Questions are raised over ties between the Terengganu palace and state menteri besar Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman after he was introduced at two official events without any honorary titles, including ‘Datuk Seri’.
“The master of ceremonies at two events, one held yesterday and the other one this morning, had only referred to him (Ahmad Razif) as ‘Yang Amat Berhormat Menteri Besar…’ with no other titles.
“This certainly goes against the normal convention,” Terengganu PKR chief and Bandar assemblyperson Azan Ismail told Malaysiakini.
A Parti Amanah Negara-linked newsportal yesterday quoted a source who claimed that Terengganu’s Sultan Mizan had last Friday revoked all titles awarded to Ahmad Razif as a sign of his displeasure, triggering rumours of another menteri besar change.
Razif took over from Ahmad Said in May 2014.
Harian Metro this morning reported that Razif was present during the Wakaf Senusantara 2016 event launch at the Primula Hotel in Kuala Terengganu, officiated by Sultan Mizan.
Razif, together with Terengganu state-secretary Osman Muda, however reportedly left before journalists were able to get their comments on the matter.
A similar incident had reportedly occurred at an Umno Dungun event last night. Berita Harian cited sources as saying that the titles were revoked through verbal decree. Malaysiakini has contacted Ahmad Razif for comment.
Commenting further, Azan stressed that all parties should refrain on speculating over a possible change in menteri besar, as the matter is under full discretion of the sultan.
"As an assemblyperson, I sympathise with the MB. But I sympathise more with the people because the state government will not be able to focus on carrying out its duties," he said.
Azan said that the 32-seat Terengganu state assembly is now "hung" after Razif confirmed denying former MB Ahmad his constituency allocation. Ahmad is Kijal assemblyperson.
"By denying the constituency allocation to Ahmad, the menteri besar no longer recognises him as a BN assemblyperson," claimed Azan.
BN has 17 state-assemblypersons, including Ahmad, while the Opposition bench comprises 14 from PAS and Azan who is the sole PKR rep in Terengganu.
Ahmad last month filed a vote of no-confidence against Razif but it was rejected by Terengganu legislative assembly speaker Mohd Zubir Embong. Ahmad confirmed Razif had taken over the distribution of allocations for his Kijal constituency.- mk
Ahmad Razif enggan ulas gelaran Datuk Seri ditarik balik
Krisis MB - Terengganu hadapi Pilihan Raya Negeri...
Terengganu besar kemungkinan akan berhadapan dengan Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) selepas PRN Sarawak apabila berlaku krisis Menteri Besar, Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman dengan istana di samping kedudukan kerajaan negeri yang tidak stabil kerana jumlah Adun kerajaan dan pembangkang hampir sama.
Menurut sumber, kata sepakat hampir dicapai agar PRN diadakan bagi menyelesaikan kemelut yang ada di negeri itu. Namun, Ahmad Razif dikatakan tidak akan bertanding lagi dalam pilihan raya ini.
"Possible (mungkin)," kata Adun Batu Burok, Dr Syed Azman Ahmad Nawawi ketika diminta mengulas apa yang berlaku di negeri ini.
Jumaat kelmarin, Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif hilang semua anugerah kebesarannya apabila Istana Terengganu murka kepada beliau dan meminta agar semua anugerah itu diserahkan.
Ia berlaku ketika tidak ada pihak yang mempunyai majoriti dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri Terengganu apabila tiga Adun Umno yang diketuai bekas menteri besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Said dikatakan menjadi Adun Bebas.
BN kini tinggal 14 Adun, PAS (14) manakala PKR (1) dalam DUN yang mempunyai 32 ahli itu.

8 Mac lepas, Ahmad Said mengemukakan usul tidak percaya kepada Menteri Besar Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman namun usul itu ditolak oleh Speaker dari dibahas apatah lagi diundi.
Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang pula mengarahkan Adun-adun PAS agar jangan masuk campur dalam isu ini (tidak menyokong usul Ahmad Said) manakala jentera PAS Terengganu pula diminta bersedia untuk hadapi pilihan raya.
Menurut Bernama, Pas Terengganu berada dalam keadaan siap sedia untuk menghadapi kemungkinan Pilihan Raya Negeri dalam masa terdekat.
Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Pas Negeri, Dr. Alias Razak berkata, parti itu kini berada pada kedudukan yang sangat kukuh untuk menghadapi sesiapa sahaja dalam pilihan raya tersebut.
Menurutnya, Pas sedia hadapi tentangan sengit Barisan Nasional (BN) dan pendatang baru dalam pilihan raya iaitu Parti Amanah Negara.
"Walaupun kali ini Pas bersendirian tanpa PKR dan DAP, dengan keadaan UMNO dan BN yang makin celaru ini, kita yakin kita boleh menang dengan selesa sekali gus menawan semula Terengganu.
"Kita telah keluarkan arahan agar jentera di peringkat tertinggi hingga peringkat paling bawah bersiap sedia," katanya yang juga Adun Bukit Tunggal ketika dihubungi Bernama 18 April lepas.

