Speaker halang soalan mengenai
skandal 1MDB...
Skandal 1MDB terus cuba disembunyikan apabila Dewan Rakyat hari ini menolak empat soalan yang dikemukakan Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail.
Situasi ini katanya mengulangi tindak-tanduk sidang Parlimen dalam sesi lalu apabila 30 soalan ahli-ahli parlimen berkaitan skandal 1MDB ditolak dengan pelbagai alasan tidak munasabah.
“Saya kesal dengan keputusan Tan Sri Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat yang menolak empat pertanyaan jawab lisan saya,” kata beliau dalam sidang media hari ini di Parlimen.
Menurutnya, tindakan Speaker menolak soalan yang dikemukannya hari ini disifatkan sebagai tindakan terdesak kerajaan Barisan Nasional memperalatkan Pejabat Yang di-Pertua Dewan Rakyat dengan menghalang soalan yang dikemukakan dalam parlimen.
Empat soalan yang ditolak itu katanya menggesa agar Parlimen memberikan penjelasan terhadap isu pengenaan kompaun Bank Negara Malaysia ke atas 1MDB, isu pematuhan 1MDB terhadap penarikan balik pelaburan oleh Bank Negara dan isu membawa pulang kembali aset-aset yang dirampas oleh Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat (DoJ).
Ekoran itu, pihaknya mengemukakan suatu usul di bawah Peraturan 99 Peraturan-Peraturan Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat bagi menyemak dan menentang keputusan Yang di-Pertua.
“Menurut Peraturan 99 itu, ia memadai dengan usul bersendiri seorang ahli namun kami telah mengemukakan usul bersendiri itu dengan ditandatangani oleh lebih daripada 60 ahli parlimen pembangkang yang merangkumi dari Parti KEADILAN, DAP, Parti AMANAH, PPBM, WARISAN serta PAS. Namun bagaimanapun, usul itu ditolak tanpa alasan,” jelas Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh itu.

Semua usul dan soalan berkaitan skandal 1MDB ditolak oleh Speaker.
Wan Azizah turut meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan sejauh mana pematuhan oleh 1MDB terhadap arahan yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia supaya membawa pulang pelaburan RM 7.8 bilion setelah pembatalan 3 kebenaran yang telah diberikan dibawah Akta Kawalan Pertukaran Wang 1953 (ECA) bagi pelaburan 1MDB diluar negeri.
Beliau turut meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan adakah Perdana Menteri telah membangkitkan isu aset-aset yang dirampas oleh Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat (DoJ) agar dikembalikan kepada Malaysia ketika pertemuan bersama Presiden Amerika Syarikat Donald Trump; jika tidak perkara ini dibangkitkan minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan kenapa tidak berbuat demikian.
Perdana Menteri turut diminta menyatakan kos yang ditanggung oleh kerajaan bagi membiayai urusan lobi menemui Presiden Donald Trump, serta perbelanjaan meliputi penginapan di Trump International Hotel bersama delegasi.
Tegasnya, persoalan yang dibangkitkan bukan hanya berkaitan kompaun yang dikenakan oleh Bank Negara terhadap 1MDB dan penarikan balik pelaburan tetapi juga tindakan perundangan terhadap kesalahan jenayah 1MDB yang berada dibawah bidang kuasa Perdana Menteri.
“Sudah dua tahun berlalu Bank Negara mencadangkan agar pendakwaan jenayah diambil oleh Jabatan Peguam Negara ke atas 1MDB namun sehingga ke hari ini masih tidak ada sebarang pendakwaan. Kenapa Pejabat Peguam Negara tidak bertindak atas cadangan Bank Negara?
“Apakah ini merupakan langkah terkini bagi menutup pendakwaan yang melibatkan skandal 1MDB yang bakal menyeret Datuk Seri Najib Razak?” soal beliau. – Roketkini.com
Polis mohon bantuan Interpol kesan
Jho Low...
Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata Putrajaya yakin badan polis antarabangsa itu akan bertindak dengan profesional.
“Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) tidak mendapat apa-apa maklumat terperinci mengenainya daripada Interpol,” katanya di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.
Ahmad Zahid berkata demikian bagi menjawab soalan Datuk Seri Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak).
Terdahulu Azmin membangkitkan persoalan sama ada PDRM ada memohon bantuan Interpol bagi mengesan lokasi Jho Low – atau nama sebenarnya Low Taek Jho – berada.
“Adakah polis akan mendapat bantuan Interpol dan menahan Jho Low utk disiasat?” katanya.
Tokoh perniagaan kelahiran Pulau Pinang itu disebut beberapa kali dalam dakwaan salah guna dana 1MDB dan didakwa mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Pada Ogos lalu Azmin yang juga menteri besar Selangor mengemukakan surat tuntutan kepada ketua polis negara ketika itu, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar supaya PDRM menahan dan membawa pulang Jho Low ke negara ini. - mk
Tak perlu tanya interpol...tanya dengan Rosmah sudah pasti dia tahu dimana Reza dan jho low...jadi xperlu nak buat alasan perlunya interpol utk mengetahui di mana mereka....memang dasar pembohong. - Awin Misai
Zaman serba cangih ...tak ada masaalah...nak tangkap atau biarkan bebas....kecuali si jho low dah keluar dari Dunia ....lari ke pluto atau planet planet lain - Yunos Bin Permin
You just have to hand it to our politicians! They are at their best play acting, pretending, spinning fake news, thinking Malaysians and the world are rather stupid! Instead the joke is on them! - Falcon
Ha ha ha , when Interpol was searching for Zakir Naik, Malaysia refused to co operate. Now you expect Interpol to get Jho Low for you ? Anyway stop wasting time for Jho Low will never be brought to trail.- Anonymous 007
His huge mega yacht "equanimity" can be easily located. Interpol will have surely informed bigotland its location but no effort made to capture him. Afraid he spills the beans on MO1.- Fair n Just
Sehari Dalam Peristiwa

