Walaupun Malaysia menewaskan Singapura dari segi rekod mendapat derma, kita pula kalah kepada Singapura dari segi kepantasan mendakwa mereka yang terbabit mencuri wang rakyat Malaysia melalui 1MDB. Sejak beberapa minggu lepas, perbicaraan terhadap bekas pegawai bank BSI yang menjadi tempat wang 1MDB disimpan terus berjalan dan mendapat liputan meluas.
Minggu ini giliran seorang anak muda bernama Yeo Jiawei yang mengaturkan urusan menjaga wang Jho Low disamping menguruskan wang 1MDB.
Mahkamah Singapura minggu ini mendapat tahu bagaimana dalam tempoh 15 bulan, anak muda berumur awal 30an ini mengumpul harta RM74 juta hasil dari pelbagai komisen dan keuntungan hasil dari kerja-kerja yang dia aturkan dalam urusan kewangan Jho Low dan 1MDB.
Saya tidak faham orang Melayu yang masih bencikan Cina, India dan kaum lain atas hujah mesti mempertahankan Melayu. Yang menggunakan Facebook untuk memaki hamun dan mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat terhadap kaum lain.
Kalau alasannya orang Cina kurang ajar - Islam tidak mengajar kita mengikuti perkara buruk. Kalau betul orang Cina menghina Islam/Melayu, maka jawablah secara berhemah dengan tujuan mendidik.
Kalau alasannya untuk mempertahankan kebajikan orang Melayu supaya tidak menjadi pengemis di negeri sendiri - skandal 1MDB jelas menunjukkan yang berboros dan menyeleweng wang rakyat adalah orang Melayu, yang memilih orang Cina untuk membantu. Yang kaya di luar negara seperti Singapura adalah bukan Melayu.
Yang Cina yang kenyang hanya seorang itu sahaja. Yang disalahkan dengan pelbagai tuduhan semua sedangkan kerajaan yang Perdana Menterinya Melayu tidak pula menangkap seorang Cina yang kenyang itu.
Yang mendapat musibah akibat dari 2-3 orang Melayu dan Cina di atas menyelewengkan wang rakyat adalah semua orang: rakyat pelbagai bangsa dari yang Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan.
Kini Perhimpunan Agung Umno semakin dekat, mohon jangan termuntah bila mereka menjerit " Hidup Melayu"! - f/bk Rafizi Ramli
IGP: Maria’s detention due to
documents found during raid...
Bersih chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah’s detention under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act is not politically-motivated or related to the recent rally, said inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar.
Stressing on the need to clear the "confusion" surrounding this matter, he said Maria was arrested following the discovery of "documents" during a raid at the Bersih office in Petaling Jaya last week.
However, Khalid declined to elaborate on the documents.
"There were enough reasons for us to investigate her under Section 124C of the Penal Code, so we arrested her after the raid.
"... We arrested her and the investigation procedure is being carried out under Sosma," he told a press conference at KLIA after returning from an official trip to Manila.
"The arrest has nothing to with politics. Nothing to do with Bersih 5. It (the arrest) was for a potential threat to national security," he explained.
Section 124C concerns attempts to carry out activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy.
Bersih is being investigated under Section 124C for receiving funds from Open Society Foundations, linked to billionaire George Soros.
"The investigation procedure is under Sosma in order to unravel all evidence, computers and documents seized.
"We all know what is the OSF and how many countries that it had 'toppled' in its own ways," he said.
Khalid clarified that Sosma, unlike the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2015, has a wider scope and could be used against other forms of threats to national security.
'Police followed lock-up rules'
At the same time, Khalid also responded to criticisms over conditions of Maria's detention in solitary confinement.
"I deny that we’re treating her badly. Whatever treatment we give her is the same as other detainees.
"Why is her solitary confinement being disputed? If we place two people or five people in a cell there would also be complaints," he said, pointing out the most important aspect would be that police have acted in accordance with lockup rules.
On concerns over Maria's health, Khalid said she has been supplied with her medications and that a doctor is on standby 24-hours-a-day for all prisoners.
He also said that Maria needs to request for a mattress, after it was highlighted that she was sleeping on a wooden board.
Aside from her son who had lodged a police report on conditions of her arrest, the Malaysian Bar have also described her detention as "inhumane".- mk
Dalvik - Thanks for such a thorough investigation. The fact that your staff was able to find and spot the key documentation that led to Maria Chin's arrest - I must say this is exceptional and highly efficient work. Now that DoJ has given evidence (coincidentally, in a form of document too, but open to public) and accusations that MO1 played a big role in 1MDB related kleptocracy, indicated that MO1 might have the act of treason! What have you done and what are you waiting for?
Negarawan - "There were enough reasons for us to investigate her under Section 124C of the Penal Code, so we arrested her after the raid." More than seven countries have compelling reasons to investigate and indict the perpetrators behind the 1MDB mega scandal, but the IGP closed all investigations within Malaysia and continues to drag his feet. Now he says that he has reason to arrest and persecute Maria, a champion of social justice and non-violence, under the draconian Sosma law because he found "some documents". So the IGP can find these "documents" so quickly and conveniently, but he cannot find a single evidence against the 1MDB perpetrators when seven countries have found a high amount of evidence to implicate them. Clearly the IGP has zero credibility and integrity. May God's justice and truth prevail in this country.
IGP: Tahanan Maria berkaitan dokumen digeledah

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