PAS juga sedang menghadapi masalah untuk menang kerana parti itu berpecah membentuk Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH) selepas pemimpin progresif dan profesionalnya ditewaskan secara blok dalam Muktamar PAS tahun lalu.
Walaupun PAS Terengganu masih kuat tetapi sebahagian ahli mereka sudah meninggalkannya untuk menyertai Amanah.
Ahli Parlimen PAS Kuala Terengganu, Datuk Raja Bahrin Shah sudah meninggalkan PAS dan menjadi Pengerusi AMANAH negeri Terengganu.
Beliau disertai oleh beberapa bekas Adun PAS manakala beberapa Adun PAS sekarang dikatakan menyokong Amanah secara diam-diam.
Umno juga berpecah di Terengganu. Ahmad Said dan rakan-rakannya dikatakan menyertai Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam gerakan Selamatkan Malaysia yang berkempen mahu Datuk Seri Najib berundur dari kerusi perdana menterinya.- malaysiadateline

TV3 suku tak kan siarkan berita ini
pasai ia fobia dengan Guan Eng...
Khabar angin bertiup, Ku Li akan dilantik TPM II...
Buat permulaan, putera diraja Kelantan yang lebih dikenali sebagai Ku Li itu akan berucap bersama dengan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak di Memorial Tun Ghafar Baba, di Bukit Peringit Melaka, pagi ini.
Ia adalah sempena 10 tahun pemergian Allahyarham, salah seorang pejuang terbilang Umno yang sebelum ini pernah memegang jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Ketua Menteri Melaka.
Selain Najib Razak, difahamkan semua pemimpin tertinggi Umno juga akan turut hadir di mana majlis memperingati ulang tahun yang dianjurkan oleh Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan kerjasama Kerajaan Negeri Melaka yang akan diadakan secara besar-besaran itu.
Anak Tun Ghafar, Tamrin yang telah meninggalkan Umno dan menyertai Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam gerakan Selamatkan Malaysia juga akan memberikan ucapan.
Sementara itu, seorang blogger yang banyak menulis tentang Umno, Shahbudin Husin turut menulis tentang kemungkinan ini.
Katanya, seseorang menelefon dan pantas memberitahu bahawa Ku Li akan dilantik sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri Kedua dan Menteri Kewangan tidak lama lagi.
"Sebab apa?" tanya Shahbudin kepada sumbernya.
Si pemanggil memberikan tiga sebab mengapa perlantikan itu dibuat oleh Najib Razak, tulis Shahbudin:-
Antaranya sebagai 'hadiah' kerana sudi menurunkan tandatangan sokongan melalui Deklarasi Kelantan yang memberikan sokongan kepada Najib.
Ia juga bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan lagi kedudukan Najib bagi berhadapan dengan Tun Mahathir Mohamad.
Manakala sebab ketiga adalah untuk mengimbangi kedudukan Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang didakwa sudah mula 'pasang angan-angan' untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri, tulis Shahbudin.
"Tapi bukankah Tengku Razaleigh nak jadi Perdana Menteri, bukannya Timbalan Perdana Menteri?" soal Shahbudin.
"Daripada tak jadi apa-apa, dapat jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri pun kira okay juga,"kata pemanggil tadi penuh yakin kepada Shahbudin.- malaysiadateline
“Think of your future generations when you vote and not your Chief Minister Adenan.”
An open letter to Sarawakians...
Are you not Malaysians? Take a look at your identity card or passport and see if you are a foreigner or a Malaysian? Whether you like it or not or how you feel, you are at the moment still a Malaysian. The only difference between Sarawak and the peninsula is the 1,000km separation by the South China Sea.
A state is run by the state assemblypersons that you elected and represented like mothers looking after the homes, while the elected Members of Parliament are like fathers working outside in search for a better living conditions for your homes.
To say that the state can only run by the elected state assemblypersons without having the assistant of the elected members of Parliament from the federal government is like saying the homes need only the mothers and not the fathers.
Don’t be naive to believe that whatever happened in the peninsula will not affect Sarawak. Your Chief Minister, Adenan Satem, is trying to impress and build into your mind that Sarawak is somehow independent and does not need peninsular Malaysia. But, is he right?
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do you pay taxes including the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and where does the money go to? - UMNO/BN federal government.
2. The billions of oil revenue generated and where does the money goes to? - UMNO/BN federal government.
