"Saya tidak boleh terima perkara karut ini. Ini adalah Johor, yang dimiliki oleh Bangsa Johor dan ia adalah milik semua kaum dan agama. Ini negeri yang progresif, moden dan sederhana.
"Ini bukan sebuah negara Taliban dan sebagai ketua Islam di Johor, saya dapati tindakan ini tidak boleh diterima sama sekali kerana ini bersifat ekstremis," titah baginda seperti yang dipetik oleh The Star.
Baginda telah mengarahkan pengerusi jawatankuasa agama Islam negeri, Datuk Abdul Mutalip Abd Rahim, majlis agama dan majlis daerah untuk menyiasat perkara itu.
Baginda juga mengesahkan bahawa baginda telah bercakap dengan Mufti negeri, Datuk Mohd Tahrir Samsudin, serta ahli exco agama negeri itu mengenai perkara itu.
Baginda mahu mahu pemilik kedai dobi itu memohon maaf kepada baginda dan rakyat Johor kerana "telah membuat orang Johor sangat marah dan malu kerana ini bukan Johor yang kita mahukan".
Tindakan pemiliknya itu, titah baginda, bertentangan dengan wawasan Johor bersatu, harmoni, sederhana dan toleran.
Baginda bertitah jika pemilik itu tetap mahu meneruskan amalan tersebut, maka "dia boleh tinggalkan Johor".
"Saya cadangkan dia buka kedai di Afghanistan. Pemikirannya sakit dan bertentangan dengan segala yang dilakukan oleh Johor,” titah baginda.
Sambil mengesahkan bahawa baginda dan ahli keluarganya "amat terkejut" dengan tindakan pengendali dobi itu, Sultan Ibrahim bertitah, ini akan mendorong kepada banyak lagi tindakan berfikiran sempit atas nama Islam sekiranya ia tidak dihentikan.
Mengenai tindakan pengedali dobi itu selepas dibidas pelbagai pihak dan meletakkan papan tanda baru "mesra-Muslim", baginda bertitah: "Jangan cuba berlagak pandai, ia masih sama. Pemilik mesti bersihkan otaknya dahulu.
"Saya mahu tindakan melampau ini dihentikan. Extremisme tidak mempunyai tempat di negeri saya. Kami bangga menjadi Bangsa Johor dan saya ingin tahu di mana pemilik kedai dobi ini belajar Islam?
"Islam mengajar umat untuk bertoleransi dan menghormati agama dan bangsa lain," titah baginda di Istana Bukit Serene semalam.
Mengambil contoh masjid-masjid di Johor yang dibuka kepada orang bukan Islam selagi mereka berpakaian senonoh, Sultan Ibrahim bertitah, baginda dia tidak boleh membayangkan jika orang bukan Islam yang diharamkan memasuki masjid dan melahirkan kebimbangan dengan peningkatan ekstremisme agama.
"Saya tertanya-tanya di mana pemilik kedai dobi ini membasuh pakaiannya ketika di luar negara? Adakah dia mengatakan hanya pakaian orang Islam yang bersih dan pakaian bukan Islam itu kotor?
"Mulai sekarang, saya mengarahkan semua exco dan majlis perbandaran untuk menegaskan mana-mana pemilik perniagaan yang mengamalkan diskriminasi sedemikian dibatalkan lesen mereka."
Baginda bertitah dirinya tidak boleh diam dalam isu ini kerana ia seolah-olah membenarkannya diteruskan dan kemudiannya "kita akan mempunyai teksi untuk orang Islam dan bukan Islam".
Baginda bertitah bahawa baginda tidak mahu kaum lain melakukan tindakan serupa. - mk
Pemilik kedai dobi mohon maaf...

