Pemimpin DAP, Tony Pua melabelkan Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebagai “Menteri Kewangan paling tidak bertanggungjawab”.
Ini kerana, dakwanya, Najib tidak mengendahkan “banyak kesalahan” yang dinyatakan dalam laporan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC) berhubung 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara itu berkata, Najib lebih berminat dalam retorik politik, buktinya ialah beliau lebih memfokuskan 1MDB tidak kehilangan RM42 bilion seperti yang didakwa bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Hanya kerana seorang lelaki memetik angka salah untuk jumlah tabung yang tidak jelas, tidak bermakna tiada wang berbilion dolar yang telah hilang.
“Kami sudah mengesahkan sekurang-kurangnya USD5.5 bilion wang dan aset-aset 1MDB tidak boleh disahkan Ketua Audit Negara, selepas siasatan selama setahun,” kata Tony dalam sidang media yang diadakan di Ibu Pejabat DAP, hari ini.
Beliau mengulas Laporan Kawalan Pengurusan Tadbir Urus 1MDB yang dibentangkan PAC semalam mendapati, struktur pembiayaan modal dan prestasi kewangan syarikat pelaburan strategik itu ‘kurang memuaskan’ yang menjurus kepada kelemahan tadbir urus.
Tony yang juga ahli PAC berkata, walaupun laporan itu tidak mengaitkan Najib dengan sebarang salah laku dalam pengurusan sayap pelaburan strategik kerajaan itu, Najib masih perlu memikul tanggungjawab sebagai Menteri Kewangan.
Terdahulu, Tony dalam satu kenyataan menuntut penjelasan 1MDB mengenai keengganan syarikat itu menyerahkan penyata akaun bank luar negaranya dan anak-anak syarikatnya kepada Ketua Audit Negara dan PAC.
Ia selepas 1MDB mengecam dakwaan berhubung kehilangan RM42 bilion, dengan menjelaskan jumlah itu telah diambil kira, berdasarkan penyata kewanganya yang diserahkan kepada PAC.
Menurut Tony, PAC tidak pernah secara khusus menyatakan wang itu telah hilang.
Tony bagaimanapun mempersoalkan kenapa 1MDB tidak menerangkan di mana wang itu berada, jika mereka tersinggung dengan laporan Wall Street Journal.
“Kedegilan 1MDB dan penghinaan terhadap Ketua Audit Negara, selepas peringatan demi peringatan diberikan Ketua Audit Negara dan PAC hanya menguatkan lagi syak wasangka dunia bahawa sesungguhnya berbilion-bilion dolar telah hilang,” katanya.
1MDB, tambahnya, perlu “berhenti berlakon sebagai mangsa terhadap konspirasi dunia yang tidak wujud” terhadap syarikat itu, ketika ia mempunyai banyak peluang untuk membersihkan namanya sejak dua tahun lalu. - fmt
Najib the most irresponsible finance minister, says Pua
1MDB had failed to produce many documents that PAC had requested

Malaysian Parliamentary Panel Whitewashes Najib...
That looks like it will make Shahrol the scapegoat in a probe that arguably involves many other people up to Prime Minister Najib Razak. While finding plenty of fault, the report itself shies away from much more serious charges of misappropriation of up to US$4 billion and spectacular allegations of money-laundering that are pending in five countries and involve rumors of wrongdoing on the part of JhoTaek Low, the youthful wunderkind who persuaded Najib to take over a Terengganu state investment fund in 2009 and turn it into 1MDB, which is backed by the Malaysian Ministry of Finance.
Instead, the committee declared a statement by former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad that RM42 billion was missing from the fund to be false, allowing Najib the chance to issue a rejoinder accusing Mahathir of being “motivated by personal interest, not national interest, and a desire to unseat the government.”
A much stronger report, said to have been produced by the country’s auditor general, remains under wraps and subject to Malaysia’s Official Secrets Act, making anyone who reports on its contents liable for prosecution. The auditor general’s report is said to not only recommend the board of directors for prosecution but names Najib himself.