3. Who appointed your chief minister? - The UMNO president.
4. Who allocates and appoints which MPs to be ministers at federal level? - The UMNO president.
5. Who decides how many schools and universities to be built in Sarawak? - UMNO/BN federal government.
6. Why only the UMNO president can gives consent to build major infrastructures?
7. Are the laws and policies (Official secrets Act or OSA, Sedition Act, Prevention of Terrorism Act or Pota, National Security Council or NSC Act, etc) implemented by Umno/BN federal government not affecting you?
8. If the UMNO/BN federal government has to bailout 1MDB, whose money do you think they will use? - Malaysians, the rakyat and that includes you, Sarawakians.
The above are just a few and the control by the UMNO/BN federal government are by no means exhaustive.
This statement from your Chief Minister Adenan confirmed that you must think carefully about voting for UMNO/BN.
‘Adenan vows to quit office if UMNO enters Sarawak’, as reported by Malaysiakini.
Serious questions to ask
The serious question Sarawakians must ask are,
‘Why are everyone including the chief minister so afraid of UMNO?’
The answers are plenty and we will just state a few.
In name the federal Government is governed by a coalition called BN but the truth is that UMNO is the master that decides everything hence the coalition is now commonly known as UMNO/BN.
Religious intolerance and racism have become worse under UMNO/BN’s rule for nearly six decades. Mismanagement, wastage and corruption are not tackled promptly by ministries and the relevant authorities and many have got away with it.
Sarawak is the richest state with blessed natural resources yet it is ranked third among the states which owed the federal government outstanding debts to a tune of RM2.5 billion. Where have the money gone to? UMNO/BN has not being performing as a democratic government should, instead, many are saying the nation is on the way towards a dictatorship and/or a police state.
The latest 1MDB twin mega scandals and how the Umno/BN federal government is doing its best to sweep it away just shows how they protect and defend themselves instead of revealing the truth to the rakyat.
Barring elected MPs from entering Sarawak and deeming them as extremists and undesirables proved Adenan is subservient to UMNO/BN, if not what? So, all in all UMNO is a bad taste to Sarawakians including the Chief Minister Adenan.
Sarawakians, UMNO may not be physically presence in the state but all the hallmarks of UMNO controlling it are already there when you keep voting UMNO/BN in.
Chief Minister Adenan may personally be a good guy but there is a limit to how much he can actually do (for the rakyat) when he is still under the control of the Umno president in the guise of the UMNO/BN federal government.
If you are reading this article you must be quite familiar of what is going on in this country under the rule of UMNO/BN for six decades. The fact is that nearly 70 percent of Sarawakians may not know the truth of the bad goings on with UMNO/BN and you are duty bound to inform them and the final decision of whom they want to vote is theirs. - Richard

Baru sampai dari Kota Kinabalu. Sampai di lapangan terbang, pegawai-pegawai imigresen sudah menunggu. Saya memang diharamkan masuk ke Sarawak sejak awal 2014, tetapi agak terkejut bila Sabah pun menghalang saya. Perintah menolak masuk ini kekal sampai bila-bila selagi ia tidak dibatalkan. In Sha Allah saya akan terus usaha untuk bersama sahabat-sahabat di Sabah - rafizi ramli
Pemimpin bodoh jejaskan pasaran...
Phone Exploded On Man When He Was Using It While Charging...
It’s another case of a Malaysian who got themselves injured while using a mobile phone while it is being charged. Fortunately the man managed to survive although he suffered heavy injuries on his arm.
According to a Facebook post by The Rakyat Post, the man from Kedah was heavily injured this morning, when the phone he was using, which was plugged to the charger, exploded at 4am in the morning.
From the images shared it appears that he suffered heavy injuries on his arm and face. The victim is currently being treated at Sultan Abdul Halim in Sg Petani.- thecoverage

Minta TV3suku buat liputan berita pendedahan setengah jam sehari selama sebulan...

assalamu 'alaikum bang. pa habaq. lama tak mai jengok. semoga sehat. adios! :D
Khabaq baik. Lama tak dengaq story. Rajin2,kalu lalu kot ni mai singgahlah!!! Wasalam.
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