08 November 2016

Coke berjaya masuk Rumah Putih...

Image result for coca cola wins


Calon Republikan, Donald Trump menang pilihan raya presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS) dengan memperolehi 276 undi manakala pencabarnya, Hilary Clinton dari parti Democrat hanya meraih 218 undi.

Memetik laporan AP, kerusi terakhir yang dimenang Trump adalah Winconsin yang memberinya 10 undi electoral.

Dengan kemenangan itu, Trump yang merupakan bekas ahli perniagaan bergelar jutawan dan personaliti program realiti televisyen itu muncul sebagai presiden AS ke-45 selepas Barack Obama selain presiden paling berusia yang pernah dimiliki oleh AS.

Kejayaan pada 70 tahun dengan kempen bertemakan 'Jadikan Amerika Hebat Sekali Lagi' juga membolehkan Trump menafikan hasrat Clinton untuk menjadi presiden wanita pertama AS.

Trump mencetuskan kontroversi setelah dilaporkan tidak menyokong perjanjian terbabit Perjanjian Perkongsian Trans-Pasifik (TPPA) selain menggesa larangan terhadap orang Islam daripada memasuki AS.

Trump dilaporkan berkata, umat Islam perlu disekat secara menyeluruh daripada memasuki AS sehingga kerajaan dapat menyiasat keadaan (keganasan) yang sedang berlaku di negara itu.

Berdasarkan perkembangan tersebut, pasaran global telah menjadi kucar-kacir kerana para peniaga terkejut dengan keputusan semasa yang berlainan daripada jangkaan mereka.

Sementara itu, Reuters melaporkan, kemenangan Trump di Florida, Virginia, Carolina Utara dan Ohio memberinya kelebihan awal untuk memperolehi 270 undi bagi menjadi kejayaan.

Clinton dilihat oleh pasaran kewangan sebagai lebih cenderung untuk memastikan kestabilan kewangan dan politik. - mk

Jika Donald Trump Menang, Ini Program Kerja 100 Harinya
Program Kerja 100 Hari Trump...

Beberapa waktu lalu, Trump yang didukung Partai Republik telah melakukan kontrak politik dengan rakyat Amerika. Kontrak ini bakal termuat dalam program 100 hari pertama kerjanya. Dia berjanji akan menghapus semua jejak kepemimpinan Presiden Barack Obama.

Dikutip dari Telegraph, Donald Trump akan memberi proteksi yang ketat di Amerika. Dia juga bakal memberlakukan sistem lama, antara pribumi dan pendatang. 

"Dia diam-diam telah melayangkan panggilan untuk menghapus semua imigran gelap dari Amerika Serikat," tulis Telegraph seperti dikutip pada Rabu, 9 November 2016.

Para ahli telah memperingatkan Trump bahwa rencana itu akan merusak ekonomi Amerika. Hal ini karena akan ada banyak orang hengkang dari Negeri Abang Sam. Sehingga AS berpotensi kehilangan pasar tenaga kerja.

Trump akan memulai kerja dengan mendeportasi imigran gelap dengan catatan kriminal. Trump membeberkan ada sekitar 2 juta jiwa imigran gelap di Amerika yang akan mendapat catatan kriminal, semacam surat tilang, kemudian dideportasi.

Trump juga berjanji untuk mereformasi pemerintahan. Dia meniru pemimpin legendari AS, Abraham Lincoln yang berpidato ingin menyatukan kembali Amerika. "Trump menjanjikan untuk mengembalikan pemerintahan dari, oleh, dan untuk rakyat."

Trump berniat untuk melakukan amandemen konstitusi di negara itu. Kemudian mengatur batasan masa jabatan anggota kongres. Termasuk melarang pejabat kongres menjadi pelobi. Dia juga mengancam pembekuan karyawan federal untuk mengurangi tenaga kerja.

Di sektor perdagangan, Trump bakal menyiapkan perbatasan ekonomi Amerika. Dia akan mengumumkan niatnya untuk negosiasi ulang terkait pernjanjian perdagangan bebas Amerika Utara, dengan Kanada, dan Meksiko. 

"Dia akan membatalkan partisipasi dalam Tran-Pacific Partnership, pengaturan perdagangan yang kontroversial dengan 12 negara."

Pakta ini bertujuan untuk memperdalam hubungan ekonomi antara negara-negara. Termasuk pemotongan tarif dan mendorong perdagangan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan. 

Tapi kritikus berpendapat bahwa itu akan juga juga mengintensifkan persaingan antara tenaga kerja negara-negara.

