Pemilik gerai Bihun Sup Berapi menafikan dakwaan seorang lelaki kononnya mereka menganiaya pelanggan dengan menggenakan caj harga makanan yang mahal.
Pemiliknya, Zam, 40-an, berkata kepada Harian Metro, harga yang dikenakan adalah harga sebenar dan bihun sup yang dijual adalah menggunakan mangkuk besar.
Harga bagi semangkuk bihun sup adalah di antara RM5 sehingga RM30, bergantung pada saiz tulang dan daging. Setiap mangkuk susp mengandungi campuran lobak masin, daging, daun sup, lemon, bawang goreng dan hirisan tomato serta diadun menggunakan resepi turun temurun tanpa menggunakan ajinomoto.

"Aduan pelanggan dalam media sosial tidak jujur kerana minuman teh o ais yang dipesan ialah lima gelas, bukannya dua gelas.
"Jadi, dua mangkuk besar bihun sup dan lima gelas minuman adalah RM31. Tidak timbul soal kami menganiaya pelanggan," katanya.
Isnin lalu, Aswan Wanchik, memuat naik status dan gambar di media sosial mendakwa gerai tersebut mencekik darah pelanggannya.

"Makan bihun sup dua mangkuk dan teh o ais dua gelas, RM31.00. Memang nak mengena orang.
"Masa order tanya harga semangkuk, mereka kata selepas makan baru kira. Ingatkan macam biasa semangkuk RM5.00. Rupa-rupanya mereka takut nak beritahu harga.
"Bila nak bayar, baru beritahu RM13.50 semangkuk. Kalau tahu, tak kelapaq makan bihun sup macam itu. Dah tak sedap, kuah rasa ajinomoto punya banyak.
"Last and forever. Ingat nama kedai ini, Bihun Sup Berapi, depan Longwan Kepala Batas Pulau Pinang, memang berani. Berapi kerana harganya mencekik darah," tulisnya.
Perkongsian Aswan itu telah disukai lebih dari 1,000 netizen dan dikongsi 868 kali. - thereporter

Congratulations to Singapore.
A kaffir country, 'little red dot' and all is showing a truly Islamic example by bringing the crooks to book.
On the other hand Chief Thief is using stolen funds to send 1000 ignorant people to Saudi Arabia for their pilgrimage. Using stolen money is halal? Duit curi boleh jadi halal ke?
Anyway here is some gossip for the Singapore govt people. This is what I hear.
So many kuchi rats or supporting actors have now been charged in Court and found guilty, fined and/or jailed.
However there has been no action taken against Jho Low - the single biggest elephant in the room.
Talk is the prosecution of Jho Low is linked to the appeal over Pulau Batu Putih.
The Malaysian side says they have new evidence over the Batu Putih dispute.
People say that reopening the Pulau Batu case and the admissibility of any new evidence is subject to both Malaysia and Singapore's consent.
Singapore does not have to consent at all. End of story.
But they may use the Jho Low card to end all future "new evidences".
For most certainly, if JoLo is brought to Court in Singapore (alive and well and not in a cemented oil drum) only the devil knows what will be revealed in the Court.
Not only will it dethrone Thief the Chief but it will 'embarass' the northern neighbor.
The more likely scenario is that Singapore will let the Swiss and the US DoJ prosecute JoLo. Singapore will just play a supporting role.
The clock is ticking. Serious damage has been done. The mortal wound has been inflicted. It will be painful and totally embarrassing for the ketuanan people. - ostb
Bekas pegawai bank Singapura dipenjara 54 bulan
Dato Ayub Khan Mydin Pitchay (Counter Terrorism at Bukit Aman) please read this :
financial support for group comes from M'sia
person in charge M'sian, religious teacher-cum-silat master.
32 Malaysians reported to be in Marawi City
Pasal apa orang kita ini gatal bunt_t bagi duit untuk pi bunuh orang di negara lain? Please arrest all these 'terrorism funders'.
The article makes it clear who is the M'sian funder of the Maute group. Please go and arrest them.
These people are being fed myths. Fairy tales that never existed in reality. "Religion of the talking cow" level of nonsense. They do not lack education opportunities or economic opportunities.
What they lack is the awareness, appreciation, willingness and diligence to get a modern, scientific and progressive education. They lack a real willingness to become modernised human beings.
Instead people with low intelligence levels but with plenty pocket money are manipulating and twisting the minds of these simple and innocent people and making them become violent and dangerous misfits.
The blind are leading the blind into the fiery volcano on the pretext of worshipping the imaginary Great Juju who lives in the volcano. This is what is happening. There is no Great Juju.
There are only bills, bills and more bills. We need to build roads, fix the potholes, create businesses, create jobs, create new products and services that makes our lives better.
There is nothing else to be done. Wake up. - ostb

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