Ruang untuk Datuk Seri Najib Razak menghadiri sesuatu majlis di peringkat antarabangsa menjadi perhatian Anggota Parlimen Kluang, Liew Chin Tong, ekoran skandal 1MDB yang dikaitkan dengan perdana menteri itu.
"Ekoran skandal 1MDB, Najib kelihatan amat menjauhi media dan perhatian antarabangsa.
"Beliau tidak dapat tampil di peringkat antarabangsa dengan bangga dan bermaruah lagi.
"Kegagalan Najib berfungsi di peringkat antarabangsa tanpa dikaitkan dengan skandal 1MDB menghalang potensi kepimpinan serantau Malaysia ketika ia sangat diperlukan," kata ahli parlimen DAP itu dalam satu kenyataan.
Liew membuat kenyataan itu selepas perdana menteri tidak menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) untuk tahun kedua berturut-turut.
Dalam perhimpunan tahun ini Malaysia diwakili Menteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman(pix di bawah). Tahun lalu Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi bertindak sebagai wakil Malaysia di perhimpunan sama.
Pertengahan bulan ini Najib melawat AS dan bertemu Presiden Donald Trump di Rumah Putih, Washington, pada 13 Sept.
Namun tiada sidang media diadakan ekoran pertemuan yang berlangsung ketika Najib dijangka akan disoal bertubi-tubi oleh media AS mengenai isu 1MDB.
Tak panjangkan tempoh
Pihak berkuasa AS memulakan tindakan sivil bagi merampas pelbagai aset yang didakwa mereka diperoleh secara haram menggunakan wang 1MDB.
Kata Liew "sangat misteri" apabila Najib tidak menghadiri sidang PBB itu di New York ketika beliau memang sudah berada di AS.
Katanya ketika Asia Tenggara berdepan dengan pelbagai isu termasuk krisis Rohingya di Myanmar serta sikap degil Korea Utara Najib sepatutnya meluangkan masa menjelaskan pendirian Malaysia mengenai perkembangan berkenaan di PBB.
Liew menambah Malaysia ialah sebuah "kuasa tengah" yang berpengaruh di pentas dunia walaupun saiz populasi atau ekonominya tidak besar.
"Tetapi di bawah Najib dasar luar - sama seperti dasar domestik - menjadi sangat transaksional dan boleh disimpulkan dengan pepatah cash is king," katanya.
Perhimpunan Agung PBB berlangsung dari 19 hingga 25 Sept di New York City.
Najib tidak memanjangkan tempohnya berada di AS selepas bertemu Trump, malah pulang selepas berhenti seketika di United Kingdom untuk bertemu Perdana Menteri Theresa May pada 14 Sept.
Beliau mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL pada 15 Sept dengan disambut ramai penyokong kerajaan.
Dalam kenyataanya selepas itu Najib menjelaskan lawatan beliau ke AS sebagai amat berjaya.
Katanya, beliau tidak pergi ke negara kuasa besar itu untuk meminta bersedekah atau melulut, tetapi menyatakan Malaysia telah sampai ke tahap pelaku global.
"Saya beri gambaran bagaimana Trump menerima kedatangan saya.
“Selepas pertemuan di bilik kabinet, pegawai protokol meminta Trump berjabat tangan dengan saya di luar pejabatnya.
"Trump kata 'Tidak, saya mahu mengiringi beliau ke kereta dan pegawai protokol berkata kereta saya di bawah tanah, dan Trump berkata 'tidak mengapa, beliau kawan saya," katannya.- mk

Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong(pix,above) has expressed concern about Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's ability to function internationally due to the 1MDB scandal.
This was after Najib skipped the United Nations General Assembly for the second year in a row.
"Due to the global infamy of the 1MDB scandal, Najib has been avoiding international media and attention like a plague.
"He cannot appear with pride and dignity on the world stage anymore.
"And Najib’s inability to function internationally without being scrutinised on the 1MDB scandal has hindered Malaysia’s regional leadership potential at a time when it is most needed," the DAP lawmaker said in a statement.
Najib had earlier this month visited the United States for a meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House.
No press conference was held following the meeting, amid expectations that Najib would be grilled by the US media over the 1MDB scandal, which is being investigated by multiple jurisdictions, including the US.
'A great mystery'
Liew said it was a "great mystery" for Najib to skip the UN sessions in the US as he was already in the country.
"Southeast Asia is faced with the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar and Asia faces challenges from a recalcitrant North Korea, as well as terrorism in the region and beyond.
"These are significant issues which Najib should spend time explaining Malaysia’s position to the world at the UN General Assembly.
"Malaysia is a significant ‘middle power’ that influences events on the world stage, despite not being big in population size or economy.
"But under Najib, foreign policies, just as domestic policies, have become highly transactional and can be summed up with his favourite adage 'Cash is King'," Liew said.
The UN General Assembly is taking place from Sept 19 to 25 in New York City.
Najib did not extend his stay in the US and returned to Malaysia after a brief stopover in the UK to meet the country's Prime Minister Theresa May.
Foreign Minister Anifah Aman represented Malaysia at the UN.
Last year, Malaysia was represented at the UN General Assembly by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. - mk
How you can be sure the
Malaysian election date will be...
Malaysian election date will be...
When called, the vote will be one of the country’s fiercest ever political battles, pitting Najib against Mahathir Mohamad, the country’s 92-year-old former strongman prime minister who today leads the opposition. It will also serve as a referendum of sorts on Najib’s handing of the multibillion dollar corruption scandal at the state fund 1MDB – the main factor that led Mahathir to cross the aisle and take on his protégé.
Amid high political tension, speculation over whether Najib would call an election went into overdrive last Sunday, when he convened a last minute press conference.
Alas, it was a false alarm: Najib – leader of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition – was announcing the return of Mohammad Taib, a senior politician who had defected to the opposition years earlier.
Since late last year, the premier has revelled in gleefully teasing the public and the opposition over when he might call the election. He showcased this approach when journalists earlier this month suggested the timing was right for a snap poll. He retorted: “Is that so? Hold on lah ... I might get a brainwave, inshallah.”
Political observers meanwhile are confident polls will be held in March or April. They cite economic factors, bad weather and school examinations at the end of the year, and the expected release in April of Anwar Ibrahim, Najib’s jailed arch enemy, as signs of a poll in the narrow two-month period. Here’s why these factors makes sense.

Malaysian politics observer Ahmad Martadha Mohamed said polls in November or December were unlikely because the economic sweeteners expected in Najib’s October 27 budget would only come into effect next year.
Najib, also the country’s finance minister, is expected to target rural Malays, government employees and young people with his election goodies.
“But the civil servant bonuses and such won’t come through until at least January. So that’s one reason he [Najib] won’t call elections until at least February,” said Ahmad, from the Northern University of Malaysia.

The prime minister will also hope to bask in the positive economic data expected in February. Among them: fourth quarter GDP figures and the full-year dividend of the national pension fund. The economy grew at its fastest pace in more than two years in the second quarter of this year.
Elsewhere, there is speculation that Chinese President Xi Jinping might make an official visit to Malaysia in November, after the conclusion of the Communist Party’s key congress in October.
That potentially could mean announcements of further multibillion dollar infrastructure investments from Beijing – a vote winner for Najib, according to some observers. But it also buttresses the theory that elections are unlikely by the end of the year.
Another key factor ruling out elections at the end of the year, observers say, is the northeastern monsoon season that comes about at that time. The phenomenon routinely causes severe flooding in peninsula Malaysia’s east coast, rendering campaigning and polling in the area untenable.
An election like no other, is it time for change in Malaysia?
Meanwhile, the grade 11 examination for the Malaysian Certificate of Education will be held from November 6 to December 4, and the grade 12 pre-university examination will be held between November 6 and November 28, according to the latest official schedule. Schools are used as polling stations in Malaysian elections and having the vote during the exam period would be disruptive.
Elsewhere, Najib has said his United Malay National Organisation – the lynchpin of the BN coalition – will hold its annual general assembly from December 5 to 9. But the premier left the door open for a December election with a caveat that the party assembly would be postponed if he decided to hold the national vote at the same time.

