Wanita mengamok dan maki penguatkuasa
Profesionalisme dan kesabaran tinggi pegawai penguatkuasa Nor Safuan bin Nordin itu berjaya mengelakkan kejadian yang tidak diingini dan mendapat pujian orang ramai.
Sikap yang ditunjukkan Nor Safuan turut mendapat pujian dan penghargaan Adun Subang Jaya, Hannah Yeoh dan Adun Kinrara, Ng Sze Han dalam sebuah majlis semalam.
“Pagi ini saya bersama Adun Kinrara menganugerahkan sijil penghargaan kepada Pegawai Penguatkuasa MPSJ, Nor Safuan Bin Nordin yang dirakam dalam insiden kunci stereng di Puchong minggu lalu.
“Pegawai ini (Nor Safuan) telah menjalankan tugasnya dengan professional.
“Sebagai wakil yang dipilih rakyat di Subang Jaya, sijil penghargaan ini bertujuan memberi galakan dan sokongan kepada Nor Safuan dan pegawai yang lain agar terus menjalankan tugas mereka dengan baik, melakukan perkara yang benar dan masyarakat akan bersama mereka,” katanya.
Menurut Hannah, tugas sebagai pegawai penguatkuasa pengapit tayar MPSJ bukan suatu pekerjaan yang mudah kerana perlu berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran setiap hari.
“Jika beliau tidak jalankan tugas, mungkin ada orang kata, “kenapa penguatkuasa hanya berdiri tak buat kerja” dan apabila mereka laksanakan tugas, ada pula yang akan kata “kenapalah menyusahkan kami, MPSJ dah tak ada duit?” katanya.
Persepsi masyarakat antaralain menjadi penyumbang kepada cabaran tugas sebagai penguatkuasa.
“Gejala rasuah yang menjadi amalan dan masalah kepada negara kita telah menyebabkan wujudnya persepsi tidak baik terhadap pegawai unit berunifom, kakitangan awam dan ahli politik,” katanya lagi. -Roketkini.com

Tiada sidang media,selamatkan Najib
dari ditanya pasai 1MDB...
Di samping beberapa kejanggalan lain dalam lawatan Najib Razak ke Amerika Syarikat kali ini, yang paling ketara tentunya ialah ketidaksediaan atau lebih tepat, ketakutan beliau mengadakan sidang media selepas pertemuannya dengan Donald Trump.
Semalam, Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli menyatakan rasa hairannya tentang beberapa perkara mengenai lawatan Najib, antaranya:-
- tiada sambutan rasmi diberikan, baik ketika pesawat yang membawa Najib mendarat mahu pun ketika beliau tiba di White House.
- tidak menginap di Blair House, rumah penginapan untuk tetamu negara, sebaliknya menyewa bilik di sebuah hotel kepunyaan Trump di Washington sedangkan kedatangan Najib diberitakan adalah atas jemputan Presiden Amerika itu.
Sehubungan itu, Rafizi menyimpulkan lawatan Najib tidak lebih sebagai kunjungan peribadi yang mungkin diatur oleh golongan pelobi berbayar semata-mata untuk melonjakkan kembali namanya yang terperosok dengan teruk berikutan saman sivil dan siasatan jenayah oleh DOJ berkaitan dana 1MDB yang diselewengkan.

Tetapi, kejanggalan paling nyata ialah pastinya kerana tiada sidang media selepas pertemuan Najib dengan Trump.
Jika Najib merasakan kunjungannya bertemu Trump yang antara tujuan utamanya ialah untuk menutup mulut-mulut pengkritik berkaitan 1MDB atau yang mengaitkan dirinya dengan syarikat pelaburan itu, mengadakan sidang akhbar dan bertemu dengan media-media Amerika seharusnya menjadi peluang keemasan yang tidak patut dilepaskan.
Kecualilah jika Najib memang ada rasa bersalah dalam dirinya, peluang berdepan, memberi penjelasan dan bersoal-jawab dengan media-media Amerika seperti WSJ, Washington Post, New York Times, Bloomberg dan sebagainya berhubung apa juga persoalan tentang 1MDB, adalah lonjakan yang sebenar dapat memutihkan kembali hitam kelabu namanya selama ini. Baca seterusnya...
Trump meets scandal-hit Malaysian PM
Najib Razak at White House
Najib Razak at White House
President Donald Trump’s meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (all times local):
11:51 a.m.
President Donald Trump is greeting Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak at the White House.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the two leaders will discuss maritime security and counter-terrorism among other topics.
Najib's visit to the White House comes under the cloud of a massive corruption scandal involving the 1MDB state fund that he founded. Malaysia's government has said it found no criminal wrongdoing at 1MDB. But the fund has been at the center of investigations in the U.S. and several countries amid allegations of a global embezzlement and money-laundering scheme.
The U.S. Justice Department says people close to Najib stole billions of dollars, and the federal government is working to seize $1.7 billion it says was taken from the fund to buy assets in the U.S.

