Semalam viral gambar x-ray seorang bayi tertelan pin tudung di media sosial mencetuskan pelbagai reaksi netizen.
Bayi lelaki berusia 10 bulan tertelan pin tudung itu adalah benar dan kejadian berlaku pada 14 Julai, Jumaat lalu.
Jurucakap Hospital Kuala Lumpur berkata, mangsa telah dibedah semalam dan pin yang tersangkut di paru-parunya juga sudah dikeluarkan.
"Mangsa kini dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) dan kini dilaporkan stabil serta masih dalam pemantauan doktor," katanya.

Semalam, gambar x-ray Muhammad Naufal Hakim yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pengimejan Dianostic, Institut Pediatrik, Hospital Kuala Lumpur itu viral di media sosial.
Gambar x-ray menunjukkan pin tudung yang dipercayai milik ahli keluarganya tersangkut di bahagian paru-paru dan gambar pin tudung yang dikeluarkan itu juga turut tersebar.

Ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak-anak kecil dinasihatkan berhati-hati dan tidak meletakkan barangan bersaiz kecil di lantai atau di tempat yang mudah dicapai bagi mengelakkan kejadian seperti ini berlaku.- the reporter

Jadi Menteri pun dia tak mau
apatah lagi jadi PM...
Pengakuan itu diperkuatkan lagi dengan pendedahan Presiden Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN), Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bahawa Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah itu pernah menolak jawatan menteri yang ditawarkan semasa era pemerintahan Tun Abdul Razak.
Malah, DAP ketika itu juga, katanya, pernah dipelawa untuk menyertai BN.
“(Datuk Seri) Najib (Razak) kata kalau UMNO jatuh, Kit Siang jadi perdana menteri. Sebenarnya, Kit Siang boleh jadi menteri lama dah,” kata bekas perdana menteri itu dalam ceramah perdana HARAPAN di IDCC dekat sini, semalam.
“Tahun 69, bila Tun Razak cuba nak tubuh Barisan Nasional, parti DAP dijemput, bukan sahaja dia jemput Gerakan, bukannya sahaja dia jemput SUPP (Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak), parti DAP pun dijemput.
“Tapi kalau Kit Siang nak jadi menteri, dia join lah. Siapa yang semua join dapat jadi menteri, tapi dia tak ingin nak jadi menteri pun, apatah lagi nak jadi perdana menteri.”
Pemimpin UMNO sebelum ini menyerang Kit Siang dengan pelbagai tohmahan kononnya pemimpin veteran DAP itu menginginkan jawatan perdana menteri bertujuan untuk menakut-nakutkan pengundi kaum Melayu. –

Shattuck St Mary, a RM935m intern'l school,all-American co-curriculum in 9.4ha Forest City educational hub. School to start enrolling 150 - 180 students pre-schoolers to high school level for its first phase August next year...
All the poor school leavers from Kelantan, Kedah etc will not be joining teacher training anymore because they must now pay for their own board and lodging. So there will be less teachers.
A lot of these young teachers who come from very challenging backgrounds cannot impart too much progressive or modern thinking to the students in the Malaysian school system. Almost all of them "suffer" intensive religious indoctrination.
Hence they cannot be agents for positive change anymore. In fact it is the other way around. Our schools are so infested with teachers who come from rural cum religious backgrounds that there is often a mental warp that wraps itself around our school children.
That is why Malaysian schools create unthinking, blinkered memorisers. If you want to know why the society is failing, look at the school teacehsr and the school system.
So the rich people are saving their own kids. They are building billion Ringgit schools which will teach the American, British and Singapore curriculum. English will be spoken, the kids will read books in English including library books. They will have dance, music, sports, drama, debates, discussions, Mat Salleh teachers, travel overseas, excursions and all sorts of fun stuff.
They will have minimal religion.
When they grow up, these kids will run the businesses and the corporates. The other kids who went to the gomen schools will be their laborers, drivers, fetchers and getters. - ostb
Parti Warisan urges Nazri to explain Tourism Board's RM250m overspending
Nazri's latest remarks about tourism tax leave more questions than answers.
Nazri said tourism tax to plug deficit in ministry’s ad spending budget
massive cut in tourism promotion budget from RM200m to RM110m this year.
Nazri said depreciation of ringgit made promoting M'sia overseas more expensive

MO1 said the MRT is a gift for the people. The people paid for it lah. When they have paid for it, it is not a gift.
It is a gift to MO1 because surely the project is over priced by many billions. Can buy more pink rocks to put on the hippo's neck. Easier to sink to the bottom of the swamp.
Nazri is convinced that he is not stupid. Herein lies the problem.
These are good questions.
Stupid says the tourism tax is needed to make up for an RM90 million shortfall in the ministry's advertising budget.
Then Stupid says the tourism tax will raise RM654 million. So they will be burdening the public with an extra RM564 million.
Why collect RM654 million when you only need RM90 million?
Why not ask MO1 to give him an extra RM90 million from the RM50 billion GST collection? That is a valid question. Or reduce the tourism tax to just 1/7 th or about 14% of the present amount.
So instead of RM20 per 5 star room just charge less than RM3 per 5 star room. That will cover the RM90 million shortfall.
The China Press report that the Tourism Board has burned RM250 million through wastage and corruption sounds more like the real story.
Why not make the Tourism Board's accounts public. Is Stupid brave enough to do that? He is not only stupid but also quite the coward. - ostb

Jega's 49-year-old 200m national record broken

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