Menjelang 11 Februari, BN akan membawa penyanyi sensasi pop Korea,Psy, yang terkenal dengan tarian kuda 'Gaya Gangnam' pada majlis rumah terbuka BN Pulau Pinang di Tahun Baru Cina ini.
Sekumpulan 60,000 orang dijangka memenuhi kompaun Kolej Han Chiang untuk acara tersebut. Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak juga dijangka akan hadir.
Sekumpulan 60,000 orang dijangka memenuhi kompaun Kolej Han Chiang untuk acara tersebut. Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak juga dijangka akan hadir.
Secara konservatif, promoter2 ini menganggarkan yang Psy akan mengenakan antara USD300,000 - USD400,000 (RM932,100 - RM1,242,800) untuk persembahan yang singkat dengan kumpulan yang kecil, dan nyanyian menerusi "minus one".
Bererti Psy akan melaksanakan pra-rakaman muzik tanpa band.
Hiburan portal berita Redcarpet pula melaporkan bahawa Psy akan tuntut adalah lebih kurang USD$1juta(RM3.1 juta).
Sebagai perbandingan selanjutnya,konsert penuh Justin Beiber di Kuala Lumpur tahun lepas adalah USD600,000 (RM1.8 juta) manakala Beyonce dilaporkan telah menuntut USD750,000 (RM2.3 juta) untuk menjayakannya pada tahun 2007 .
Khoo Kay Peng, penganjur berpengalaman yang telah membawa kumpulan K-pop Super Junior dan B1A4 di Malaysia, berkata bahawa Psy boleh menuntut bayaran yang lebih tinggi ketika tempoh Tahun Baru Cina ini.
Beliau turut menganggarkan kos persediaan saja akan menelan belanja RM150,000 hingga RM200,000, terutamanya kerana ia adalah semasa cuti.
Khoo berkata bahawa mesej yang BN cuba hantar kepada orang ramai juga kelihatan bercanggah.
Dari satu segi,kerajaan kononnya telah mengambil langkah-langkah penjimatan dan menolak permintaan orang ramai untuk memberi pendidikan tinggi percuma, tetapi, sebaliknya kerajaan begitu ghairah untuk membelanjakan wang yang besar bagi membawa masuk seorang superstar.-malaysiakini
Psy will cost a bomb, but that's 'BN style'...
Come February 11, BN will be hosting Korean pop sensation PSY, who is expected to belt his global hit ‘Gangnam Style' and perform his signature equine dance moves at Penang BN's open house event.
A crowd of 60,000 is expected at the Han Chiang college compound for the event. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak (left) is also expected to be in attendance.
Several concert promoters told Malaysiakini that it is unlikely that Psy is slated for a full blown concert and will most likely make a short appearance, 30 minutes at most.
"I can imagine that it is going to be a short set. People will be bored waiting for just one song," said veteran promoter, who declined to be named because those in his industry needs close cooperation with the authorities.
Conservatively, promoters estimated that Psy would charge between USD300,000 to USD400,000 (RM932,100 to RM1,242,800) for a short performance with a small crew, and singing "minus one" which means he would be performing to pre-recorded music without a band.
That price, remarked one promoter, would be the equivalent to hiring American chart topper Pitbull to perform two shows.

