Dalam bahasa mudahnya, Presiden Parti Warisan Sabah Shafie Apdal yang juga bekas menteri kabinet dikaitkan dengan penyelewengan sehingga RM1.5 bilion dana persekutuan yang sepatutnya disalurkan melalui Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah yang pernah beliau terajui.
Bukan hanya dia, tetapi keluarga dan penyokongnya. Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) kini menyiasat 14 buah syarikat di Sabah yang dikaitkan dengan dakwaan penyelewengan RM48 juta dana yang diperuntukkan untuk pembangunan luar bandar itu. Ini merupakan sebahagian daripada keseluruhan penyiasatan kes yang sama.
Selepas dibebaskan daripada tahanan reman lapan hari, sebagai reaksinya, Shafie berkata dia akan mendedahkan perihal pemimpin Sabah yang didakwanya mengaut untuk daripada pelbagai projek terutamanya musuh ketat politiknya, Ketua Menteri Sabah, Musa Aman.
Sepatutnya, dia jangan berhenti setakat itu sahaja. Jangan hanya di Sabah, dedahkan juga perihal seluruh Malaysia.
Meminjam kata-kata Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Donald J. Trump, Shafie sepatutnya mengeringkan paya.
Namakan saja bekas rakan-rakan yang menyeleweng duit pembayar cukai masuk ke poket sendiri. Namakanlah semua yang berminat jadi kleptokrat di semua kementerian yang pernah beliau duduki.
Ini akan jadi petunjuk paling kukuh bahawa dia bersedia untuk memisahkan dirinya daripada masa lalu. Jangan jadi macam orang lain yang mendakwa ada berkotak-kotak bukti tetapi tidak pernah pula menunjukkan apa-apa. Shafie sebaliknya hendaklah berpegang pada kata-katanya dan dedahkan saja segala-galanya.

Itulah juga yang dia katakan dalam satu wawancara dengan The Malaysian Insight seminggu sebelum dia ditangkap baru-baru ini.
“Saya inner circle Najib. Saya tahu banyak benda,” kata Shafie, merujuk kepada kawan baiknya, Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Umno Najib Razak.
Dan semalam, ahli politik yang marah dan kecewa itu meluahkan rasa hatinya: “Orang Sabah tak kenal Najib. Saya bantu dia untuk menjayakan politik dia di Sabah ini.”
Shafie ada alasan untuk rasa terluka walaupun batu yang dibalingnya nanti akan menghancurkan rumah kacanya sendiri. Dia dilihat antara menteri yang mencapai prestasi baik apabila Unit Pengurusan Prestasi dan Perlaksanaan (Pemandu) membuat penilaian prestasi kementerian-kementerian setiap tahun.
Shafie kesal kerana selama ini tidak ada rungutan semasa dia dalam Kabinet tetapi sekarang ada siasatan dan dakwaan yang seluas-luasnya.
Semua itu menunjukkan satu perkara tentang Umno. Semuanya elok dan baik-baik saja kalau menyokong tetapi semuanya buruk belaka apabila sudah tidak lagi bersama atau tersingkir. Gaya politik “sokong atau tidak sokong” ini sudah ada lama sejak zaman Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam Umno dan masih lagi ada sampai sekarang.
Cara ini mesti dihentikan. Shafie patut dedahkan apa yang dia tahu kerana dia sedang diserang dan belum tahu bila masanya tiba kalau dia menunggu untuk mendedahkannya di mahkamah.
Inilah masa yang terbaik untuk mendedahkan segala-galanya, menutup segala lubang yang membocorkan berjuta-juta duit rakyat.– themalaysianinsight
Go ahead and drain the swamp, Shafie...

"Datuk Seri" balun 3 anggota Rela...
Tiga anggota Jabatan Sukarelawan Malaysia (RELA) cedera selepas mendakwa dipukul seorang Datuk Seri di sebuah tokong di Jalan Ampang di Kuala Lumpur semalam.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira 6.30 pagi itu mangsa Melvin Cheong Mun Khai, 19, Lee Weng Poh, 27, dan Leong Jiun Jie, 21, masing-masing mengalami kecederaan di kepala, mata dan perut.
Melvin Chong berkata kejadian bermula apabila beliau meminta Datuk Seri itu agar mengalihkan kenderaan Toyota Vellfire miliknya yang menganggu lalu lintas, namun dia enggan berbuat demikian.

"Lelaki itu marah bila saya minta alihkan kenderaannya dan menepuk meja serta memaki kami selain mengugut akan mengapa-apakan kami.
“Rakan saya Lee dan Leong bertindak untuk meleraikan keadaan, tetapi lelaki itu terus memukul dan menendang kami," katanya pada sidang media di Kuala Lumpur, hari ini.
Kejadian tersebut dirakamkan menerusi kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) dan laporan polis telah dibuat di Balai Polis Ampang, katanya.
Turut hadir pada sidang media itu Ketua Biro Aduan dan Perkhidmatan Awam MCA merangkap Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Kehormat RELA, Datuk Seri Michael Chong .
Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya, Supt Mohd Zaid Hassan mengesahkan kejadian berkenaan dan berkata kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan kerana mendatangkan kecederaan.
Katanya setakat ini tiada tangkapan dibuat dan pihak polis sedang mengenal pasti suspek serta status Datuk Seri itu.-Bernama

