Allah beri kita dua mata, dua telinga, satu kepala, satu hati. Pandang kanan pandang kiri, dengar sana dengar sini, jangan dengar bila ada orang rampas mikrofon dari kita, suruh kita listen, listen, listen, sampai tujuh kali, tapi dia tak mahu dengar cakap kita, kita saja mesti dengar cakap dia.
Saya banyak menerima panggilan telefon bila saya ramalkan yang Anwar akan jadi Perdana Menteri kerana ketika saya ramal yang Anwar akan menjadi Ketua Pemuda tahun 1982 orang kata ramalan saya tak masuk akal. Biarpun ramalan Musa Hitam menang lawan Kuli Tengku Razaliegh Hamzah dalam buku Siapa Selepas Musa tapi ia menjadi kenyataan. Kerana mereka tidak mahu keluar dari kepompong fikiran lama. Tak percaya bahawa Tuhan Maha Kuasa.
Tanggung jawab penulis cuba menyedarkan masyarakat melalui hasil tulisan sebab musabab kenapa saya berani ramalkan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri menggantikan Najib; kena pada masanya, kena pada tempatnya, kena pada orangnya; seperti ketika Najib dipilih selaku pemimpin.
Rakyat kini mempunyai pemikiran yang terbuka. Orang muda sudah menjauhi UMNO, ahli UMNO sendiri menulis buku; Shahbuddin Husin menulis Najib Perdana Menteri Terakhir. Tapi tidak ada orang UMNO berani menggantikan Tan Sri Muhiyuddin Yasin sebagai pengganti mereka kerena mereka yakin teori RAHMAN sudah berakhir.

Saya nampak Anwar bakal jadi Perdana Menteri dari fakta yang saya kumpul, misalnya dia menang kes saman fitnah RM50 juta terhadap Utusan, begitu juga terhadap Nalakurapan. Itulah yang menyebabkan saya bertambah yakin.
Najib takut dengan penulis yang tahu benda-benda yang benar. Anwar bukan musuh saya. Dia betul, saya kata dia betul. Najib bukan Tuanku saya, dia mengarut merapu saya tulis semua tu. 1Malaysia mahukan pemimpin yang ada merit, orang UMNO pun ramai yang sudah bosan anak-anak Perdana Menteri saja yang ‘layak’ duduk di kerusi Perdana Menteri. UMNO sudah menjadi parti feudal.
Mereka terlupa “jangan bertanya siapa yang berkata yang penting apa yang di kata” (Imam Ali). Kenapa takut sangat Anwar ganti Najib? Lupakah lagu injit-injit semut siapa sakit naik atas. Bila lagi Anwar yang dah lama sakit hendak naik atas? Do’a orang yang dizalimi mudah dimakbulkan Allah.
Pelik tapi benar, sudah jelas depan mata Utusan Malaysia, media arus perdana menfitnah Anwar Ibrahim dan mahkamah sudah pun jatuhkan hukuman. Rakyat tahu itu cara supaya rakyat membenci Anwar Ibrahim tapi bertukar kepada kasih sayang tapi membenci dan hilang kepercayaan kepada Najib, biarpun beri macam-macam. Perang menggunakan Nalakurapan sebagai senjata menjadi senjata makan Tuan. Benarkan yang cuak dan takut dengan Anwar Ibrahim adalah Najib dan kuncu-kuncunya. Mereka yang telah menganyiaya dan menjadikan dia sebagai punching bag.
Bukti Anwar akan menang Pilihan Raya sudah terang lagi bersuluh. Bukti sangat nyata yang mereka (UMNO) buat macam-macam untuk menggagalkan, memburuk-burukkan mereka yang terlibat dengan Bersih 1, 2 dan 3 dan akhirnya Kebangkitan Rakyat menang. Rakyat percaya Anwar teranyiaya dan dizalimi media arus perdana yang dikuasai oleh BN, telah melakukan apa saja fitnah untuk menyelamatkan Najib terbukti gagal.
Apakah tulisan saya mengampu Anwar atau menfitnah Najib? Saya cuba cari yang terbaik yang ada pada musuh. Kebanyakkan buku saya sebelum ini melihat Anwar sebagai musuh ummat Islam dari cerita yang saya dapat dari orang yang kononnya dianyaiyai dan dizalimi saudara Anwar.