Opposition lawmaker Zairil Khir Johari said Najib would also be hoping to lap up the feel-good factor in the financial markets during the Lunar New Year. The first day of the new year falls on February 16, while Chap Goh Meh – which marks the end of the festival – falls on March 2. Ahmad from the Northern University said BN leaders would be seeking to use the Lunar New Year festivities to reach out to ethnic Chinese voters, “who can make or break this election”.
In the last two general elections, support from the minority Chinese population swung to the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) instead of the BN coalition’s Malaysian Chinese Association.
“If I were the government, I would not want him running around,” Zairil said of Anwar Ibrahim, the country’s jailed opposition icon. The 70-year-old may be eligible for early release in April or May. Najib is likely to ensure the polls are held before that happens. While Anwar will be disqualified from the elections, his charisma and oratory prowess will be a shot in the arm for the opposition. Anwar is serving a five-year jail term for sodomy, an outcome he says is a result of trumped up charges by Najib to keep him off the political front lines.
Internationally acclaimed as a pro-democracy champion, Anwar has pledged to work with his former rival Mahathir to remove Najib from power, citing the 1MDB scandal as evidence that the premier is overseeing a “kleptocracy”. - Bhavan Jaipragas,scmp

Dobi 'Muslim sahaja' amalan sempit...
Muslim Laundromat...
Wow it's in Muar, my hometown. I've read many arguments. Some saying why not? What's wrong? Why can't Muslims have their own laundromat?
There are bars and shops selling non-halal food and drinks and Muslims don't go telling them off. Well.. not really.. we did make an issue out of 'Pork Sold Here' signs and even 'No Pork' signs didn't we?
Anyway, even if we didn't, those shops welcome everyone. They put a warning so that Muslims (and others) will know what they are in for. It's about freedom of choice. If you don't want it, you don't have to buy. If you want it, we'll serve you, no discrimination.
The Muslim laundromat is the complete opposite. It's telling that it's only for Muslims. Well like me, I'm a Muslim and I love petting dogs. So when I go back to my hometown, I'm gonna wash all my clothes there. Padan muka kau!
If you're targeting a market segment, don't discriminate others. It's ok to say that clothes that can be washed here must be of certain blah blah only. Even washing machines will say better not wash your silks in here. But to say that it's Mesra Muslim (when it's clearly just Tak Mesra Non-Muslim) is absolutely hypocritical.
This laundromat is a clear discrimination. Why can't it be like Bank Islam? It's named Bank Islam but Non-Muslims are welcomed there. Of course the cards will not be usable in some known non-halal merchants but that's the criteria they set for their business.
Why can't a Mesra Muslim laundromat put a criteria that clothes that was used for this or that cannot be washed here? Of course you can't tell if people will be honestly following your rules lah. But who's to say that someone who looks like Ridhuan Tee cannot just walk in and wash their clothes which they used to pet their dogs?
All they have to say is they are Muslim. Are you going to check their IC? Well you don't have any authority to ask people for their IC. What are you going to do about it? Beat them? Chase them? Will you then samak your whole machines?
Are we going to have a Muslim only Restaurants soon? Even halal trains and Syariah-compliant airplanes welcome everyone in.
And FYI, in the eyes of Islamic Fiqh, automatic washing machines are not Islamic. Mixing detergents in water will turn the water into musta'mal (not pure for prayers). The drying of the water mixed with detergents are not using the technic 'melalukan air mutlak' on the clothes (this can only be done manually).
Therefore, the result of the washing will be 'clean but not purifying'. So basically yes, sembahyang kita memang tak sah all this while! Tak percaya tanya lah ustaz yang tahu tatacara basuh baju secara Islamik. - f/bk Mujahidin Zulkiffli

Sapa hangpa pilih sebagai MB Selangor baru?
Semua dah menopause...

Selepas kedai rakyat 1Malaysia,kali ni kedai buku pulak...
Bukankah ni dibawah NBOS yg dibanggakan?

Pak lebai kata...
Banjir di Kelantan/KL - takdir.
Banjir di Kedah/Perlis - takdir.
Banjir di Pulau Pinang - salah DAP.

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