Anggota Parlimen Kluang mendakwa setiausaha akhbar perdana menteri secara tidak sengaja mengesahkan bahawa wujudnya rancangan untuk mengharamkan DAP pada pilihan raya umum (PRU) akan datang.
Liew Ching Tong mendakwa, ia ekoran kenyataan dibuat Datuk Seri Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad mengenai kemungkinan sama ada DAP dibenarkan menggunakan logo roket pada PRU ke-14.
"Secara tidak sengaja, kenyataan Tengku Sariffuddin mengesahkan pemikiran orang di sekeliling (Datuk Seri) Najib (Razak) tentang rancangan perdana menteri untuk mengharamkan DAP sebelum PRU akan datang," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Status DAP berada dalam keadaan terawang-awang selepas timbul isu pemilihan parti pada 2012 yang dipertikaikan.
Ia menyebabkan DAP berdepan masalah tidak dapat menggunakan logonya pada PRU ke-13 tetapi Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) tidak menyekat parti itu.
DAP kemudian mengadakan pemilihan semula pada 2013, tetapi pada 2014, ROS kemudian memberitahu bahawa pihak mereka masih belum mengetahui kesahihan jawatankuasa eksekutif pusat (CEC) DAP.
Sehubungan itu, Liew mendakwa tindakan ROS terhadap parti itu dianggap bertujuan untuk 'memusnahkan' DAP dengan cara yang paling kejam dan tidak demokratik.
Sebelum ini, Malaysiakini melaporkan, Tengku Sariffuddin meminta Liew memberi tumpuan kepada masalah serius dalam DAP berhubung penggunaan logo parti itu PRU akan datang.
Tengku Sariffuddin turut mendakwa DAP tidak demokratik apabila memanipulasi pemilihan parti dan 'Penang Official 1'- yang didakwa merujuk kepada Lim Guan Eng serta bapanya Lim Kit Siang - mengekalkan pemerintahan diktator selama setengah abad ke atas DAP.- mk
PM's aide confirms conspiracy
to ban DAP from GE14...
Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong said Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad (pix above) did this when he raised a poser about whether DAP can use its logo in the next general election.
"Inadvertently, Tengku Sariffuddin’s statement has also confirmed the thinking of Najib's inner circle that the embattled prime minister’s game plan is indeed to ban DAP just before the next general election," Liew said in a statement today.
DAP's status as a party is reportedly in limbo, after its 2012 party election was disputed due to irregularities.
Uncertainty over DAP's status caused the party to face a similar possibility of not being able to use its logo for GE13 but the Registrar of Societies (ROS) did not block them.
Liew said the ROS case against the party was "aimed at destroying DAP in the most vicious and undemocratic manner."
Liew and Tengku Sariffuddin exchanges were triggered by the DAP political education bureau chief's scathing analysis of Najib's position, claiming that he was in a weakened state despite initial proclamations that he was "unsinkable".
The prime minister's aide said Liew's analysis was "fake news" and urged him and his colleagues to focus on DAP's own internal matters, such as its party logo, asking "Penang Official 1" to resign, getting party supremo Lim Kit Siang to quit and installing DAP's maverick Kepong MP Tan Seng Giaw as the party's new leader.
The term "Penang Official 1" was coined by Tengku Sariffuddin in reference to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng as a jab at critics of "Malaysian Official 1", which the US Department of Justice (DOJ) claimed was a beneficiary of allegedly stolen 1MDB funds and which the opposition has used as fodder.
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan had confirmed that "Malaysian Official 1" was indeed Najib.
Najib denied any wrongdoing or using public funds for personal gain.
Meanwhile, Lim is facing two charges of graft which he claimed were politically motivated.- mk
Swiss Going For Jugular In 1MDB...
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) civil forfeiture suits have provided the most extensive documentation on the 1MDB scandal to date with damaging claims against the troubled Malaysian sovereign wealth fund and its key players.
While many BN leaders have chosen to remain silent, Umno, in particular, has been on a counter-offensive, accusing the US of foreign intervention or even trying to overthrow a Muslim government.
However, even before the DOJ filed its first civil forfeiture suit in July 2016, it was the Swiss authorities which had first gone public with its investigation into 1MDB.
Swiss AG announced Jan 29 2016 that US$4 b misappropriated from 1MDB.It had requested for mutual legal assistance from Malaysia and did so again on Oct 10 last year in relation to a further US$800 m linked to SRC Interntl.
Malaysian AG Apandi Ali snubbed both requests.
But despite being the first to go public on 1MDB, the Swiss authorities have released information sparingly to the public compared to the DOJ.
A contrast between the two is that the Swiss authorities are building a criminal case while the US one is a civil action, even though the DOJ has refused to say if criminal actions will follow.
Switzerland's OAG in an email reply to Malaysiakini said a criminal case is pending and that was why it had not released further information.
"Please take note that in Switzerland, pending criminal proceedings are, by law, confidential and we are generally bound by investigation secrecy...
The Swiss AG is going for the jugular. The Oomno doombnos will not understand what is jugular.
If the Swiss commence criminal proceedings against the Malaysian crooks, it will be trial in absentia.
Subpoenas will be issued - for the crooks to attend trial. Maybe Interpol Red Notices. Notices will be published in the newspapers. Malulah Doombno.
If found guilty it will also be in absentia. Then Warrants of Arrest will be issued for those already found guilty.
Imagine a Warrant of Arrest issued for MO1?
Wouldn't that be a dainty dish to be sat before the king.- ostb
1MDB: Switzerland siapkan kes jenayah

Sejarah tak pernah menipu...

Nasib kaulah macai...

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