Beberapa pemandu kenderaan mengalami kecederaan selepas 5 kereta bertembung dengan sebuah kereta dipandu secara melawan arus di Kilometer 116 dan 123.4 menghala utara di Lebuhraya Utara Selatan di Bertam di sini awal pagi ini.
Dalam kemalangan kira-kira pukul 1.30 pagi itu, pemandu kereta jenis Volkswagen yang melawan arus turut mengalami kecederaan patah tangan kanan manakala pemandu yang lain cedera ringan dan menerima rawatan di Hospital Kepala Batas (HKB).
Bagaimanapun, seorang penunggang motosikal Naim Halidan, 30, yang berada di laluan bertentangan maut selepas dia terjatuh ke dalam longkang di tengah pembahagi jalan ketika cuba menyeberangi lebuh raya itu bagi memberi bantuan kepada mangsa kemalangan berkenaan.
Ketua Polis Daerah Seberang Perai Utara (SPU) ACP Azmi Adam berkata kemalangan itu berlaku apabila pemandu kereta Volkswagen berkenaan yang sedang memandu dari arah Butterworth ke Sungai Petani, Kedah secara tiba-tiba membuat pusingan U di laluan yang sama di Kilometer 116 lebuh raya tersebut.
Beliau berkata tindakan lelaki berusia 31 tahun yang bekerja sebagai peniaga itu telah mengundang padah apabila kenderaannya bertembung dengan 3 kereta lain di lokasi berkenaan.
“Lelaki itu tidak berhenti di situ malah terus memandu sebelum keretanya sekali lagi melanggar 2 kereta lain di Kilometer 124.3,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini hari ini.
Azmi berkata semua kenderaan yang terlibat dalam kemalangan itu mengalami kerosakan teruk dan dipercayai suspek memandu laju semasa kejadian itu.
Katanya, mayat lelaki yang terjatuh ke dalam longkang turut dibawa ke HKB untuk bedah siasat.
“Polis akan menjalankan ujian dadah dan alkohol ke atas pemandu kereta Volkswagen itu bagi siasatan lanjut serta kes berkenaan disiasat menurut Seksyen 43(1) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 kerana memandu secara cuai dan merbahaya,” katanya.
Kemalangan itu merupakan kejadian ke-2 melibatkan kenderaan yang dipandu secara melawan arus di Pulau Pinang.
Dalam kejadian pertama pada 14 Mac lepas, seorang juruteknik kilang terbunuh selepas kereta Perodua Kelisa yang dipandunya bertembung dengan Proton Gen 2 dipandu seorang wanita secara melawan arus dari Sungai Dua menghala Butterworth, di Permatang Pauh. - fmt
Mesra UMNO-PAS bukan politik matang,
tapi politik $$$...
“Mereka tidak berminat untuk membela manusia yang memerlukan pertolongan, tetapi hanya memperjuangkan ideologi songsang.
“Politik matang sepatutnya dapat memperkuatkan modal insan bangsa Melayu, membasmi kemiskinan orang Melayu, dan memberi pelajaran yang baik kapada bangsa Melayu,” kata Zaid kepada FMT baru-baru ini.
Bekas menteri itu berkata perkembangan di kalangan orang Melayu kebelakangan ini menunjukkan Umno dan PAS cuba mengelirukan masyarakat itu dengan membawa agenda seperti hukuman syariah, sedangkan golongan atasan dan elit masih terlepas pelbagai tindakan pihak berkuasa Islam.
“Ia hanya drama untuk mengelirukan rakyat. Sudah berapa ramai orang atasan dikenakan hukuman ini? Siapa dari pihak atasan yang dihukum sebat kerana minum arak, berkhalwat dan mencuri harta kerajaan?”
Hadi merupakan antara pemimpin kanan PAS yang mempertahankan dasar PAS yang dilihat lebih mesra Umno, dan beberapa kali menekankan perubahan sikap itu sebahagian daripada “budaya politik matang” oleh parti Islam itu.
“Ini adalah sebahagian daripada cara politik matang yang tidak jumud dan degil tanpa perhitungan. Politik mencari kawan sebanyak mungkin bukannya berlawan secara fanatik,” kata Hadi dalam salah satu daripada penulisannya.
‘Kepincangan Melayu diabaikan’
Zaid berkata ketika Melayu berdepan pelbagai kepincangan ekonomi dan sosial, Umno dan PAS lebih gemar memperjuangkan dasar yang tidak “konkrit dan relevan”, seperti membina lebih banyak masjid dan memperkenalkan hukuman syariah lebih berat.
“Satu pertiga pelajar universiti tidak mengetahui dan memahami nilai asas manusia sejagat,” katanya, merujuk kajian Institut Integriti Malaysia baru-baru ini yang mendapati sebahagian besar pelajar di beberapa buah universiti awam tidak menganggap perbuatan rasuah seperti sogokan hadiah sebagai satu kesalahan.
“Yang benar dan yang salah dikelirukan. Mereka menganggap rasuah itu bukan satu kesalahan yang sepatutnya dikutuk,” kata Zaid kepada FMT.
Zaid berkata majoriti yang terlibat masalah seperti pengangguran, kehamilan luar nikah, beban hutang dan salah guna dadah ialah orang Melayu.
Beliau turut merujuk kejadian seorang ayah kepada 7 orang anak, Mohd Irwan Omar, yang membunuh diri dipercayai akibat kesempitan wang dan kemungkinan terlibat dadah, di Pulau Pinang baru-baru ini.
Zaid mempersoalkan sumbangan PAS dan Umno ketika ramai orang Melayu dan Islam dibelenggu kemiskinan dan masalah sosial lain.
“Apakah yang dilakukan kedua-dua parti politik Melayu-Islam ini” soalnya.
“Sebenarnya politik Umno dan PAS tidaklah matang sama sekali. Malah kita boleh sifatkan ia politik murahan dan cetek yang tidak menonjolkan kekuatan perjuangan, tetapi hanya kekuatan wang ringgit dan kuasa.” - fmt

