Tindakan Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi memberi taklimat berkenaan usul Rang Undang-undang (RUU) Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) atau Akta 355 bagi pihak Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi dianggap seperti "ada udang di sebalik batu".
Perkembangan itu juga dilihat Anggota Parlimen (MP) Shah Alam Khalid Samad sebagai bukti wujudnya kerjasama antara PAS dengan Umno.
Katanya, sangat menghairankan apabila usul persendirian itu datang daripada Abdul Hadi (PAS-Marang) tetapi yang mengadakan majlis taklimat mengenainya - walaupun atas kapasiti peribadi - adalah Ahmad Zahid.
“Ia menunjukkan ada udang di sebalik batu, ada tanda tanya politik yang perlu kita baca dan faham sejak awal lagi… ia ada kepentingan politik,” katanya kepada pemberita di lobi parlimen hari ini.
Semalam Malaysiakini melaporkan Ahmad Zahid yang juga timbalan perdana menteri menghantar jemputan kepada anggota parlimen beragama Islam untuk menghadiri sesi perjumpaan dan taklimat berhubung usul dibawa Abdul Hadi.
Taklimat itu turut disertai oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.
Selepas pertemuan itu Ahmad Zahid mengesahkan usul dibawa presiden PAS untuk meminda Akta 355 itu akan dibentangkan sama ada hari ini atau esok.
Sesi persidangan Dewan Rakyat kali ini akan berakhir esok.
Mengapa tiada MP bukan Islam
Khalid yang juga pengarah komunikasi Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH) berkata perkembangan yang berlaku semalam adalah bukti wujud kerjasama erat antara pembawa usul itu (Abdul Hadi) dengan kerajaan.
"Kita hairan kerajaan bersetuju dengan usul itu. (Jika ia memang dipersetujui) kenapa kerajaan sendiri tak bawa?
Mengulas lanjut Khalid berkata sebelum ini Jamil Khir membangkitkan bahawa timbul kekeliruan di kalangan orang bukan Islam mengenai cadangan pindaan Akta 355 itu.
“Jamil Khir kata ada banyak kekeliruan dan salah faham khususnya orang bukan Islam mengenai RUU 355.
“Kalau itu keadaannya kenapa MP bukan Islam tidak dijemput? Dalam keadaan begitu (ia seakan-akan) menunjukkan orang Islam sedang berkomplot.
“Ia akan menimbulkan salah faham dan buruk sangka. Banyak salah faham (tetapi) kenapa MP bukan Islam tidak dijemput bersama,” katanya. - mk
Usul RUU355 hanya dibaca,tak dibahas,diundi- ikhlaskah UMNO kepada PAS?
Adenan Satem tells state BN MPs to oppose Shariah bill
Zaid - Meminda Akta 355 adalah satu pengkhianatan kepada orang Melayu
Summary of Zahid Hamidi's Meeting with Muslim MPs On Nov 22, 2016...
1. The meeting of the Muslim MPs and Zahid Hamidi (DPM) and Jamil Khir (PMO - Islam) focused on Hadi's Private Member's Bill (RUU 355) or the Hudud Bill.
2. Many opposition Muslim MPs (excluding PAS) did not agree with the no limit of sentencing in Hadi's bill. Appears to be the only issue brought up. Jamil Khir said that the Govt agreed that there must be a limit.
3. Jamil Khir welcomed views to have fines limited up to max RM100k, max 100 lashes and max 30 years imprisonment.
4. So PAS' Hadi will incorporate these views when he presents his amendment on Thursday.
5. Will it be debated? No. There will be no debate on it, i.e., there will be no voting as well. The meeting did not say whether the amendment of the bill will be led by the UMNO-led Govt or Hadi himself. What we know so far is that the Hudud Bill will definitely be brought up this week. But "akan dipinda dulu" to iron out issues. That means, the DEBATE IS EXPECTED IN THE NEXT SITTING!!
6. Both Sabah and Sarawak Muslim MPs informed that they have instructions from their respective states NOT to support the bill.
7. The Muslim MPs think that non-Muslim MPs should be invited for discussion. There will be another meeting that includes non Muslim MPS, Zahid says. He will bring up to cabinet to set up a Select Committee to explain to non-Muslim MPs. Once PM is back, he will raise this in Cabinet, most probably this Friday.
8. *Conclusion*: Bottom line is that *Hadi will be allowed to present his Private Member’s bill, but the Hudud Bill won't be tabled at this Parliamentary Sitting but at the next Sitting*. Jamil Khir agreed to announce the proposal for the formation of a Select Committee on the amendment to RUU 355, to study the entire thing and it will include non-Muslim MPs.
Mosquitobrain - You have to be a fool to believe in what Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is saying.Umno is actually buying more time to please the 'patience-losing' PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang. It's a known fact, Umno will be a dead cat without PAS support in GE14. After MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) sandiwara, it's now Zahid's turn to 'wayang' Hadi and company. One cannot understand why Hadi and gang is so 'numb-skulled' to fall prey to Umno, time and again.
Dingy - After Hadi said PAS will work with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) on one-to-one contest in GE14, PM Najib Razak instructed Zahid to table Hadi's private bill to win back PAS’ support. What about Najib's promises to MCA and Gerakan that Hadi's private bill will not be tabled in Parliament? But Najib knows that MCA and Gerakan are cabinet-post crazy and they will not leave BN or else they will lose their coveted positions.
Unafraid - This is indeed a crucial test for the East Malaysian MPs. Are they willing to sell their convictions for continued favours from their Umno masters or are they bold enough to stand up to be men and women of honour? Are they going to hide their faces in shame because they kowtow to their Umno masters or will they walk tall because they have the courage to be true to their principles? The eyes of all Malaysians are on them.
Trump Akan Tarik Amerika Keluar Dari TPPA...
Presiden Amerika Syarikat-terpilih, Donald Trump berkata dia akan menarik Amerika keluar dari Perjanjian Trans Pasifik (TPPA) pada hari pertama dia masuk pejabat sebagai presiden negara itu.
Trump membuat pengumuman itu ketika berucap dalam pengumuman dasar baru-baru ini.
Trump menyifatkan perjanjian itu sebagai 'bencana' kepada Amerika Syarikat.
Trump sudahpun habis-habisan membantah perjanjian tersebut dalam kempen pilihan raya beliau, yang sebelum ini ditandatangani 12 buah negara pada Februari.
Inisiatif perdagangan daripada Presiden Barack Obama itu merangkumi 40 peratus daripada ekonomi dunia. - siakapkeli
RUU 355 dibentang esok atau lusa...
It's an overcast day in Parliament. At around 11.30 am, I learnt that Zahid Hamidi has written a letter to all Muslim MPs inviting them to a special briefing on the hudud 355 bill at 5 pm.
This is the strongest indicator that the infamous hudud bill will more likely than not, see the light of day either tomorrow or Thursday.
This UMNO - PAS romance has been building for years since the passing of the well respected Tok Guru Nik Aziz.
Under Hadi Awang, we saw Amanah breaking away to form a new party. Under Hadi Awang, we have seen a real closeness between PAS and UMNO.
Lately in Parliament, we have seen how PAS indirectly supported the UMNO Budget by abstaining from voting. Then last weekend, PAS did not take part in Bersih 5. Now we wait and see if UMNO is about to return the favour to PAS by supporting hudud in the next two days.
I am in the PKR conference room. I just bumped into Joseph Kurup in the lift heading up. He was there to meet several MCA leaders. This may be a last attempt by some BN members to stop the 5pm meeting. The urgency suggests that BN component parties may not have been consulted about this.
The future of Malaysia may be decided in the next two days. On this gloomy late afternoon, those in power will meet to chart the course for such a decision. - MP Wong Chen
Malaysia’s 1MDB scandal -
Nothing to see here...
Nothing to see here...
Mr Rafizi’s offence was to leak details from a report into 1MDB’s dealings which had been produced by Malaysia’s auditor-general, but which the government had declared classified. Mr Rafizi had publicised a brief passage from the report to support speculation that the state firm’s massive losses could have delayed certain payments to Malaysian veterans (the organisations involved reject this claim). The government had initially promised that the auditor-general’s report would be released to the public in full, as is the convention. Now it is using the Official Secrets Act to silence those who refer to it.
Mr Rafizi’s conviction may prevent him from defending his parliamentary seat at the next general election. It adds to a string of legal battles hampering the opposition, which is readying for polls that may be called next year. Anwar Ibrahim, the opposition leader, has been imprisoned since 2015 on flimsy sodomy charges. A corruption case is presently being pressed against Lim Guan Eng, the chief minister of Penang (an opposition stronghold).

