PAS hari ini jelas telah berubah. PAS sudah lupa bahawa dalam apa juga usaha menegakkan keadilan dan melawan kemungkaran pemerintah, tekanan dan muslihat jahat pihak musuh merupakan fitrah dan lumrah dalam perjuangan.
Pengalaman saya dalam PAS dahulu, kami seringkali ditarbiyah bahawa perjuangan yang benar pastinya akan bertemu titik pertembungan apabila berhadapan kezaliman. Bahkan ia menjadi bukti bahawa perjuangan yang kita dukungi berada di landasan yang betul. Mustahil sekali musuh akan memberi laluan mudah kepada perjuangan menegakkan keadilan dan kebenaran.
Dalam hal ini, kami juga sering diperdengarkan ayat-ayat Quran seperti dari surah At-Tawbah yang membawa pengertian ‘Kalau apa yang engkau serukan kepada mereka (wahai Muhammad) sesuatu yang mudah dan perjalanannya tidak begitu jauh, nescaya mereka akan mengikutmu; tetapi tempat yang hendak dituju itu jauh lagi berliku.”
Kami juga sering diceritakan bagaimana perjuangan yang dilalui oleh para nabi dan rasul tatkala berhadapan pemerintah yang zalim. Mereka terpaksa berhadapan risiko hatta mengancam nyawa.

Mesyuarat Presiden UMNO dan PAS di adakan di Putrajaya.
Berdiri di belakang Hadi Awang adalah insan lambang perpaduang
antara Najib dan Hadi Awang.
Jadi, tekanan serta ancaman yang dikenakan keatas DAP melibatkan RoS – pada kacamata Islam – bukanlah suatu yang luar biasa. Ia adalah lumrah dan asam garam dalam perjuangan menegakkan keadilan. Khususnya, disaat kritikal berhadapan pemerintah kleptokrat yang menindas rakyat hari ini.
Bagi saya, apa yang pelik ialah, PAS pada hari ini yang begitu intim dengan pemerintah zalim. Dengan segala kemungkaran nyata yang telah dilakukan oleh UMNO BN yang menekan rakyat dan menjarah harta negara, bagaimana PAS boleh begitu rapat dan cenderung kepada mereka?
Adakah PAS telah melupakan nasihat para murobbi (pendidik) dan pemimpin terdahulu mereka sebelum ini? Apakah PAS sudah lupa kata-kata yang sering diungkapkan oleh Al-Marhum ustaz Fadzil Noor “Ulamak yang jahat ialah ulamak yang menyerondoi di pintu-pintu umarak”?
PAS sepatutnya memahami perkara ini. Malangnya, sikap yang dipamerkan menerusi tulisan di portal rasmi parti itu ibarat ‘menyimbah minyak ke dalam api’. Bahkan, ia menzahirkan lagi sikap PAS yang telah menjadi lidah kepada pemerintah zalim.
DAP tidak ‘hilang roket’nya. Sebaliknya PAS lah yang telah hilang jatidiri perjuangan dan menjadi rakan kongsi kepada UMNO BN untuk mensabotaj usaha DAP dan Pakatan Harapan melawan ketidakadilan di negara ini. PAS juga telah menjadi ‘tongkat’ mengukuhkan lagi kedudukan pemimpin kleptokrat. –
Need for RoS to clear the air...
The Registry of Societies has instructed DAP to hold fresh CEC elections, but the party insists that it already held the elections in 2013, and therefore the issue of holding fresh elections is non-existent.
DAP says it will seek to meet RoS officials as soon as possible after it has received the official letter from the RoS in order to clarify on the instruction to hold fresh CEC elections.
We understand that RoS' letter will be handed over to DAP next week, but judging from the existing circumstances, DAP seems to have little intention of holding fresh elections as instructed. In its stead, the party wants to settle the issue through a dialogue.
The 14th general election will be held soon, and if DAP must force through the CEC elections now, its preparations for general election will invariably be affected.
If the party insists not to hold fresh party elections, it will have to bear an even bigger political risk.

DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has warned that DAP cannot field its own candidates in GE14 if it fails to abide by the RoS order of holding fresh CEC elections, because the party's leadership is deemed illegitimate and therefore cannot sign any appointment letter.
This matter has not only caused a lot of trouble for DAP but has also triggered controversies in the Malaysian society. It is necessary for RoS to further explain its decision to demand fresh CEC elections from DAP in order to dispel public doubts. Failing to do this will only serve to dent the statutory body's credibility.
As a matter of fact, the opposition suspects that the move is "politically motivated". Nevertheless, the DPM has clarified that he did not have a hand in the RoS decision, nor was he involved in this matter.
That said, there are still doubts that need to be explained.
The incident had its root in a vote-counting lapse in DAP's party elections in 2012. In July the following year, RoS instructed DAP to hold fresh elections, which the party followed two months later.
However, the authorities have refused to confirm the election results until several days ago when RoS said there were irregularities in DAP's 2013 CEC elections, and demanded that the party hold fresh elections again.
The question is: why do the authorities want DAP to hold fresh party elections again after four years? The authorities must give a good explanation on this.
In addition, RoS wants DAP to hold the elections based on the list of candidates for 2012 CEC elections, which is again controversial as the list is no longer relevant today.
RoS must show some degree of professionalism in handling this matter justly. It must give DAP and the Malaysian public a reasonable explanation that this whole thing has not been politically motivated but is purely a question of administrative fairness and efficiency.- sinchewdaily
DAP v RoS: Chronology of events and answers to FAQs

Corruption the big issue until private jets are sponsored by the government and sports used for political gain...
Our country at the moment has to be managed to overcome global challenges, but there are still individuals lobbying to the extend of mixing sports with politics for their own personal gains.

Regarding my statement the other day, my statement was about the whole Malaysian system but it was used for political agendas of certain parties. I have never questioned the eligibility and necessity of national leaders to use the government’s jets. I only raised the issue about private jets being sponsored by the government for some leaders. Clearly it is not related to the government’s jets.
The bigger issue here is corruption. Corruption needs to be stopped and fought to the very end. In Johor, there is no place for the corrupt and those found guilty should be brought to justice, regardless of one’s rank and background, just like the cases reported lately. Those in positions and are responsible for the state, must carry out the Sultan of Johor’s decree in eradicating corruption.
Regarding polo. In my opinion, let’s stop all speculations on this issue by having a polo match between the selected SEA Games polo squad and the Royal Johor Polo Club team, consisting of my brother, two of our players as well as myself. I also recommend that this match to be shown on live TV and watched by the entire nation. Let’s leave it to the nation to decide for themselves the individuals qualified to represent the country. To me, the more qualified people to represent the country are Saladin, Hussaini Yunos, Tengku Hassanal Shah, Tengku Amir, Tengku Muhammad Shah, Amran Selamat and a few more worthy individuals.
May I also suggest that we allow fans to catch the match by selling tickets at RM10 each and we can distribute the proceeds of total ticket sales to football clubs or even channel them to charitable bodies.
What I said through my recent statement is about problems affecting the country such as the lack of education, corruption, hypocrisy, envy and many more. Remember, Malaysia has the potential to be a nation advanced in several fields if we do our jobs well. Our duty is to serve the people sincerely and faithfully. I’m confident that Malaysia can succeed if all of us believe in the sole purpose of serving the country.
If there are still individuals who still don’t understand what I am stating, it just goes to show the deteriorating education system of this country which I have always spoke about. - HRH Major General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor.

Biar berbilion harta kamu di dunia,
akhirnya disini jua anda kembali...

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