Jho Low's superyacht docks in Aceh...
According to maritime database website MarineTraffic, the Equanimity docked at Sabang, a town in Pulau Weh, northern Aceh, at about 9am Malaysian time.
Pulau Weh is a well-known dive destination, but it is not known for the luxury that is often associated with all things Low.
MarineTraffic later indicated that the yacht departed Sabang at about 4pm local time.

While it is unknown where the Equanimity last made port, Malaysiakini reported in June that the ship's position was recorded off the coast of Koh Rong, a Cambodian resort island.
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has sought the Equanimity, believing that it is part of 1MDB-related assets which involves laundered money.
The DOJ's court filings had claimed that the yacht was built and maintained using over US$250 million (RM1.06 billion) in funds originating from 1MDB.
In all, the DOJ has attempted to seize slightly over US$1 billion in assets. However, the asset seizure process has been suspended to make way for criminal investigations.
The Equanimity has been described by yacht fans as a one-of-kind custom-made vessel with its own sauna, massage rooms, and plunge pool, as well as large living areas.
There have been news reports claiming that the yacht was the venue for a number of parties with Hollywood A-listers, such as Leonardo DiCaprio. - mk

MCE dropout at centre of mamak tussle...
Things are going haywire inside MO1's cess pool. The bottom feeders are trying to corner as much of the stash as they can before the elections - which is becoming more and more of a challenge for them to overcome. They are not going to win.
There are two mamaks involved. One is sup kambing Kuala Kangsar. The other one is of course the guy with the fake MBA.
In the most recent public cleaning of their underwear the MCE dropout cum bankrupted car salesman who now resides outside has ostensibly targeted the dumbest looking jerk to occupy the top perch among the legal sparrows, a frequent ejaculato over the Sungai Kolok. (Post NEP's may need a dictionary here. He he he.)
The target only appears to be the legal sparrow. In the game of 'who stands to lose the most' ejaculato is the least value target. The jerk is just a hired help. Not inner circle. A nobody in the scheme of things. Meaning there is nothing to gain in targeting him. So obviously he is not the target. Then who is?
The mamak with the fake MBA has been named many times as well. Fake MBA is known to be close to Hippo. From there the pivot to MO1. This makes sup kambing Kuala Kangsar jittery and unhappy.Sup kambing is MO1's closest buddy.
It is said that sup kambing is a mamak who can turn off the TV when MO1 is watching English League football in his house. This is what I heard. The in-house Rasputin who has a really solid grip on the moron's ass. (Since tak cukup brains to be grabbed). Plus sup kambing pays the MCE dropout to write what he writes.
This looks like a tussle between the two mamak snakecharmers for influence over the effeminate wannabe warrior. The stakes are not really high. Their own stakes are high. To shove it up each other's asses. The pressure is now on the 'dengan bini orang lain di Bali' character.He will be pressured to "investigate" the legal sparrow. And the fake MBA guy. Then hold on to the investigation files. Thats how they play the game.
One snake charmer is independent of the party.The other is dependent on the party. Their system has just evicted one snakecharmer from the cesspool. He has undoubtedly caused the greatest amount of damage to this nation. Single handedly.
But no one has asked this question - who pushed for that royal commission? Moron does not know if he is coming or going. A total blur. So who pushed for that royal commission? The net outcome was the ouster of one snake charmer. There are still a few more snake charmers left. We never seem to be rid of these vermin.
Here is a thought. They will start killing themselves.I think that is what is happening.
You should read the history of corrupt dictatorships.They really start to rot everywhere. Even the gardeners and the night watchmen get involved in the game.Eventually the enemies from within become more dangerous to them than the enemies from the outside.
This is happening now. - ostb
Kalu tak relevant hutang IPIC bulan Dec ini

So long UMNO/BN is in power, it will be Future Impossible Tense !

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