Dalam kebijakan luar negeri, Trump tidak menjamin perlindungan ke negara-negara yang masuk dalam NATO. Dia juga mengincar Presiden Suriah, Bashar Al-Assad, dan akan mengebom Suriah.- Tempo,Jakarta

Donald Trump Triumphs...

Donald Trump was elected the nation’s 45th president in the stunning culmination of a campaign that defied expectations and conventions at every turn and galvanized legions of aggrieved Americans in a loud repudiation of the status quo.

Hillary Clinton’s quest to make history as the first female president was thwarted by the Republican nominee’s breathtaking performance at the polls. He was carried to victory by voters fed up with the political system and mistrustful of Clinton, a former first lady, senator and secretary of state.

Trump, a 70-year-old celebrity businessman who had never before run for office, is poised to become the oldest president ever elected to a first term.

After running a divisive campaign, Trump sounded a magnanimous note of reconciliation as he claimed victory shortly before 3 a.m. Wednesday.

“Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country,” Trump said, minutes after Clinton called him to concede. “I mean that very sincerely. Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division. We have to get together. To all Republicans, Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.”

He had portrayed his opponent as the embodiment of a rigged system that had failed the everyday American. Her credentials through a quarter-century on the national stage, which in another electoral climate would have been an asset, pegged her in his supporters’ view as the ultimate establishment insider.

With Trump’s ascension to the White House, the nationalist wave that has swept capitals around the world — including in Britain, which voted to break from the European Union this year — came crashing onto U.S. shores. - Washington Post

Coke vs Pepsi untuk ke Rumah Putih...

Pada hari Selasa, 8 November 2016, Rabu 9hb di Malaysia, Amerika akan membuat keputusan sama ada memilih calon Republikan,Donald Trump atau calon Demokrat Hillary Clinton yang bakal mendiami Rumah Putih selama 4 tahun akan datang.

Pengundian pertama akan ditutup pada 06:00 EST di Indiana dan Kentucky dan yang terakhir, ialah di Alaska, pada pukul 1 pagi EST. Sementara di antara dua waktu ini, anda akan menikmati keputusan2 yang diterima dari masa ke masa.

Negeri-negeri utama yang menjadi tumpuan:

Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia.(semuanya di pantai Timur USA)

Jika Trump menang empat atau lima negeri2 ini, Clinton akan menghadapi masalah yang besar.

Jika Clinton menang empat atau lima negeri2 ini, dia hampir pasti akan menang pilihan raya itu.

Image result for key swing states in 2016 presidential election


Pertama, dan yang paling penting sekali, negeri2 tersebut berada dalam Zon Waktu Timur Amerika yang bermaksud tempat-tempat mengundi mereka itu adalah di antara mula2 sekali ditutup. Keputusan di negeri2 ini akan menjadi petunjuk awal bagi menentukan arah mana sokongan memihak dalam pilihan raya tersebut.

Kedua,negeri2 ini secara kolektif mempunyai undi pemilih(electoral votes) yang besar dan dalam tempoh 30 tahun lalu kemenangan sesebuah parti  dari negeri2 ini  telah menentukan parti mana yang bakal menang pilihan raya itu.

Seyogia diingatkan,pemenang pilihan raya ini bukanlah calon yang menang undi popular yang tertinggi. Sebaliknya calon yang menang undi pemilih yang banyak adalah pemenang jawatan Presiden Amerika Syarikat.  

Anda boleh membuat pengiraan undi pilihan raya anda sendiri di 270towin.com

Undi Pemilih(Electoral College)

Setiap negeri ditentukan undi pemilih berdasarkan kepada jumlah wakil dalam Kongres.

Calon yang menang undi popular di negeri ini, akan menang semua undi pemilih negeri tersebut.

Pemenang memerlukan sejumlah 270 undi pemilih untuk mendapatkan jawatan Presiden.

Live updates: Presidential election 2016 results
Here, Here, Here and Here

Clinton vs Trump: States to watch on November 8...

Five battleground states are key to watch as US election results start trickling in on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, November 8 (November 9 in Malaysia), Americans will decide whether Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton will be handed the keys to the White House.

The first polls will close at 6pm EST in Indiana and Kentucky and the last, in Alaska, at 1am EST. In between, results will trickle in, state by state.  

Key states to watch:

Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia.

If Trump wins three of these five states, it will be an early indication that we're in for a long night on Tuesday. If he wins four or five, then Clinton is in big, big trouble.

If Clinton wins three of these five states, she's in good shape as the midwestern USA polls close. If she wins four or five, she will almost certainly win the election.

