Ganjaran bagi mereka yang mengasihi haiwan bukan sahaja di akhirat, malah di dunia.
Seorang pengguna Facebook, Soffuan CZ memuat naik beberapa keping gambar dan video yang diambil pada upacara pengebumian datuknya di sebuah masjid di Langkawi.
Namun apa yang menarik perhatian adalah seekor kucing yang dilihat cuba menggali kubur arwah datuknya yang dipanggil Tok Wan itu.
Tidak dapat dipastikan jika kucing berkenaan adalah peliharaan datuknya, namun dalam status yang dimuat naik, Soffuan menceritakan arwah seorang yang sangat menyayangi kucing semasa hayatnya.
Dalam video itu, dapat dilihat dengan jelas kucing berkenaan berusaha untuk menggali tanah pusara yang baru sahaja dikambus, biarpun dihalang.
Malah setelah cuba dibawa jauh dari kawasan kubur, kucing putih itu tetap tidak mahu berganjak. - astroawani

Anwar dikejarkan ke hospital...

Tuan Ibrahim dan PAS kena
jawab 8 soalan Dr.M...
1. Apakah Tuan Ibrahim percaya bahawa sesiapa yang tidak menyertai PAS tidak Islam?
2. Apakah orang Melayu kafir sebelum adanya PAS?
3. Apakah ibu bapa orang PAS kafir kerana dilahir sebelum adanya PAS?
4. Apakah PAS tidak kafir apabila bekerjasama politik dengan DAP?
5. Mengikut PAS, Umno kafir. Jika PAS bekerjasama dengan Umno apakah PAS menjadi kafir?
6. Amanat Hadi dakwa pemerintah Malaysia kafir dan melawan dengannya adalah jihad, dan kematian dalam perlawanan ini menjadikan si mati syahid. Apakah Tuan Ibrahim terima dakwaan dalam amanat Hadi?
7. Jika pemerintahan yang didirikan oleh Umno dahulu kafir, apakah pegawai-pegawainya, termasuk mufti dan orang-orang yang dipimpin dan dinasihat oleh mereka kafir?
8. Apakah Tuan Ibrahim percaya 14 pengikut Ibrahim Libya mati syahid dah empat orang polis mati sebagai orang kafir yang bekerja dengan kerajaan kafir?
Soalan itu diajukan Dr Mahathir dalam blognya yang sudah dipetik oleh banyak portal berita.

Untuk menjawab kelapan-lapan persoalan dibangkitkan Dr Mahathir ini ia bukan sahaja menjadi tanggungjawab Tuan Ibrahim tetapi keseluruhan pemimpin Pas terutamanya mereka yang menerima dakwaan berkenaan khususnya yang menjadikan Amanah Abdul Hadi Awang sebagai fatwa politik yang meninggalkan kesan buruk sehingga boleh merosakkan akidah ummah Islam negara ini.
Majlis Syura Ulama (MSU) merupakan dewan tertinggi parti agama itu sepatutnya mengadakan ijmak mereka untuk merumuskan jawaban kepada soalan Dr Mahathir itu. Kita percaya jawaban Tuan Ibrahim nanti bukan sahaja menjelaskan persoalan Dr Mahathir, tetapi ia juga ditunggu-tunggu oleh orang lain yan juga keliru dengan dakwaan dan persoalan seperti dibangkitkan itu.
Tidak dinafikan disebabkan ada yang menerima dakwaan berkenaan telah berlaku "takfir" (kafir mengkafir) sesama Islam di negara ini, kalau dahulu di kalangan ahli Pas dengan Umno sahaja tetapi kini ahli Pas dengan ahli Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah). Ahli Pas kini semakin rancak mengkafirkan rakannya yang telah menyertai Amanah.
Kejadian pulau memulau oleh ahli Pas di kampung-kampung terhadap ahli Amanah berlaku sekarang ini seperti mana suatu masa dahulu ahli Pas memulau ahli Umno dalam beberapa aktiviti kehidupan, majlis kenduri, solat dan sebagainya.
Tuan Ibrahim tidak perlu bertamsil ibarat dalam menjawab persoalan Dr Mahathir yang mungkin dianggap jahil oleh orang Pas itu. Beliau seharusnya menyertai dalil-dalil dan nas yang kemas. Dan sekiranya persoalan didakwa Dr Mahathir itu tidak benar, Tuan Ibrahim dan Pas perlu menjelaskan dan memohon maaf ke atas keterlanjuran sesetengah ahlinya beranggapan benar apa yang dibangkitkan oleh Dr Mahathir itu.
Kegagalan Tuan Ibrahim dan Pas menjawab dan menjelaskan persoalan dibangkitkan bekas PM itu ia boleh menjejaskan wibawa parti agama itu. Baca seterusnya...
Najib’s farce of an RCI is over,
so is his reputation...
The farce is over. The most amateurish inquiry in the history of Malaysia, held with the sole purpose of scoring political points, is done.
The royal commission of inquiry into Bank Negara Malaysia’s forex losses nearly 30 years ago finally wrapped up its proceedings today, having questioned 25 witnesses and studied 42 documents on the losses.
May we never see the likes of this sham again. It was chaired by someone who should be remembered with only disdain.
Mohd Sidek Hassan ended his civil service career as chief secretary to the government and went on to become Petronas chairman, but his conduct did not display any of that.
He made conclusions early on, refused to retract his remarks and questioned the witnesses in an adversarial manner, to the consternation and chagrin of all present.
Was this an inquiry or a full trial, one wonders.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad put it succinctly when he thought out loud what the RCI’s purpose was: not a probe into the forex losses, but to make him look bad.
“It is about finding a way to make me look bad in the eyes of the public. That during my time, money was also stolen,” he had told reporters in Putrajaya.
It was an inquiry so lacking in documentary evidence, it was shocking. It was just based on what people said, and there was no interest in recalling them when there were contradicting testimonies.
From day one, this RCI appeared to be a probe to connect the dots and nail Dr Mahathir, Daim Zainuddin or others who have become enemies of Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Hearsay and so-called evidence with crater-sized holes have been accorded inordinate importance. Conclusions were made publicly early on, and not retracted.
No wonder, then, that right-thinking Malaysians stopped following the RCI. The stench of the farce was too strong to bear. It was not so much an inquiry, but a barely disguised inquisition and prosecution to taint critics.
It did not quite work out that way, though. It just added to the shameful sham piling up in Putrajaya.- themalaysianinsight
Did RCI close shop early
so Najib need not testify...
Lim Kit Siang is wondering if the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Bank Negara's foreign exchange (forex) losses concluded its proceedings earlier than scheduled to avoid the need for Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to appear as a witness.
Testifying before the RCI yesterday, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad claimed Najib was one of the ministers in a 1993 cabinet meeting who rejected Lim’s proposal to set up an RCI into the losses then.
Lim asked if the RCI decided to wrap up its proceedings in order to prevent Najib from explaining his decision to oppose the call in the past.
The DAP veteran, who was opposition leader in 1993, had asked then finance minister Anwar Ibrahim to refer to the cabinet to set up an RCI on the forex losses.
Speaking to reporters yesterday, Mahathir said Najib should appear before the RCI to explain why he was calling for the RCI now and did not do so years ago.
“Why was former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who said in August he knew the truth about Bank Negara's forex losses not called before the RCI?” asked Lim.
Meanwhile, Lim expressed concern over the way former top civil servants were treated with “utter disregard” and even “cruelly treated with utter contempt” for their physical condition and health.
“I think it is the height of disrespect and cruelty that (former auditor-general) Ishak Tadin had to be physically dragged to the RCI and his second child Rizal Ishak had to appear before the RCI to plead that his father was unable to testify as he had developed a condition in 2007 that affected his memory and that this cognitive impairment caused his father 'trouble recalling past events',” he said.

