaws in PAC Report on 1MDB...
Firstly, the PAC Report on 1MDB does not append the Auditor-General’s Interim Report on 1MDB submitted to the PAC in June last year.
Secondly, the PAC Report on 1MDB does not append the Auditor-General’s 300-page final audit report on the 1MDB submitted to the PAC last month.
The third major flaw was on the tabling of the PAC Report on 1MDB in Parliament on Thursday, the disappearance of the PAC Chairman Hasan Arifin and the postponement of a media conference.
A text message from the PAC secretariat to PAC members on Wednesday gave notification that the PAC Chairman would not be holding a press conference on Thursday after the tabling of the PAC report on 1MDB, noted Lim who has been suspended from Parliament as Gelang Patah MP. “It seems that Hasan was ill and would only answer media questions on the PAC Report on 1MDB during the next Dewan Rakyat session.”
PAC has a deputy chairman, Kepong MP Tan Seng Giaw, who should be able to stand in for Hasan to conduct a media conference on the tabling of the PAC Report on 1MDB, pointed out Lim. “Hasan seems to be implying that he has absolutely no confidence in his No. 2 in the PAC.”
The PAC Report on 1MDB was undoubtedly the most important one in the history of PAC in Malaysia in the past 47 years, attracting not only national but also international attention and interest, agreed the DAP veteran. “The PAC should feel proud of its Report which is regarded as drawing such national and international attention.”

However, the PAC seems to be very uncomfortable with its Report to the extent that a media conference has been put off for over a month, lamented Lim. “Something was really very wrong about the PAC Report on 1MDB.”
The PAC does not exist in its own right and every document or report presented to it was meant for final presentation to Parliament in a Report, said Lim in revisiting the issue. “Hasan, as PAC Chairman, was responsible for the gross dereliction of duty of his Committee in failing to append the Auditor-General’s two reports (Interim Report and Final Audit Report) to Parliament when presenting the PAC Report on 1MDB.”
“There are attempts to argue that the Auditor-General’s final audit report was still a classified document covered by the OSA. Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli has even been arrested for allegedly making a disclosure from the Auditor-General’s final audit report to the PAC.”
The net effects of such twists-and-turns continue to bar the Auditor-General’s final audit report from general publication, stressed Lim. “They only increase public suspicion that the powers-that-be have a lot of things to hide on 1MDB.”
“It will only further undermine the Najib government’s already very low-level credibility and trustworthiness.” - fmt
Dr.M - Rafizi ditangkap pasai petah bercakap

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