Saya pernah menulis tentang Anwar dengan brutal, keras, kasar dan kejam tanpa belas kasihan. Namun dia tidak mengheret saya ke mahkamah walaupun sekali. Saya begitu berpegang pada konsep all is fair in love and war tetapi terlupa bahawa keangkuhan mereka yang berfikiran jumud kerana sikap poyo dan sengal membawa kepada suasana yang lebih runcing; kita fikir bila berlawan harus menang. Akhirnya sikap ini terbawa-bawa kepada mencari kelemahan peribadi pihak lawan dan memaparkan kepada masyarakat umum keburukan musuh untuk menyembunyi busuknya diri sendiri.
Jangan takut, jika ditakdirkan insya-Allah Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Allah adalah Raja sekian alam. Allah yang kita sembah, kepada Allah kita meminta. Jika rakyat dan pemimpin-pemimpin mahu menyatukan semula Melayu yang bersengketa, jawapannya sangat ketara. Percaya pada ‘karma’ kerana Allah SWT tidak pernah zalim, manusialah yang menzalimi dirinya sendiri.- S.H.H.Alattas@shalattas.blogspot
Tun Razak wanted to give fishing rods so that the rakyat can
cultivate skills to fish. Najib wants the rakyat to be beggars depending
on hand-outs from him...
Speaking of Najib, let us speak about honour and of honourable conduct. Deepak Jaikishan who was once a close family friend to the Najibs has made accusations against the family. In effect he has accused the PM of taking money. Taking money is bribery and corruption. Deepak is saying the Malaysian PM is corrupt. He is saying the PM and the missus are stealing money.
The world now knows, unless the PM ignores the advice of UMNO’s spiritual adviser Tun Mahathir and defends his honour, the public will be inclined to believe that Deepak speaks the truth. Najib may say that Deepak is an untrustworthy fellow, but if this fellow can come out with documents and other forms of evidence, Najib is crucified. The majority of UMNO members are now inclined to believe that the two are a liability to UMNO.
But who cares? UMNO’s demise does not mean the end of the Malays, the Malay Monarchy nor the end of Islam.
PM Najib makes a big deal about his commitment to defend the honour and good name of the country. But his many pompous declarations regarding these appear hollow in the face of his inability to defend his own honour. Najib has chosen to take the cowardly stance and has chosen to remain silent believing like a small kid; this problem will just fade away.
They won’t because the accusations are serious. Deepak has accused Najib, the missus and siblings of receiving money from him. Deepak has acted a fence and broker in so many deals. Deepak may indeed be a character of dubious constitution, but if he has documents and other proofs, the accusations he levelled at the PM and wife will not go away. If we remember our history, the only couple who stole was Bonnie and Clyde.
How can a person who Najib now described as one who cannot be believed become a close friend to his family? A person’s character is revealed by the company he keeps. If he keeps people like Deepak and Razak Baginda around him, that reveals a lot about Najib. That would also mean one variant of honour which involves conducting oneself properly when NOT seen by the public, holds truer for Najib.
All this while, Najib pretends to be many things he is not. But then, the company Najib keeps up with does not surprise us when we become aware that UMNO is full of such characters and Najib feels at home in their company. Conditioned as such, he would not be able to evaluate Depak until it’s too late.

Najib is doing the exact opposite of what his father was doing proving yet again, as Tun Razak himself opined; Najib is not fit to be a crusader of a cause. Tun Razak wanted to give fishing rods to Malays so that hey cultivate themselves with the skills to fish. Najib wants the Malays to be beggars depending on hand-outs from him of course.
Tun Razak was with some friends on one occasion and one of them remarked to Tun, wouldn’t it be nice to have a swimming pool in Sri Taman (the official residence of the PM then). Tun Razak lowered his glasses and intoned in his typical serious demeanour- do you know how many houses for the poor could be built with the money building the swimming pool? A single storey link house used to cost around RM14, 000 in those days. A Bungalow maybe RM60, 000.
The many accusations that Deepak has levelled and are undefended shows us that Najib and UMNO are no greater than we ourselves. Najib has shown himself to be selfish person. The placards displaying the words we love PM are at odds with the fact that in Malaysia, UMNO is more important that its president. We are not some tin pot democracies in the 3rd world, where the supreme leader is elevated to god like stature. By doing that, just as Caesar did during his time, Najib and UMNO bring dishonour to their religion and dishonour to the Malaysian people.
Tun Razak was with some friends on one occasion and one of them remarked to Tun, wouldn’t it be nice to have a swimming pool in Sri Taman (the official residence of the PM then). Tun Razak lowered his glasses and intoned in his typical serious demeanour- do you know how many houses for the poor could be built with the money building the swimming pool? A single storey link house used to cost around RM14, 000 in those days. A Bungalow maybe RM60, 000.
The many accusations that Deepak has levelled and are undefended shows us that Najib and UMNO are no greater than we ourselves. Najib has shown himself to be selfish person. The placards displaying the words we love PM are at odds with the fact that in Malaysia, UMNO is more important that its president. We are not some tin pot democracies in the 3rd world, where the supreme leader is elevated to god like stature. By doing that, just as Caesar did during his time, Najib and UMNO bring dishonour to their religion and dishonour to the Malaysian people.

Najib is far from owning demi-god stature as the accusations by Deepak reveal that Najib is unscrupulous. We keep our honour by ridding the nation of such characters like Najib and UMNO.
What then is the right thing to do? What is honourable?
(1) The overthrow of Najib and UMNO is honourable because it is in the best interest of public good.
(2) Changing the government, in the right situation as now, becomes honourable.- Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol ak 47

yg x cuak cuma CHINADOLL aja?
tapi kalu chinadoll tu dapat kat ajib gor, dia pulun macam tu juga!!!!
Such a low class comment...!
Typical low class mentality developed by UMNO for the basis arguments based on facts and proof but instead just a mere lie from a single source of information.
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