Lim also cited other examples of “utter lack of compassion and respect for old public servants” such as the case of former deputy secretary of the finance department in the Finance Ministry Othman Jusoh.
Othman and panel member Kamaludin Md Said got into a heated exchange after the latter prodded him about a decision in relation to the sale of government-owned shares.
“I found some of the exchanges between Sidek and other commissioners on the one hand and witnesses like Mahathir and former finance minister Daim Zainuddin on the other most shocking and quite unbelievable, especially when they were asked questions as to how Mahathir or Daim did not know about the colossal forex losses when 'everyone seemed to know'.
“Sidek seems to have forgotten that he is himself a case in point […] He seems not to know that the 1MBD scandal has turned Malaysia into a global kleptocracy, which is known by everyone in Malaysia and informed opinion in the world except government politicians and public servants like him,” he added.
Sidek, he said, had also left many loose ends in declaring the RCI hearings closed ahead of schedule as Anwar was expected to be recalled among others.
“How can Sidek expect the Malaysian public and world opinion to have full respect for the report of the RCI when its chairperson had preconceived ideas about the RCI findings and conclusions without taking into account the evidence at the RCI?” he asked. - mk

Najib’s magic wand fails to impress...
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak waved his magic wand and the media – as well as the foreign diplomatic corps in Kuala Lumpur – saw their hopes for an early election in the country dashed.
The disappointment of the diplomatic corps could be read in the expressions of the foreign dignitaries in Malaysia after Malaysian PM Najib Razak’s major announcement fell on deaf ears.
If not for the rile that it has attracted on social-media, the announcement that a former Umno chief minister of Selangor had crawled back to the party after joining the Islamists PAS, had little impact.
Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali apparently stated that Umno was “collecting old newspaper” by bringing back the state’s former Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) Muhammad Muhammad Taib to the party’s fold.
Taib seems to be part of Najib’s pro[Malay agenda saying he felt the opposition PKR – which he joined after leaving the PAS – since it was a “loss” for him to be part of the Opposition, especially when the Malay agenda is not prioritised.
“From the (Opposition) meetings I have attended, there is no discussion on the Malay agenda. There was no other way than to rejoin Umno,” he said.
Taib was a former Umno VP and was embroiled in a money scandal in Australia when he was caught with millions in cash upon his arrival in Aussie land.
Nevertheless, Anwar Ibrahim, the PKR leader would surely be in a bad mood following Taib’s criticism of the party and of its ‘Malay’ agenda.
However, Mahathir Mohamad former PM who is now a stalwart among the opposition leaders said the Pakatan Harapan (Coalition of Hope) will respect and push Malay rights but not at the expense of other races.
The loss of Taib will have very little impact for the opposition.- theindependent

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