12:40 p.m.
President Donald Trump is thanking Malaysia’s prime minister for investments the country has made in the United States.
Trump is also thanking Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak for the country’s role in the fight against Islamic State militants and pointing to billions of dollars’ worth of aircraft the country is ordering from Boeing. Trump made no mention of the massive corruption scandal involving a state fund that Najib founded — a fund that has been at the center of investigations in the U.S. and several countries amid allegations of a global embezzlement and money-laundering scheme. U.S. officials say people close to Najib stole billions of dollars from the fund.
Trump and Najib met at the White House. Najib says he wants to help Trump strengthen the U.S. economy. He says Trump is on a mission to make the world safe and says: “We will do our part to make sure our part of the world is safe.” - Associated Press

A lopsided meeting between
Trump and Najib...
The public statements made by both US President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak are somewhat lopsided.
It reminds me of the bunga mas (translated as golden flowers) which was paid as a tribute to the King of Siam by its vassal states in the Malay Peninsula once every three years in return for its protection.
Although this illustration may be slightly overstretched, the visit by Najib to the US White House should have yielded in a better deal with Malaysia.
Instead, we see Najib offering three proposals without getting anything in return, except some words of praise from the American president. This is nothing but a simple formality to thank Najib for contributing towards the US economy.
Let’s look at the three economic proposals made by the Malaysian side and how the US responded in return.

The first proposal was for MAS to purchase 33 Boeing jets, and to convince AirAsia to purchase General Electric engines.
What I am reading here is that the government can order MAS to purchase the Boeing jets without a doubt, but it is still unable to convince AirAsia to purchase the General Electric engines at the time of the purchase.
This is because Tony Fernandes being an entrepreneur would have to evaluate various proposals from different suppliers before making a good decision to purchase any engine.
We have not heard from Najib where the money is going to come from and over how many years the Boeing jets would be purchased. I believe the devil is in the details, and I leave this to people like Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli to comb through. I am only an ordinary man in the street with a degree in Science but more of a marketing man and a writer.
Secondly, Najib said the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) would double its investments in the US. Without going into the details again, Najib should realise that many viable Malaysian businesses also need a lot of investments.
On what grounds does Najib make the decision, especially at a time when the ringgit is so low? Should it not be the other way round that the US should take advantage of our weak ringgit to pour their US dollars into investments in Malaysia, the way the Chinese government is doing?
Lastly, Khazanah Nasional will increase its presence in the US. Here again, Malaysian money is flowing out which is not always very healthy in reviving the Malaysian economy.
I trust on this, Ong Kian Meng and other economics professors will jump on the bandwagon to argue their hearts out, but the returns are yet to be seen.

Trump’s response
Naturally, when Trump wants to use Malaysia as its Southeast Asian base to fight terrorism, he would heap lots of praise for Malaysia; thereafter, he gets to work in the usual American business style.
What I believe most Malaysians wish to see is that the Malaysian prime minister is able to attract more inflow of precious investments into Malaysia.
However, Trump gave no sweeteners in return for what Najib has to offer to Trump. We do not know what else was discussed, but at least in Trump’s case, he seems to have listened to the advice of his men not to allow the visit to be used for any political mileage or spark a bigger controversy when the international media has its focus on the handshake photo-op.
Pardon me for bursting the bubble, but what we see in the screenshot of video footage (photo) from Trump and Najib’s meeting is Trump’s folded arms and his deep thoughts as a businessman as a sign of the US president’s cynicism. I hope I am wrong!
An observation that I can make from the video screenshot is that in the Trump-Najib meet, the formality has been kept to the minimum.
There is nothing elaborate including the folded papers that showed the various designations.
For Trump, his style is: “Let’s get down to business now!”
But, do we ever learn? How can anyone be convinced that Najib was media shy when it came to meeting with the US president? As an observer, this speaks volumes about Najib’s own predicament at the moment. - Stephen Ng,mk
This is what Jibby said ...

USD 3-4 billion Tabung Pencen rakyat Malaysia akan diguna oleh Najib
untuk perkukuh ekonomi Amerika.Hangpa setujukah?

What a frigging joke!You can't even manage your own finances
and you want to help others generate growth in their economy?
Kelantan next MB...

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