Transkrip dari video...
Reporter: Your Excellency, are you aware of the background and details about the issue on the donation to the Prime Minister of Malaysia?
Foreign Minister: We are aware of the donation and it is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return and we are also fully aware that the Attorney General of Malaysia had thoroughly investigated the matter and found no wrongdoing so as far as we are concerned the matter is closed.
Wartawan: Tuan Yang Terutama, adakah anda sedar mengenai latar belakang dan maklumat mengenai isu derma itu kepada Perdana Menteri Malaysia?
Menteri Luar: "Kami sedar tentang derma itu dan ia memang benar-benar sumbangan tanpa mengharapkan apa-apa balasan. Dan kami juga sedar bahawa peguam negara Malaysia telah menjalankan siasatan teliti mengenai perkara itu dan mendapati tiada salah laku, justeru, setahu kami, isu itu ditutup,"
Entah bagaimana, media arus perdana kita telah memetik Menteri Luar Saudi seolah-olah dia telah mengakui bahawa kerajaan Arab Saudi adalah penderma yang menderma semua RM4.2 bilion yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi Perdana Menteri.
Seorang Menteri Luar hanya memberitahu wartawan dia sedar mengenai isu tersebut tapi entah bagaimana ianya bertukar menjadi satu pengakuan bahawa wang itu datang dari Arab Saudi?
Jelas Menteri Luar Arab itu hanya meluahkan dan menegaskan apa Peguam Negara kita berkata pada Januari dalam usaha untuk membersihkan Najib Razak daripada sebarang perbuatan yang salah. Terima kasih Anifah Aman kerana memberi taklimat kepada rakan sejawatannya dengan begitu efisyen sekali.

Maka tak heranlah bila media massa, pak Menteri suruh Mahathir pohon maaf, termasuk juga Menteri lepasan Oxford meloncat2 sambil mengesahkan bahawa 2.6 bilion itu adalah derma tulen!!!
Saudi Foreign Minister – what was asked, and what he had answered...
When you want to understand an answer, first you need to understand the question. Otherwise the answer will be without context, and will be greatly misunderstood. Take for example, the video below.
Transcript from the video:-
Reporter: Your Excellency, are you aware of the background and details about the issue on the donation to the Prime Minister of Malaysia?
Foreign Minister: We are aware of the donation and it is a genuine donation with nothing expected in return and we are also fully aware that the Attorney General of Malaysia had thoroughly investigated the matter and found no wrongdoing so as far as we are concerned the matter is closed.
Somehow, the mainstream media quoted the Foreign Minister as if he had admitted that Saudi Arabia government was the donor of all the RM4.2 billion ‘donation’ into the Prime Minister’s private accounts.
A foreign minister telling a reporter he has some awareness of the issue is somehow turned into an admission that the money came from Saudi Arabia?

Obviously the Saudi minister was just regurgitating what our own Attorney General had said back in January in order to clear Najib Razak of any wrong doing. Thank you Anifah Aman for briefing his counterpart expeditiously.
So it is not surprising to see a couple of ministers and even the Prime Minister’s press secretary jumping on the bandwagon without knowing what the full conversation was all about. Well, they can be forgiven because they are not media savvy people. Plus they are just being loyal and stupid.
God forbid if some Oxford graduates had also misinterpreted what had been said. Their imbecilic statements may go viral.

Coming back to the issue at hand, when a reporter asked a stupid question (everyone in the world should know by now about the background and details on the donation issue), the stupidity can only be surpassed by the people who had misconstrued the answer.
But maybe we are the ones who had misunderstood the question and misunderstood the answer. Maybe the Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister did admit his country gave Najib those billions. From the video above probably at some point in his short answer he had confirmed and admitted that the government of Saudi Arabia had donated those billions. After all, English is not an easy language. - jebatmustdie
Komen Mahathir pasai derma...
Menteri Luar Saudi (Adel Al-Jubeir) telah berkata bahawa derma oleh Arab Saudi - yang beliau berpuas hati dengan siasatan Peguam Negara dan setakat ini, bagi pihak Arab Saudi, perkara itu telah selesai. Apa maklum balas Tun dalam hal ini?
Mahathir: Itu apa yang dia kata, Siasatan, anda perlu bukti dokumen. Jika duit itu dipindahkan, pasti ada sesuatu yang bertulis - cek, rekod bank, bank mana.
Kenyatan sendiri tidak mencukupi. Jadi, sehingga saya dapat melihat dokumen berkenaan, sehingga ianya didedahkan umum, mana-mana kenyataan sendiri tidak boleh dipercayai.
Mahathir: Show the proof behind Saudi statement

Skandal RM2.6 bilion...Najib terdesak dibersihkan.Tapi dunia masih meragui,7 buah negara Switzerland, United Kingdom, Amerika Syarikat, Luxembourg, Singapura, Australia dan Hong Kong masih terus siasat skandal 1MDB...

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