The whitewash in Malaysia contrasts with dogged investigations continuing abroad. On November 11th a banker who had handled some of 1MDB’s money was convicted in Singapore of forgery and of failing to report suspicious transactions; he was sentenced to 18 weeks in jail. In July investigators from America’s Department of Justice alleged that more than $3.5bn had been “misappropriated” from 1MDB, and that hundreds of millions of dollars had been paid to Malaysia’s prime minister, Najib Razak.
Mr Najib denies wrongdoing. Having last year purged critics from his party, his position looks secure; an aide boasts that the prime minister is matey with Donald Trump, America’s president-elect. In a typically brazen response to questions from the Nikkei Asian Review, published the day after Mr Rafizi’s sentencing, the prime minister said that Malaysian authorities had “led the way” in investigating allegations of wrongdoing linked to 1MDB. His answers were submitted in writing; Mr Najib might have struggled to say such things in person with a straight face. - the Economist
Ostb - The latest Economist Magazine has run another bad news story about Najib Razak and 1MDB. I dont know how long the dumbno people are going to stand and tolerate this.
Tak rasa malu ke Tan Sri? Your PM and "his husband" are a laughing stock all over the world. Even FLOP's shopping in Korea has been scrutinised on Korean TV news. Pretty soon FLOP will have to shop at the belakang lorong in Jalan Masjid India.
Anyway here is The Economist magazine (which by the way sells 1.3 million copies PER WEEK, over half of which is in the United States and is read almost exclusively by highly educated people and decision makers).
I was wondering how come THE MORON could have made such a 'kurang ajar' statement to the Japanese media, saying that :
M'sia “led the way” investigating 1MDB.
Well from The Economist article above, it would seem that he did not.
It was a written response, which means it was 100% written by someone else from his Media Team.
You must be extremely stupid or a saboteur to say such 'brazen' things (AND IN WRITING TOO) to the Media.
The Economist labels it a "brazen response". Brazen means 'dont care about the consequences'. In Malay 'saya peduli apa'. Tak ada malu.
It is stupid, sabotage or both. There could be stupid saboteurs in the moron's Memdia Team.
These village idiots are such a laughing stock.

