PKR tidak akan beri laluan kepada DAP...
“Tiada gunanya gesa kami lepaskan lima kerusi hanya untuk Batu Kitang. Cadangan pertukaran lima kepada satu kerusi menunjukkan DAP tidak serius di Batu Kitang.

Nasihat untuk pemimpin2 PH yang gila kuasa,bangang dan syiok sendiri...
“Berbanding calon yang diturunkan DAP pada saat-saat akhir, calon PKR, Voon Shiak Ni telah berkhidmat di Batu Kitang hampir 10 tahun.
“PKR ingin tekankan, kami meletakkan calon-calon berkelayakan dengan alasan-alasan kukuh,” katanya dalam satu sidang media di Ibu Pejabat PKR, hari ini.

Dari f/bk pemimpin DAP...
Tambah Xavier, nama calon-calon yang akan bertanding di lima kerusi itu akan kekal dalam kertas undi, sekalipun mereka menarik diri daripada bertanding pada 7 Mei nanti.
“Calon-calon kami tidak akan menarik diri untuk memberi laluan kepada calon-calon DAP bertanding sebagai pertukaran,” katanya.
Semalam, Setiausaha Organisasi DAP, Anthony Loke dilaporkan sebagai berkata, parti itu sedia mengeluarkan calonnya, Abdul Aziz Isa daripada kerusi Batu Kitang, dengan syarat PKR turut menarik diri daripada lima kerusi lain.- fmt

Sepanjang saya dan Tony Pua membawa isu 1MDB sejak 2011, kami berdepan laporan polis, pernah diugut ditangkap, disiasat selain dari dimaki tiap-tiap hari kerana kononnya menyebarkan fitnah.
Minggu ini, CEO 1MDB mengaku ada unsur penipuan dan penyelewengan. Tak banyak; beberapa bilion ringgit je! Rakyat dah cakap 2.6 bilion kali sudah bahawa ada penyelewengan di dalam 1MDB tetapi macam-macam dalih diberikan.
Saya sedang menghidu beberapa pendedahan panas lagi berkenaan 1MDB dalam masa terdekat - mohon sebarkan dan kembali ke page ini untuk pendedahan.- RR
What Happens When A Country "Defaults" On Its Debt?
Team Moron is crowing that there is no cross default. These folks are just not educated.
An event of default has occurred. The moment an event of default occurs, it triggers cross defaults. It is automatic.
Once a default has occurred, the Lenders / Bondholders MUST send a lawyer's 'Letter of Demand". All you thousands of "OBB" (orang bankrap baru) should know this.
For the Ringgit bonds, the bondholders are mostly (maybe ALL) the local funders (the GLCs, the KWAP, SOCSO, EPF etc). All under the "guidance" of Team Moron's gomen.
The question is will these local Lenders / Bondholders enforce or pursue the event of default? Will they send a 'Letter of Demand' to 1MDB?
That is the question.
Here is the answer : Mahu cari mampus ke?
I challenge any of these local bondholders to send a letter of demand to 1MDB on their default.
Considering the incredible stupidity of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet and all their advisors which has brought Malaysia to this mess, we really do not know what is the maximum depth of their stupidity.
Just when you thought they had hit the bottom of the pit, they can dig deeper at the bottom of the pit and fall in even more.
Not many countries default on their debts. Argentina defaulted in 2001 and Greece in 2012. In 2016 Malaysia joins a very "exclusive" club.
When a country fails to pay its creditors on time, it is said to go into “default”, the national equivalent of going bankrupt. But sovereign defaults are quite different from business bankruptcies as it is far harder for creditors to repossess the assets of a sovereign entity than to repossess the assets of a company.

The following is from The Economist:
1.When countries default on their debt, it can be very painful for the country, particularly if they are unexpected and disorderly.
2.Domestic savers and investors, anticipating a fall in the value of the local currency, will scramble to withdraw their money from bank accounts and move it out of the country.
3.To avoid bank-runs and precipitous currency depreciation, the government may shut down banks and impose capital controls.
4.As punishment for default, capital markets will either impose punitive borrowing rates or refuse to lend at all.
5.And credit-rating agencies will no doubt warn against investing in the country - syedsoutsidethebox, Futher Reading here.

1MDB’s failure to pay interest will impact country

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