Johor not a Taliban state...
Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar has ordered the Muslim-only laundrette in Muar to stop its controversial policy or risk being shut down.
“I cannot accept this nonsense. This is Johor, which belongs to Bangsa Johor and it belongs to all races and faiths. This is a progressive, modern and moderate state.
“This is not a Taliban state and as the head of Islam in Johor, I find this action to be totally unacceptable as this is extremist in nature,” the visibly upset Johor ruler said, as quoted by The Star.
He has since ordered the state Islamic religious affairs committee chairperson Abdul Mutalip Abd Rahim (photo), the religious council and the district council to investigate the matter.
The ruler also confirmed that he had spoken to the state's mufti, Mohd Tahrir Samsudin, as well as state executive councillor for religion Abd Mutalip Abd Rahim over the matter.
“I want the owner to apologise to me and the people of Johor. He has made Johoreans very angry and embarrassed because this is not the Johor we want.
“The owner has gone against the vision of a united, harmonious, moderate and tolerant Johor. If he still insists on carrying on the Muslim-only practice, he can leave Johor.
"I suggest he set up shop in Afghanistan. His thinking is sick and goes against everything that Johor stands for."
‘Deeply appalled’
Confirming that he and his family members were “deeply appalled” by the action of the laundrette owner, the Johor ruler said it would lead to more narrow-minded actions in the name of Islam if such actions were not stopped.
On the owner who, in the wake of the controversy, has since put up a new sign to say it was “Muslim-friendly", the sultan said: “Don’t try to be clever. It’s still the same. The owner needs to have his brains cleaned up.
“I want to put a stop to such extremism. Extremism has no place in my state. We take pride in being Bangsa Johor and I want to know where the owner of this launderette learned his Islam?
"Islam teaches the faithful to be tolerant and respect other people and faiths,” he said at Istana Bukit Serene yesterday.
Pointing out how mosques in Johor were open to non-Muslims as long as they were properly dressed, the sultan said he could not imagine non-Muslims being banned from entering mosques, saying he was concerned over rising religious extremism.
“I wonder where this launderette owner washes his clothes when he is overseas? Is he saying only the clothes of Muslims are clean and those of non-Muslims are unclean? That’s what he means, I believe.
“From now on, I am directing the state executive council and all the councils to insist that any business owner who carries out such blatant discriminatory practices should have their licences revoked. Don’t mess around with your narrow-minded religious prejudices.”
He said he could not keep quiet on the issue, as if this was allowed to go unnoticed, “then next we will have taxis for only Muslims or non-Muslims".
He added that he also did not want other races to carry out similar actions. - mk
They arrested a Muslim man for wearing shorts...
A Muslim man who wore shorts to play futsal now finds himself facing a fine by Kelantan's religious authorities.
Wan Khairul Hayyee Wali, 30, said he had no idea that he could not even wear shorts to play futsal.
He said he has been wearing shorts to play futsal for many years, ever since he was in school.
"Therefore it came as a shock to me when a religious department enforcement officer gave me a notice saying I have flouted the Syariah Criminal Enactment for exposing my knees," he said.
"Seriously, they can't expect me to wear a sarong to play futsal," added Wan Khairul, a general worker at a wholesale store.
Khairul was slapped with the notice at 10.45pm on Monday.He was ordered to attend a counselling session next month, failing which he would be called to appear before the Syariah court where he risks being fined RM1,000 if found guilty.

Where do the people learn these strange beliefs? That is point No. 1.
Then where do they learn that they must impose their retarded beliefs unto other human beings? That is Point No. 2.
I would like to humbly inform HRH the Sultan that none of these beliefs are found in the Quran.
The Quran NEVER teaches that Muslim laundrettes cannot be used by non Muslims.
They would rather that men played futsal dressed like this :

Instead the Quran says very clearly:
Surah 49:13
"O mankind, indeed We have created you from a male and a female and made you peoples and tribes that yoy may know one another. Indeed the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed Allah is Knowing and Acquainted."
The true Islam that is carefully preserved in the Quran is inclusive, caring and kind towards all human beings.
To answer Points 1 and 2 above, the people learn these strange extra Quranic and unQuranic beliefs obviously from sources other than the Quran.
This is where the problem lies. As long as the Muslims DO NOT CONFRONT THIS HUGE PROBLEM then they will forever be in confusion and be a nuisance to themselves and to the human race.
And we cannot expect the people who believe in, who preach and teach these same extra Quranic and unQuranic beliefs to be the agents of change who will get rid of these strange beliefs. That is not going to happen.- ostb

Buat malu negara saja...
Dah tahu di Rom,buat seperti orang Rom...

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