Image result for key swing states in 2016 presidential election


First, and most importantly, these states are all in the eastern time zone of the US which means their polling places close among the first. They will be early indicators of which way the election is going before the other polls close.

Second, they collectively have a lot of electoral votes and have gone in both directions over the past 30 years.

Remember, the winner of this election is not the one who wins the popular vote. It's the candidate that wins the most electoral votes. You can do your own electoral vote math at  270towin.com

Other states to watch: Maine, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa and Nevada. Races are close in all these places and if the electoral vote count is tight, the candidates will need these states. Arizona, with 11 electoral votes, could be key.

Not a close race:

Here are the states expected to be no contest (which means the electoral votes are a given):

For Trump: South Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Alaska.

Georgia and Texas are closer races than Republicans would like but it's doubtful they'll go Democrat and the fact Clinton has spent no time there means she knows it, too.

For Clinton: Vermont, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Illinois, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico and Hawaii.

Wild card: Utah. It could be the only state that goes for a third-party candidate and that would most likely benefit Clinton since Utah is traditionally a Republican state.

Electoral College

Each state is allotted electoral votes based on the number of representatives in Congress.

The candidate who wins the state's popular vote, wins all the state's electoral votes. 

The winner needs a total of 270 electoral votes to earn the presidency. - Chris Sheridan,aljazeera.com

US presidential elections 2016, US elections, American elections, American president, Republicans, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, swing states, Ohio, elections in Ohio, voting in america, world news, Indian Express
How are the electoral college votes 
distributed across each of the 50 states?

Roughly stating, the number of electoral college votes from each of the states depends upon the population of the state. The American government is made up of an upper house (the Senate) and a lower house (the House of Representatives). The number of electors each state gets is equal to the number of representatives from the state in the Senate plus the number of representatives in the lower house. Each state gets two representatives in the Senate and the number of representatives in the house of representatives depends upon the population.

Each of the states are given a choice to determine a method of choosing the electors. At present, 48 out of 50 states go with the ‘winner takes it all’ method. This means whichever party gets the maximum number of votes in the state is declared to win all the allotted seats in the state. - indianexpress.com

Vote with history in mind

1MDB Trial : Tiga Kerani Isi Borang Saja Boleh Sapu RM115 Juta Duit 1MDB...

Samuel Goh Sze-Wei, a prosecution witness in the ongoing trial of ex-BSI wealth planner Yeo Jiawei, received some US$4 million in fees, for playing the role of an intermediary, the court heard earlier today.

Cross-examined in this morning, Goh was described by Yeo’s lawyer Philip Fong that he was an active participant in the structures created with Yeo, which has siphoned money from BSI clients including Brazen Sky, a subsidiary of 1MDB.

Throughout the proceedings, Goh has maintained that he merely took instructions from Yeo. “I act as his nominee, I acted on his instructions.”

Yeo is on trial for four charges of obstructing the course of justice. He is alleged to have asked Goh, as well as Yeo’s own former supervisor at BSI, Kevin Swampillai, to concoct a fake story when asked by investigators about the fund flows. Yeo faces seven other charges of money laundering, which will be heard next April. Continue reading...

Ostb - The 1MDB related trial resumed in Singapore yesterday. The name of the Executive Director of 1MDB Terence Geh has been implicated. 

Yet our AG says 'No case'.   The Twitter guy is in korek h_dung mode. 

Three "clerical level" guys alone have made a total of  RM115 million, money stolen from 1MDB.  
Yeo Jia Wei, Jho Low's clerical staff sapu RM78 million. 

Kevin Swampillai, another 'tolong isi borang' character made RM21 million.
Yesterday's court in Singapore heard that Goh Sze Wei who helped set up companies and accounts made RM16 million. 

That tallies up to RM115 million stolen from 1MDB and its subsidiaries.

Prosecutors discover three other ‘Aabars’...

Prosecutors have discovered that there are at least three other entities with identical or almost identical names to Aabar Investments PJS, a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi-based International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), reports The Edge Markets.

The entities are Aabar Investments PJS Limited which was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands as well as Aabar Investments PJS Limited, incorporated in Seychelles.

There is also another BVI company called Aabar International Investments PJS Limited.

Former Aabar PJS chief executive Mohamed Ahmed Badawy al-Husseiny is listed as director of these three “Aabars”. Continue reading...

Ostb - Still no case to investigate kah Mr Twitter and Mr AG? Kerala dan Kelantan tak boleh cooperate lagi ke?

The MACC went to Italy to investigate and completed their file.   

You dont have to go to Italy. Just go down to Singapore.

Plenty halal food in Little India, Geylang etc.

Nasib seorang Melayu...


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