Turning the judiciary into
a Kangaroo court...
1.It has become the habit of the Najib Government to get the administrators to support and to implement everything that Najib instructs them to do and ask no question.
2. Of course for the government to function it is necessary that the executive branch executes the directives or decisions of the government in a democracy.
3. But a democracy also divides the powers necessary for governance between the legislature (Parliament), the executive (the permanent administration) and the judiciary.
4. This division of powers is essential in order to check on the excesses of any branch. Obedience to the directives of the legislator does not extend to implementing clearly illegal acts.
5. Should the directives go beyond the provision of the law and should the executives implement the directives then the judiciary may intervene so as to stop the implementation. The executive branch is clearly within its rights to refuse execution if the directive is against the law in any way.
6. The appointments of top executives are made by the YDP Agong on the advice of the Prime Minister or an accredited member of the cabinet. It is very possible for the PM or Minister to give wrong advice. This instills fear among top executives for their position. For the weak among them the wisest thing to do is to obey the PM whether the directive is proper or not.
7. And so we are seeing top officers complying even with improper instructions to avoid the displeasure of the Prime Minister. Effectively this means the power of the head of the legislative overrides the power of the executive.
8. But there is still the judiciary, including the Attorney-General. For the public to have faith in the judiciary if must be seen to be impartial and free from the power of the top legislators, the PM.
9. The appointments to the judiciary are governed by the constitution, rules and procedures, so that there would be no suspicions that the appointments are influenced by the political heads of the government.
10. If these laws, rules and procedures are adhered to, the trust in the judiciary by the public is ensured. But when there is deviation or interference by the political head of Government which results in the laws, rules and procedures being ignored, then the credibility of the judiciary is lost. Continue reading... - chedet

Di Malaysia saja boleh mengaku bersalah gunakan wakil...