Although inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar said the police would “conduct a detailed and in-depth examination of the auditor’s report to check if there are any elements warranting investigation and further action,” so far police investigations into matters surrounding 1MDB appear to have been curtailed by political interference.
In particular, a report by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, said to be ready to recommend prosecution of the prime minister himself for diverting state funds into his own pockets, was derailed and the attorney general, Abdul Gani Patail, was retired “for health reasons.” One of the lead prosecutors for the MACC, Kevin Morais, was kidnapped and later found in an oil drum full of cement that had been rolled into a river. His burned car was found in another state.
A statement from the troubled fund itself said the report “dispelled numerous allegations” about it, saying the board “has successfully steered 1MDB through a uniquely challenging period and trusts that, with the release of the PAC Report, a line has been drawn.”

There were concerns in early 2015 that the government-backed fund might default, threatening the country’s entire financial system. In May of last year, the fund began selling off assets, including US$2.3 billion to the subsidiary of a Chinese state-owned enterprise, raising concerns on the part of critics over Chinese government ownership of Malaysian power assets.
While the report seemingly delivers a harsh verdict on 1MDB’s conduct of business, in fact it mostly confirms stories that have been in the press for months. Many were carried by The Edge Media Group owned by Tan Kooi Ong and publisher Ho Kay Tat. After detailed stories appeared on misdoings in the fund, the substance of many of them repeated in the committee’s report the government suspended the publication and its sister publications for three months. A court reversed the order after two months, but The Edge has never really recovered its previous financial and journalistic standing. The government has also blocked more than30 websites, many of which have reported critically on the scandal, including Sarawak Report and Asia Sentinel.
As widely reported by a variety of publications, particularly Sarawak Report, 1MDB’s troubles began when it formed a joint venture with a mysterious Middle Eastern oil exploration firm called PetroSaudi that seemed to have been brought into existence for the purpose of the joint venture. The management did so without telling the board of directors. As much as US$1 billion disappeared from PetroSaudi, with a significant portion of it believed to have been routed into entities backed by Jho Taek Low, a pudgy Penang-born financier who subsequently exploded into New York’s café society, buying magnums of champagne for a coterie of blondes.

“The 1MDB board of directors was not briefed clearly regarding the project partner and its relation between three companies – PetroSaudi International Ltd (Saudi), PetroSaudi Holdings (Cayman) Ltd and PetroSaudi International (Cayman),” it said. “The board of directors gave conditional approval to the management of 1MDB to carry out the effort with PetroSaudi International Ltd, but the actual deal was signed with PetroSaudi Holdings (Cayman) Ltd without the informing the 1MDB board regarding the change of the project partner,” it said.
1MDB PetroSaudi Ltd, which was later made into a joint venture company, was registered much earlier by PetroSaudi Holdings (Cayman) Ltd on Sept 18, 2009, eight days before the approval of the board of directors on Sept 26.
The board was also not informed that 1MDB PetroSaudi Ltd had been established on the day that the first proposal was brought to the board. “This shows that the management of 1MDB had decided to work with PetroSaudi International Ltd earlier without informing the board of directors,” the report said.
It said that the board was also not informed that there was a clause in the joint venture agreement stating that 1MDB PetroSaudi Ltd had to pay a US$700 million (RM2.73 billion) loan from its parent company PetroSaudi Holdings (Cayman) Ltd on or before Sept 30, two days before the agreement was signed. Approval was also not given by the board to pay the US$700 million loan from the US$1billion in investments that had been channeled into accounts owned by other companies, presumably those controlled by Jho Low, as he is universally known. - asia sentinel

Camna Menteri Rahman Dahlan? Fitnah dah terbongkar.
Pihak KLIDC sendiri telah sangkal syarikat tersebut telah dijual pada pihak ketiga
dan menegaskan bahawa tanah Taman Manggis masih milik penuh KLIDC.
Hang jangan cabut lari macam YB.Shabuddin sudahlah nanti...

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