Scale models of Country Garden's Forest City project on display in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Malaysia's Chinese Made City : Courtesy of UMNO the Champions of the Malays...
While Chinese home buyers have sent prices soaring from Vancouver to Sydney, in this corner of Southeast Asia it’s China’s developers that are swamping the market, pushing prices lower with a glut of hundreds of thousands of new homes. They’re betting that the city of Johor Bahru, bordering Singapore, will eventually become the next Shenzhen.
“These Chinese players build by the thousands at one go, and they scare the hell out of everybody,” said Siva Shanker, head of investments at Axis-REIT Managers Bhd. and a former president of the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents. “God only knows who is going to buy all these units, and when it’s completed, the bigger question is, who is going to stay in them?”
The Chinese companies have come to Malaysia as growth in many of their home cities is slowing, forcing some of the world’s biggest builders to look abroad to keep erecting the giant residential complexes that sprouted across China during the boom years. They found a prime spot in this special economic zone, three times the size of Singapore, on the southern tip of the Asian mainland.

“The Chinese are attracted by lower prices and the proximity to Singapore,” said Alice Tan, Singapore-based head of consultancy and research at real-estate brokers Knight Frank LLP. “It remains to be seen if the upcoming supply of homes can be absorbed in the next five years.”
The influx of Chinese competition has affected local developers like UEM Sunrise Bhd., Sunway Bhd. and SP Setia Bhd., who have been building projects around JB for years as part of a government plan to promote the area. First-half profit slumped 58 percent at UEM, the largest landowner in JB.
A decade ago, Malaysia decided to leverage Singapore’s success by building the Iskandar zone across the causeway that connects the two countries. It was modeled on Shenzhen, the neighbor of Hong Kong that grew from a fishing village to a city of 10 million people in three decades. Malaysian sovereign fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd. unveiled a 20-year plan in 2006 that required a total investment of 383 billion ringgit ($87 billion).
Singapore’s high costs and property prices encouraged some companies to relocate to Iskandar, while JB’s shopping malls and amusement parks have become a favorite for day-tripping Singaporeans. Continue reading...

Pilihlah mana satu mazhab nak ikut...

Japan had a tsunami warning issued after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake,
now they got sharks in the streets!#Fukushima

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