A tale of two Prime Ministers...
This is exactly how it should be done. This is what you do if you have nothing to hide. This is undoubtedly a man of honour with impeccable integrity. Singapore's PM Lee Hsien Loong not only apologised for the conduct of others but has also called on the entire nation and all members of the Singapore parliament, irrespective of party affiliations, to examine him.
Singapore must be proud of her Prime Minister who is man enough to grab the bull by its horn and face his critics, even if the critics are just siblings.
It may be a personal issue but Lee Hsien Loong is wise enough to note that his family feud has tarnished the seat of the prime minister and the government of Singapore. Such is his respect and responsibility to the office of the Prime Minister.
His Loong's late father Mr Lee Kuan Yew would certainly be proud of his eldest son for walking in his footsteps, for standing tall with his morals intact.
Bravo Mr Prime Minister !
Meanwhile Malaysians on this side of the causeway are hoping that Hsien Loong's counterpart would take a leaf or two from his conduct as a leader, prime minister and an elected representative of the people.
In Malaysia the state of affairs are very different although Najib Razak the Prime Minister is embroiled in a far more serious scandal which is criminal in nature.
1MDB's international financial scandal and the US Department of Justice (Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative unit) investigations is now world news.
Malaysia's international image today is at its lowest ebb. Almost every international news outlets from Australia to Africa and Europe have been reporting the biggest kleptocracy scandal in the history of the USA. The root of the scandal is in Malaysia and Najib Razak is very much in the midst of it. DoJ has all the evidence.
Billions of ringgit in funds stolen from 1MDB have been laundered in the US and investigations show that RM2.6billion has made its way into Najib Razak's personal bank account. DoJ has also exposed a more than RM100 million pink diamond link to Najib's wife Rosmah.
In Singapore the prime minister has apologised over a personal family feud and presented himself for public scrutiny but in Malaysia the embattled prime minister's lackeys are screaming at the top of their voice demanding to know who reported the crime to DoJ.
In Singapore the prime minister has called on all Members of Parliament to scrutinise/debate the handling of his family feud and the matter's negative impact on his position and that of the government.
In Malaysia the Auditor General's report on 1MDB has been classified a secret under the Official Secrets Act although such classifications of an AG's report is unheard of and could most probably be against the constitution.
The Speaker of Dewan Rakyat in the Malaysian parliament even threatened to quit if the 1MDB scandal was debated in the house. Any debate on the matter was later disallowed on the pretext of being subjudice.

In Malaysia the prime minister is bending over backwards to politicise the 1MDB scandal although its is purely criminal in nature.
The Attorney General who acts more like the prime minister's counsel has unilaterally cleared Najib Razak of any wrongdoing despite RM2.6 billion dollars making its way into Najib's personal account.
A multi agency task force that initially investigated the 1MDB scandal was also disbanded and the then Attorney General sacked.
Hsien Loong of Singapore too could have attempted to silence his critics and threaten to sue anybody who deliberated on his family feud on social media but he did not. Probably he didn't have anything to hide.
The Singapore PM came out to clear the air because 'he is a public servant' but Najib has gone to court to argue that as Prime Minister he is not a public servant.
In Malaysia exposing the 1MDB scandal and the theft of billions of ringgit in public funds is treated as crime. Whistle blowers and critics are taunted and hunted.
Instead of wanting to nail the thieves who robbed the nation the ruling party's political operatives and lackeys are questioning who reported the crime.
Whistle blowers are branded as traitors in a climate where truth is treated with contempt.
Such is the tale of two prime ministers who are separated by a narrow body of water but a gaping difference in integrity.-
Tien Wah Press closing plant in Malaysia
Seagate and Western Digital relocating to Thailand.
Tien Wah Press close 57-year-old printing business in PJ
Followed closure of major customer, British American Tobacco
Tien Wah will shift to Vietnam and Indonesia. 237 employees redundant.
On heels of closure of two major factories in Penang.
Seagate, Western Digital Corp (WD) relocate to Thailand...
The GST and the Minimum Wages have increased costs ABOVE MALAYSIA'S AVERAGE PRODUCTIVITY.
Vietnam and Thailand have NOT BECOME more competitive than Malaysia.
It is our costs that have increased. Therefore it is more expensive to make things in Malaysia now.
Can we catch up and improve our productivity? No we cannot. Why not?
Our education system sucks. A majority of our students know more about having sex with 72 virgins in heaven than how to be a good worker or a good salesperson.
They are doomed.
7 million mostly Melayu on the BR1M 'minta sedekah' list.
9 million mostly Melayu on the Hari Raya 'beras percuma' minta sedekah list.
The Super Moron is wanking off gleefully. - ostb

Utk.ikat tepi pun kena duit...

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