Entertainment news portal Redcarpet reported that Psy's fee for BN was USD1 million (RM3.1 million).
For further comparisons, Justin Beiber's estimated fee for a full concert in Kuala Lumpur last year was USD600,000 (RM1.8 million) while Beyonce (left) was reported to have demanded USD750,000 (RM2.3 million) to perform in 2007.
Psy will overshadow PM
Khoo Kay Peng, an experienced promoter who had brought in K-pop acts such as Super Junior and B1A4 in Malaysia, noted that Psy could command a higher fee during that the Chinese New Year period.
"It coincides with the Korean new year. He's a rich man from a rich family. If the fee is not appealing, he'll stay in Korea where he has other commitments," said Khoo.
He also estimated that the setup cost would be in the RM150,000 to RM200,000 range, especially since it was during the holiday period.
Khoo, who is better known for his political analysis work, said that BN's strategy of bringing in Psy for the open house event was "a bit misplaced" since the performer will overshadow the prime minister.
"Politically, I don't think it is very smart. BN should not give the impression that the prime minister can't attract a crowd and needs Psy to do it for him.
Khoo said that the message which BN is trying to send also appears contradictory. On one hand, it is taking certain austerity measures and rejecting calls for free tertiary education, but it is also spending big money to bring in a superstar.
Despite his affinity with K-pop, Khoo, a Penang native, said he would not be observing the event.
"Chinese new year is a time for family and reflection, particularly on those who are not so privileged," he said.-malaysiakini
Lim Guan Eng - Go for Psy's gig in red, yellow and green...
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has urged Penangites to show up in
full force for BN's open house function on February 11, where South
Korean sensation Psy will be performing his hit song 'Gangnam Style'.
However, there's a catch – Lim urged participants to show up dressed in yellow and green, colours to show support for Malaysia's political change.
Lim also urge participants to dress in red, which is commonly worn by the Chinese during the Lunar new year celebration period.
“Red is for Penang, yellow is for Bersih, green is for Himpunan Hijau,” he explained, according to Nanyang Siang Pau’s online edition today.
Lim appeared unperturbed that Psy's concert will help BN draw a big crowd to the event, adding that having the superstar on Penang's shores was a boost of the state's image.
Psy is slated to perform his famous “Oppa Gangnam Style” at the Han Chiang College during the second day of Chinese New Year.
Penang MCA, which is part of the state opposition coalition, hopes that the event would draw some 60,000 people. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will be in attendance.
Psy’s popular song, along with its signature horse-riding dance, was the first Youtube video to receive one billion views and is the subject of many parody videos.
Lim himself had appeared in one such parody produced by his own party, DAP, urging people to vote for change.
Meanwhile, he reportedly said he has yet to receive any official invitation from BN to attend the event.-malaysiakini
However, there's a catch – Lim urged participants to show up dressed in yellow and green, colours to show support for Malaysia's political change.
Lim also urge participants to dress in red, which is commonly worn by the Chinese during the Lunar new year celebration period.
“Red is for Penang, yellow is for Bersih, green is for Himpunan Hijau,” he explained, according to Nanyang Siang Pau’s online edition today.
Lim appeared unperturbed that Psy's concert will help BN draw a big crowd to the event, adding that having the superstar on Penang's shores was a boost of the state's image.
Psy is slated to perform his famous “Oppa Gangnam Style” at the Han Chiang College during the second day of Chinese New Year.
Penang MCA, which is part of the state opposition coalition, hopes that the event would draw some 60,000 people. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will be in attendance.
Psy’s popular song, along with its signature horse-riding dance, was the first Youtube video to receive one billion views and is the subject of many parody videos.
Lim himself had appeared in one such parody produced by his own party, DAP, urging people to vote for change.
Meanwhile, he reportedly said he has yet to receive any official invitation from BN to attend the event.-malaysiakini
Psy dibayar USD500,000 untuk 30 minit, agaknya Najib bayar berapa untuk bawah Psy ke Pulau Pinang...
PSY 'Ganam style' dibawa untuk rumah terbuka kerajaan Barisan National.
Persoalannya, duit siapakah yang digunakan untuk kepentingan pilihanraya PRU 13?
Kononnya Psy dibayar USD 500,000 (RM 1.5juta) untuk 30 minit persembahannya.
Berapakah bayaran yang akan dibayar oleh Kerajaan Najib untuk membawa Psy ke rumah terbuka MCA di Pulau Pinang?
Chinese Fans Enraged over PSY’s Appearance Fee in China...
PSY was involved in a netizen controversy in China for reportedly demanding over $500K USD in appearance fees.
On November 26, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post quoted local Chinese reports and said that PSY reached an agreement with CCTV to make a guest appearance on a special Lunar New Year TV show on February 9.
In doing so, however, PSY had demanded 3 million Chinese yuan (approx. $500K USD) for his 30 minute appearance, the report said.
Most of the upset comments were pointed at the absurdly high amount PSY had demanded, arguing the money should rather be spent on the poor people that are fighting the cold in the winter.-

Siri Jelajah Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim Ke Melaka...
3 Februari 2013 (Ahad)
1) 4.30 - 6.30 ptg – Sambutan Ponggal Negeri Melaka
Lokasi: Taman Melaka Perdana, Alor Gajah
2) 5.00 – 7.00 ptg – Hi-Tea Rakyat
Lokasi: Kampong Gangsa, Durian Tunggal, Alor Gajah
3) 7.15 mlm – Solat & Tazkirah Maghrib
Lokasi: Markas UPU Pengkalan Minyak, KM 10.5 Kg Ayer Molek
4) 9.00 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Demi Rakyat
Lokasi: Solok Ciku, Kg Bukit Gedung, Tanjung Kling
5) 9.00 – 12.00 – Ceramah Perdana Merdeka Rakyat
Lokasi: Batu 20, Kampong Rim, Jasin
6) Barisan Penceramah:
i. YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
ii.YBhg Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin
iii.YB Goh Leong San
iv. YBhg Adly Zahari
v. YB Sim Tong Him
vi. YBhg Dato’ Seri Chua Jui Meng
vii. YBhg Kamaruddin Sidek — with Beby Hney.

Pasai bayaran...1 juta atau 3 juta ingat akan keluar dari poket Najib atau UMNO...SORRYlah!!!
Nanti depa putaq belit bagi satu peruntukan khas konon nak guna utk projek tertentu, nanti duit tulah depa balun utk bayaq Psy.
Pokoknya semua duit itu mai daripada rakyat.
UMNO/MCA/MIC sikit punya syiok dok 'ganam' berkat sumbangan daripada rakyat jelata.!!!
Here is a little motivation song for all Malaysians, please share it:
Malaysia Maju Jaya Ini Kali Lah
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