What Budget 2018 doesn’t tell you...
10 Chinese schools? Build them firstlah...
Najib son of Razak must be really desperate for pulling his trump card at this hour in order to fish for ethnic-Chinese votes. If his speech on Budget 2018, to be presented later today, is revealed to be too good to be true, then a snap election is very, very near. His latest drama – 10 new Chinese primary schools – is his biggest bait to the Chinese community.
We had said this before – the three biggest things that the Chinese hold very dearly to their hearts are education, economy and dignity. They can sacrifice economy for the sake of education. They can even sacrifice some dignity for the sake of education. But they certainly cannot sacrifice education, which is of better quality and part of their identity.
Here’s the justification. The Malaysian Chinese, having been discriminated by UMNO-Malays since Independence in 1957, were willing to surrender 30% stake in business to ethnic-Malays. The Chinese were willing to work 100% their arse off so that the sleeping partner Malays could enjoy their 30% wealth without lifting a finger. It’s called the NEP (New Economic Policy).
After cutting 30% of their cake to be shared (or rather robbed) with the Malays to prevent them from running amok, a magical skill they are well known to possess, the Chinese have to lose some dignity so that their education can be safeguarded. How is that so? Well, every year without fail, most of 1,298 SJK (C) Chinese schools nationwide would unleash school kids on the streets begging for money.
True, Malaysia is the only country that allows Chinese-type schools to co-exist with National-type schools, in addition to Indian’s Tamil schools. But it’s also true that Malaysia is the only country where the Chinese-type schools are being held hostage – deliberately allocated a partial funding required to running the schools, despite the Chinese paying 90% of total income tax.
Because the SJK (C) Chinese schools do not have sufficient funding every year, parents would receive a donation card each to go out and source for money so that their schools could survive. And Prime Minister Najib Razak has to cheek to lecture the Chinese they should be grateful to the government when school children have to beg for money from the public come rain or shine.

Some lucky SJK (C) Chinese schools would be spared from the humiliation of asking for donations from uncles and aunties at “kopitiam (coffee shop)” if their schools have rich and influence “chairman”. That’s where the Malaysian Chinese philanthropists come into play. These lucky schools would normally have decent school facilities such as a field for sports.
But for schools such as SJK (C) Chung Kwok, one of Chinese top schools which happen to be the only school that runs Singapore education syllabus concurrently to further boost the quality of their students, they have to ask for permission from a nearby school to host their annual Sports Day. During normal days, the students are reduced to using basketball courts to do sports activities.
Here’s further proof that the country’s Chinese schools are being discriminated without the proper funding, despite the fact that such vernacular schools are enshrined in the constitution. Last year, China’s ambassador to Malaysia – Dr Huang Huikang – donated some money to eight SJKCs, obviously was disturbed with the discrimination in the country.
It appears that Mr. Najib’s plan of working with PAS’ President Hadi Awang to use religion and race cards to unite Malay-Muslims and divide Chinese voters before the coming 14th general election have hit the wall. Their plan fails spectacularly when their sponsored preacher Zamihan Mat Zin was crushed by the Sultanate of Johor, follows by the Sultanate of Selangor.
That explains why MCA party, supposedly to protect the interest of ethnic-Chinese instead of enriching themselves but did the opposite instead, was given the silver bullet – the construction of 10 new Chinese schools – to rally (and hopeful to scam) the Chinese voters in favour of Mr. Najib’s coalition Barisan Nasional (National Front).
After the announcement, now MCA can proudly go to every worm hole and justify why the Chinese should vote for them. Even if MCA could scam as little as 5% of Chinese votes to help Najib Razak, who is already in deep trouble with 1MDB scandal and high cost of living due to unpopular GST, it would greatly make a huge difference between the survivability and the death of Najib regime.
But here’s why the Chinese should not be ignorant after having been scammed by the equally corrupted MCA numerous times. Constructing schools isn’t as easy as buying a few chickens at wet market. It requires huge funds and years of construction. Therefore, until all the 10 new Chinese schools are fully built, properly equipped and 100% operational, such news should be taken with a pinch of salt.
After all, Najib is a proven serial liar. If he couldn’t even deliver his promise of PR1MA affordable housing to his fellow ethnic-Malay voters, how could he deliver his promise of 10 new schools to the ethnic-Chinese who happens to be pro-opposition? Okay, you want proof so here it is. Najib proudly declared a staggering RM1.6 billion to build 175,000 PR1MA housing units during last year’s 2017 Budget.

Amazingly, the same Mr. Najib had also boasted about building 80,000 units of such affordable houses with RM1.3 billion allocation a year earlier (2016 Budget). But with his budget presentation hours away, based on his administration admission (up until June 2017), only 8,475 units of PR1MA houses have been completed, while only 934 owners got their keys.
It was Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Shahidan Kassim who admitted in August this year that Najib administration has only managed to buildless than 2% of the 500,000 affordable houses under the PR1MA scheme that had been promised in 2013. While it’s easy to promise and even approve, it’s however another game altogether to deliver.
Heck, instead of being grateful to MCA and UMNO for the “plan” to build the 10 new Chinese primary schools, the Chinese voters should actually be grateful to nobody but themselves for doing the clever thing – voted for the opposition.Are the Chinese dumb enough to think the desperate Najib would agree to this new Chinese school project had the opposition is weak today?
No matter how MCA, and PM Najib Razak for that matter, twists and spins its latest stunt, it’s a shame that they couldn’t fix the problem of getting full funding for SJK (C) Chinese schools. Do you know that the Chinese school classes in Malaysia have been around since 1819, long before many of UMNO-Malays even established their roots in the country?
During former Mahathir’s era, the same Barisan Nasional coalition had its fun bullying and discriminating the Chinese schools. Back then, more than 60% of Chinese were behind the former premier. Now, Najib suddenly becomes a Santa Clause bearing gift – 10 new Chinese schools – but with more than 90% of Chinese behind the opposition. Go figure!!– financetwitter,mc

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